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Best Practices on Voters Education and Electoral Participation By Dr. Y. Durga Prasad, Joint Director (DPSE) Nodal Officer (SVEEP) Goa. GOA AT A GLANCE. Population (2011 Census) 14.57 lakh No. of households 3.21 lakh Male : 7,55,856 Female : 7,38,341
Best Practices on Voters Education and Electoral ParticipationByDr. Y. Durga Prasad, Joint Director (DPSE)Nodal Officer (SVEEP)Goa
GOA AT A GLANCE • Population (2011 Census) 14.57 lakh No. of households 3.21 lakh Male : 7,55,856 Female : 7,38,341 Area 3702 sq.kms. No. of Districts 2 No. of Talukas 12 No. of Villages 359 • Decadal Growth Rate (2001-11) 8.17% • Birth Rate (SRS 2008) 14.8(22.8) • Death rate (SRS 2008) 7.1(7.4) • Infant Mortality rate (SRS 2008) 16 (53) • Maternal Mortality Rate Negligible. • Sex ratio (2011 census) 973 (933) • Sex Ratio (18+) (2011 census) 987 • Population Density (2011 census) 394 per sq.km • Literacy Rate Male (2011 census) 92.81%(75.26) Female (2011 census) 81.84%(53.67) Total (2011 census) 87.41%(64.84) All India figures are given in the brackets
Demographic Scenario.Sex Ratio of Goa: Rural:1003 Urban: 956 Total 973
Assembly Constituencies : 40 (39 General & 1 SC) DEOs : 2 EROs : 30 AEROs : 40 BLOs : 1622 Nodal Officers : 51 Campus Ambassadors : 69 Partner agencies : NSS, NYK, DIPR, DD, AIR, Government departments, NGOs, Youth clubs,etc EPIC: 99.99% PER: 100% Elector population Ratio 70.9 No. of BLOs: 1622 of which, 1450 BLOs are from same part and 172 are from neighboring parts Teachers : 162 Revenue staff :632 Engineering : 74 Medical : 29 Other serving Government Dept : 725
Age Cohort-Wise Information of Enrolled Voters as on 01-01-2014 at the time of poll in GE 2014
Young Electors (18-19 Years) During special camps (9th and 16th March 2014) 5,263 young electors have been covered 2011
SVEEP: Objective: Information, Motivation and Facilitation Creating awareness, Education and motivation to the public about Enrollment: Who to enroll? How to enroll? Why to Enroll? Where to Enroll ?When to enroll? Awareness about BLOs, Electoral process, Ethical Voting, Electors Participation in Voting process. Create the awareness about date of poll, Poll timings, Polling Station details Target: Identification and Enrollment of Young eligible especially 18-19 Years and Leftout Electors Ethical Voting Increasing the of Turnout- over all Female Turnout, Urban Turn out, Youth Turnout, Rural female Turnout Distribution of Error free Voter slips in time to the right electors
Current scenario Electors participation during past Assembly Elections
SVEEP II Activities • During 1st July 2013 to 10th April 2014 • Have the stake-holders meeting • Appointment and training of • DEOs • EROs • AEROs • Master Trainers • Designated Officers • BLOs • Nodal Officers at the Educational Institutions • Campus Ambassadors
Practices followed : • Roll Management: The first and foremost thing for conduct of free, and fair elections, the roll must be correct and complete. The first step taken is cleansing of the roll because the gender ratio of Electors in the roll is high i.e 1013 as compared to census 2011 i.e 987(18+ ). After analyzing the age cohort, it has been observed that in the age group 30-59 the female gender ratio is high. So, BLOs door to door visit was carried out and identified and deleted absentee, shifted, duplicate and dead electors by following due procedure.Due to this activity the Gender ratio has brought down to 998 from 1013. EPIC coverage is 99.99%. Photo Roll coverage is 100%.
Enrollment: • Coverage of Youth in the age Group 18-19 Years: In addition to the regular awareness programmes the following, Information, motivation and facilitation activities has been carried out. • Appointed nodal officers and Campus Ambassadors at all educational Institutions. • Sensitizing the NSS programme officers and Campus Ambassadors • Sensitizing Nehru Yuva Kendra volunteers. • Wide publicity through print and electronic media. • Holy messages of Religious leaders regarding voluntary enrollment of young and residual electors.
Enrollment: • Organizing talks and enrollment drives at all degree colleges. • ERMS training to all NSS programme Officers. • Availability of Form-6 at all designated locations. • Sensitization of BLOs and imparted trainings to BLOs. • Announcement during youth/Sports club activities and religious function • Online enrollment • Outcome: Total Projected young voters in the age group 18-19 years are 40,037. Out of which 23,995 electors have been covered during Summary revision 2014 covering nearly 60% in the age group 18-19 years, After 01.02.2014 till 27.03.2014, due to continuous efforts and organizing Special camps as per ECI instructions, an additional 4,651 young electors in the age group 18-19 years have been identified and enrolled covering 72%.
National Voter’s Day: • NVD functions were organized at State/District as well as at Taluka levels • Similar programmes were also organized at all colleges in a structured manner • Six rallies by NSS programmes officers and one rally by NYK District Coordinator, South Goa have organized a rallies at y at Margao • Various Competitions at State Level and District level were organized. • State Level – Skit, Quiz, Street Play, District Level- Essay competition, elocution, Poster drawing competitions. • For Out of School Youth: Essay competition, elocution, Patriotic Singing and Poster Competitions. • Flash mob shows have been organized at various import locations by the NGOs “ Vyakthi Vikas Kendra” • Falicitated the Best BLOS, AEROs, EROs during the National Voters day which inturn motivate others also. • 3 Voter Youth Festivals have been organized with the partner agencies namely NSS, NYK and Vyakthi Vikas Kendra. • Out Come:1159 places NVD functions were organized and distributed 29,245 EPICs of which 14,201 EPICs for the young voters in the age group 18-19 years
Special campaign 09.03.2014 and 16.03.2014 • Institutional campaign has been made. • BLOs, NGOs, NYK volunteers and NSS programme Officers have contributed a lot. • Wide publicity given through print and Electronic media. • Telecasted the messages of National Icons. • Outcome: 4,651 electors in the age group of 18-19enrolled durig01.02.2014 till 27.03.2014, • KNOW your BLO: • BLO data is updated and uploaded in the Website which enabled the voter to access “Know Your BLO”. • Wide publicity has been given regarding Toll Free No. 1950
Voters Participation: • Ethical Voting: The following sensitization campaigning methods have been adopted to educate voters for ethical voting • Institutional campaign has been made through the NGOs and Campus Ambassadors. • Voter awareness camps have been organized at the Educational institutions • BLOs, NGOs, NYK volunteers and NSS programme Officers have contributed a lot in controlling the corrupt practices. • Wide publicity given through print and Electronic media i.e. through Jingles, scroll messages, Phone in programmes, Talks on DD. • Telecasted the messages of National Icons
Voters Participation: • The National icon messages/speeches telecasted through Electronic media at regular intervals for sensitizing the youth and public to weed out corrupt practices during the elections. • The various religious leaders given through their messages/holi speeches to fight against the corrupt practices. • Organized rallies at all Talukas on 7th April – Youth rally, 8th April-Women Rally and 9th April – General rally to sensitize the electors on Ethical voting and their participation • street plays were organized in prominent places in rural as well as urban areas to educate the public
Maximization of Voters turn out: • Wide publicity given regarding Polling date and Poll day timings. • Printing error free Voter slips, monitoring the distribution to the right electors one week before the poll. • wide publicity has been given through print and electronic media regarding distribution of Voter slips. • The undistributed voter slips have been distributed to the leftout electors through the BLOs on poll day at the polling booth • Scroll messages were released in local DD channels. • Jingles were aired regarding the timings of the poll day. • Wide announcement were made through loud speakers • The NGOs, NSS, NYK volunteers sensitized the public regarding Poll date and timings by organizing rallies at taluka level on 7th, 8th and 9th April 2014 before 3 days of the poll. • Help line at CEO/ DEO/ERO were functioned 24X7 and all calls were attended • Sending bulk SMSs to all electors one day before poll day and Poll day. • Wide publicity given regarding toll free numbers1950 and 1077.
Innovations - Implemented during LokSabha Elections • College students were targeted to become champions for voting. • They formed groups can printed a ‘T-shirt’ at their own cost –it said “ GO, get yourself inked”. This helped a lot. • Regular dissemination of information regarding Voters education. • Regular Phone in programmes through Goa doordarshan. • Sensitization and motivation of Campus Ambassadors on enrolment, ethical voting and maximization of voters turn out. • Voter awareness camps at colleges during last 20 days before the poll. • Wide publicity on distribution of Voter slips and alternate documents. • Displaying messages of National icons on the bus panels. • Displaying posters containing the voter awareness messages inside the buses and also all Government vehicles which were used for election related works.
Major Partners: • Educational Institutions: (Campus Ambassadors and Nodal Officers) Organized systematic awareness camps at Educational Institutions and administering pledge to the students that they will vote ethically and also participate in maximizing voters turnout. They also promised to encourage and motivate their family members and neighbours to vote • Print and Electronic Media: National icon messages aired at regular intervals from 26.03.2014 to 12th April 2014 (till 6.00 pm), extended poll timings, ethical voting. Through print media vide publicity has been given regarding alternate documents. • Goa Doordarshan, PrasarBharathi: Goa doordarshan captured and broadcasted all the events like college students awareness camps, rallies, street plays, flash mob shows and disseminating the information to the public. All India Radio, FM Channel Rainbow has aired continuous Jingles to educate and sensitize the voters on enrolment, ethical voting. Doordarshan has also arranged panel discussions on various topics such as enrolment, ethical voting, alternate documents, National icon messages, etc and bombarded the public in such a way that more than 77% electors (including Postal ballots) voted during the recent General Elections -2014.
Major Partners: • NSS& NYK: NSS volunteers and NYK volunteers organized rallies in urban areas with placards displaying various messages regarding ethical voting, Electors participation and date and time of poll. 3 youth Festivals were organized in association of NSS, NYK, Vyakthivaks Kendra. • Government Departments: All the Government Departments employees administered pledge and also requested the employees to come forward vote ethically along with their family members. • Local Channels: Local media houses and FM channels have taken the responsibility and released scroll messages and Jingles as a part of corporate social responsibility. • Civil Society Organizations: Rotary Club Panaji, VyaktiVikas Kendra an apex body of Art of Living, etc have come forward and took responsibility and educated the electors regarding value of Vote, NOTA, date of poll etc.
Special groups or Communities which were drawn into the process due to special efforts • During the last General Elections -2009, the turn out of 32- Benaulim constituency was 37.88% ( Male: 35.97, Female: 39.71 Total: 37.88) which was the least turn out. All the stake holders have taken responsibility in educating the public and showed a substantial increase in voters turn out i.e 67.91% (Male: 60.68, Female: 74.76 Total: 67.91) with an increased difference of 30.03%. • Urban turn out has increase from 53.83% in 2009 to 78.92% in 2014 showing an increased percentage of 25.09%.
Highlights of Innovations and Interventions taken up in LokSabha Elections -2014 • Taking oath from the students that they will vote ethically. • Sensitized the electors to check their names in the roll. • Organized youth rally on 7th April, Women Rally on 8th April and electors Rally on 9th of April at all taluka Head quarters regarding Poll day, hours of poll, ethical voting, etc. as a part of public awareness. • Organizing street plays by the college students in the remote areas. • Some of the NGOs/Youth wear T- shirts displaying the messages Go and Get yourself inked.
Out come: • Enrolment of electors in the age group 18-19: 72% enrolment. • Urban voter turnout has increase from 53.83% in GE-2009 to 78.92% in GE- 2014. • Female Voter turnout: In GE-2009 the male voter turnout (56.70) is 2.87% more than the Female voter turnout (53.83) where as in GE-2014 the female voter turnout (78.92%) is 4.15% more than the male voter turnout (74.77%) • The overall voter turnout (excluding postal ballot)in GE 2014 is 21.59% more than GE 2009 voter turnout. • The substantial increase in voter turnout in GE- 2014 has made an History in the General Elections of Goa • Overall increase in the voter turnout when compared to GE 2009 is 21.58% which is an all India’s record in the GE -2014. • All time highest turnout in GE- 2014 has made a history in the General Elections of Goa. • Overall Growth rate of 39.05% of voters turnout has been witnessed in the GE-2014 and the female Growth rate is 46. 60%. • Achieved more than 77% beyond the target (75%) as per the SVEEP Plan. Planning, implementation, systematic Monitoring and regular evaluation is the root cause for the success.
STATISTICS Tables, Graphs & Charts
Chart: No.1 Male & Female enrollment during various General Elections 1984-2014 Chart: No.2 Gender Ratio: Electors Vs Voters during various General Elections -1984-2014
Chart: No.3Distribution of Polling Stations according to the Electors
Chart: No.4 Voter turnout during various General Elections 1984-2014 Chart: No.5 Male & Female turnout during various General Elections 1984-2014
Chart: No.6 Male: Enrollment Vs turn out during various General Elections :1984-2014 Chart: No.7 Female: Enrollment VS turn out during various General Elections:1984-2014
Postal Ballot Papers Postal Ballot Papers turn out (Assembly Elections) (General Elections) 2012 2007 2014 2009 2014(EDC) 2014(PB) issued Availed issued Availed North Goa 8762 3226 1757 351 4853 4309 4001 1757 South Goa 3687 2008 1036 328 4004 3910 1659 1036 Goa State 12449 5234 2793 679 8857 8219 5659 2793 Valid votes 11225 3959 2353 495 % of EDC availed: 92.8% Rejection % 9.8 24.4 15.76 27.1 % PB Received: 49.4% Total EDC+PB: 14516 Availed/Casted: 11012