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Learn about the timeline and purpose of the unit review process, including comprehensive and annual reviews. Understand the benefits of unit review for educational quality and improvement. Find out about jumping into the comprehensive review cycle and the opportunities it provides. Discover the improvements made to the program review process based on feedback.
AY 2012 Unit Review Process Process – Timeline Rev. 10-15-12
Purpose • The purpose of this presentation is describe the process we follow for both the local Comprehensive unit review and the system required Annual Unit Reviews. • We have been asked to produce an annual unit review for each and every one of our instructional programs and non-instructional units. The reviews are required of each system CC and the results will be taken to the U of H Board of Regents for their purview. • If you are normally scheduled to do a comprehensive unit review or are “Jumping” you will need to complete a comprehensive unit review this year. Additionally, every instructional and non-instructional program will do an Annual Program Review this year. • Not sure if you’re scheduled for a comprehensive review or not? Click here for the Comprehensive Program-Unit Review Cycle and Schedule
Reason for Unit Review • Unit Review is Assessment • The review of a Unit should be an on-going, year-round, reflective process. • Unit review processes assure educational quality and help units to evaluate and improve their services. • Unit review is an opportunity for self-study, self-renewal, and an opportunity to identify the need for improvement. • A robust unit review process is one mechanism available to the college to improve student success.
Jumper Defined • A Jumper is a locally defined term that is used to describe an instructional program or non-instructional program (unit) that has decided to jump out of their normally scheduled slot for their comprehensive program reviews and into this years cycle. • Why would anyone want to do that? Jumping into this years comprehensive cycle means that you have an opportunity to be considered for any budgetary decisions that will be made in this years budget process. • Jumpers will still have to do their comprehensive review on their next scheduled review. Jumping does not affect the existing schedule—you are voluntarily doing an extra review for your unit to be considered in this budget cycle.
What are we doing to improve our program review process? Upon conclusion of every program/unit review cycle, the IR Office takes extra care to ensure that we are improving our program/unit review process on campus. This is accomplished by sending out questionnaires specific to the groups, and by meeting with the various groups across campus and collecting their feedback. Your suggestions for improving this process are then published to the Program Review website and have been linked here for your convenience. AY 2011 Program/Unit Process Improvement Summary Based upon the feedback we received from everyone last year from our program-unit review process improvement focus groups, the following changes have been made and have been incorporated into the planning of this year’s review: • In order to assure the best possible attendance for our annual training, the VC for Academic Affairs will notify the Chancellor, VC’s, and Directors, when training is ready, and the training will be scheduled through the VCAA’s office and Secretaries. It will be the responsibility of the VC’s and Directors to disseminate the day, time, and location of training to Writers and Initiators. • In order to improve navigation on the program review website, our web developer has reorganized the current site and will be responsible for publishing documentation going forward. • To provide the best possible support for training on campus we will continue to have 3 separate training sessions this year, one for Units, one for Liberal Arts, and one for CTE programs.
What else are we doing to improve our program review process? • There were some performance issues with the online tool last year reported by Writers. Joni has taken your concerns to the appropriate party at the system office and has asked them to try to work some of the issues out. • Last year’s feedback indicated that the training on changes to the Unit Review Comprehensive Template was helpful. We will continue to provide a brief overview of the templates upon conclusion of our normally scheduled training. • All annual and comprehensive templates have been updated since last year based on your feedback, and on an evaluation of the comprehensive templates by CERC. • An additional step to our Comprehensive Program/Unit Review Process document was added to ensure that VC’s and Directors took more ownership for our local program/unit review process by providing training specific to their groups (i.e. the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs would provide training to the Academic Support Group). Joni has reviewed this with the Admin Team. • An additional step to our Comprehensive Program/Unit Review Process document was added to ensure that all of the suggested improvements we commit to every year through our Program/Unit Process Improvement efforts are completed by the responsible party prior to leaving for Summer. This is the improved process we are using this year: Comprehensive Program-Unit Review Process
What is different this year? For Units with system-required online annual reporting, such as Student Support Services and the Academic Support Unit, the following additional items are newly required this year: • The Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs are responsible for providing training specific to their respective areas. • Program Student Learning Outcomes are now required for both the Academic Support Unit and the Student Services Unit. • Under the Web Submission “Description” tab there is a new requirement for entry of the web address to the online location of your last comprehensive review. Also required is the date completed. Please link your last comprehensive review here—not this year’s comprehensive. • Annual Reports of Program Data are completely on-line this year for Academic Support. • In the Web Submission section there is a new “P-SLO” tab, which requires the following new information: Expected Level of Achievement, Courses Assessed, Assessment Strategy/Instrument, Results of Program Assessment, Other Comments, and Next Steps. (see next slide for definitions)
What to enter under the P-SLO tab • Expected Level of Achievement Describe the different levels of achievement for each characteristic of the learning outcome(s) that were assessed. What represented “excellent,” “good,” “fair,” or “poor” performance using a defined rubric and what percentages were set as goals for student success (for example: “85% of students will achieve good or excellent in the assessed activity.”) • Courses Assessed List the courses assessed during the reporting period. • Assessment Strategy/Instrument Describe what, why, where, when, and from whom assessment artifacts were collected. • Results of Program Assessment The % of students who met the outcome(s) and at what level they met the outcome(s). • Other Comments Include any information that will clarify the assessment process report. • Next Steps Describe what the program will do to improve the results. "Next Steps" can include revision to syllabi, curriculum, teaching methods, student support, and other options.
Does my unit have to complete an Annual Review? • All units have to do an annual review, however some sub units may be combined into one single review. Those units/sub units that have been approved to be combined into a singular annual review are listed here: • Administrative Affairs may turn in one annual review, which will include the contributions from the Business Office, Budget & Fiscal Management, Planning Operations & Maintenance, and Human Resources. • The Academic Support Unit will complete one annual review online, which will include the contributions from: Academic Computing Unit, Learning Center, Library, and the Academic Support Unit. • The Office of Continuing Education and Training may turn in one annual review, which will include the contributions from Apprenticeship, IEP, and Workforce/Community Development/Skills Development. • The Office of Student Services will complete one annual review online, which will include the contributions from Admissions & Registration, Counseling, Financial Aid, Student Life, Records & Data Management, and the Information Center. • University of Hawaii Center at West Hawaii will turn in one singular annual review.
I belong to a non-instructional unit…which Comprehensive template do I use? • If you are on the schedule for a comprehensive review or are jumping this year you will need to complete a comprehensive review. • Please use the comprehensive unit review template linked below. Comprehensive Unit Review Template
I belong to a non-instructional unit…which Annual template do I use? • UHCC Annual reviews have been developed by our UHCC Vice Chancellors. Therefore, specific training on these reviews should come from the VC’s that created them. For example, Jim Yoshida will work with his Administrative Services team, Joni Onishi will work with her Academic Support team, etc. • If you are writing your unit review in support of Administrative Services your review is being coordinated by AVP Unebasami. • If you are writing your unit review in support of either Student Support Services or the Academic Support Unit you will use the online submission tool: UHCC Annual Report of Program Data (ARPD) Web Submission Tool • For annual reviews in all other units you will use: Annual Unit Review Template
Publish all Comprehensive Unit Reviews to Assessment Website Comprehensive & Annual Unit Review Timeline All Unit reviews (Comprehensive and Annual) due to Interim VC for Academic Affairs/ UHCC ARPD website by EOB Friday November 30th. Work with AC and Interim VCAA to determine what feedback needs to be taken back to UHCC IPRC Update documentation on website needed for program review Follow up on last year’s list of suggested improvements for completion Evaluate ARPD online web submission site for functionality and report bugs to system office Develop training materials for all programs Aug Sept Sept Sept-Oct Nov 30 Dec 20th Jan 25th Jan 5th Aug-Sept Sept Sept Oct Jan 27th Edit online glossaries and health call scoring rubrics and provide suggested changes to system office Send Campus-wide update on program review process with link to data and due date Provide Program/Unit Review Training to all Programs and Units Summarize PR Process Improvement Feedback, communicate results to groups, publish to web. Administer PR Process Improvement Sessions (Develop questionnaire, schedule sessions, collect feedback) Plan this year’s program review based on suggested improvements from last year’s review
AY 2012 Comprehensive & Annual Unit Review Process • Step 1 Write your unit review using the appropriate template or online submission tool. • Step 2 Send yourdocuments (one Word document per review) to Interim VC for Academic Affairs Joni Onishi by email no later than end of business, Friday November 30th, 2012. • Step 3 Interim VCAA will ensure that all required documents have been received and that they are adequate. • Step 4 Interim VCAA will forward all approved reviews to the Institutional Research Office for further processing. • Step 5 The online Annual reviews will be reviewed by the UH Board of Regents. Comprehensive reviews will be forwarded along as appropriate following CERC guidelines. • Step 6 All comprehensive reviews will finally be converted to PDF and published to the Program Review website.
Questions? The intention of this presentation was to provide a single source for all of the documentation related to the Comprehensive & Annual Unit Review process. All of the documents you should need for your review have been linked directly into this presentation. If you need more information on this process please feel free to contact me: HawCC Institutional Analyst Shawn Flood934-2648 Mahalo!
CERC Comprehensive Unit Review Template & Process James will now discuss the comprehensive unit review template, and briefly cover the current CERC process. Comprehensive Unit Review Template If you need assistance please contact me: James Kiley Institutional Assessment Coordinator Email: kileyj@hawaii.edu (Email is best) Phone: 934-2649 Mahalo!