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European Command

United States. European Command. RDML Andy Brown Director of Logistics United States European Command 30 July 2009. The overall classification of this briefing is UNCLASSIFIED. UNCLASSIFIED. EUCOM AOR and Mission. 51 Countries and independent Nations.

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European Command

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  1. United States European Command RDML Andy Brown Director of Logistics United States European Command 30 July 2009 The overall classification of this briefing is UNCLASSIFIED

  2. UNCLASSIFIED EUCOM AOR and Mission 51 Countries and independent Nations Defend the Homeland Forward and Support U.S. and Partner Strategic Interests by: • Maintaining ready forces for global operations (unilateral or in concert with coalition partners) • Securing strategic access and enabling global freedom of action • Enhancing transatlantic security through support of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) • Promoting regional stability • Countering terrorism UNCLASSIFIED 2

  3. UNCLASSIFIED EUCOM Organization DCDR EUCOM SACEUR/CDR EUCOM One of Only Two Forward Based Geographic Combatant Commands TOTAL Military Strength USAREUR 45,740 USAFE 26,960 NAVEUR 6,580 MARFOREUR 140 SOCEUR 1,860 Reserve/NG (daily avg) 3,800 TOTAL 85,080 Mons, Belgium Stuttgart, Germany MARFOREUR NAVEUR SOCEUR USAREUR USAFE Stuttgart, Germany Stuttgart, Germany Naples, Italy Ramstein, Germany Heidelberg, Germany UNCLASSIFIED 3

  4. UNCLASSIFIED EuropeanFlashpoints • AOR Wide • Violent extremism • Cyber threats • Proliferation issues • Energy Security • Iranian missile threat • Criminal trafficking • High North • Arctic resource competition • Potentially increasing military presence • New commercial shipping routes • Caucasus • Georgia vs. Russia, Abkhazia & S. Ossetia • Ukraine vs. Russia • Armenia-Azeri contest over Nagorno-Karabakh • Rapidly increasing terrorism in Russian N. Caucus • Eastern Turkey • PKK/KGK terrorism • Eastern Mediterranean • Israel-HAMAS, HAMAS-Fatah • Israel-Hizballah • Internal strife in Lebanon and Syrian meddling • Balkans • Tension in Kosovo & Bosnia UNCLASSIFIED

  5. Transformed, Expeditionary, Trained and Ready Forces Capable and Expeditionary NATO Protection of Allies, Partners, and U.S. Interests is Assured Strengthened Partnerships Strategic Freedom of Action Russia as Responsible Partner UNCLASSIFIED Strategic VisionTheater Objectives & Security Challenges • Dynamic and diverse AOR • Wide spectrum of challenges • Rising Russia; near abroad and energy • Terrorists in the Theater • Sanctuary, battleground, recruitment, logistics base • AQ-inspired terrorist groups plotting operations • Potential flashpoints in Balkans, Caucasus, and Levant • Illegal immigration and drug trafficking • Shifting Demographics Improved Partner Nation Capabilities and Capacities Regional Crisis Precluded ? UNCLASSIFIED

  6. BUILDING PARTNERSHIP CAPACITY UNCLASSIFIED EUCOM Strategy of Active Security • Derived from National level guidance • Supports two over-arching Strategic Objectives: • Defend the Homeland • Create and Maintain an Environment that Supports the Strategic Interests of the U.S. and our Allies and Partners • USEUCOM is uniquely positioned to actively engage our strategic partners in Europe, Eurasia, and the Levant • Forward presence and strategic location • New and enduring partnerships allow us to proactively foster opportunities and rapidly respond to challenges UNCLASSIFIED

  7. Coalition Support to OIF and OEF International Security and Assistance Force (ISAF) State Partnership Program (SPP) Partnership for Peace (PfP) Membership Action Plans (MAP) NATO Special Ops Force Coordination Center Maritime Domain Awareness and Security Task Force-East Joint and Combined Exercises George C. Marshall Center UNCLASSIFIED Increasing Partner Nation Capacity & Capability(Implementing A Strategy of Active Security) UNCLASSIFIED

  8. UNCLASSIFIED Requires a Whole of Government andMultinational Approach • Integration of EUCOM activities with the rest of USG is a Commander’s priority • EUCOM shares interests with other agencies: • Partner Engagement objectives are similar throughout USG and international agencies and departments • Continue to improve interagency participation from strategy development and planning to execution and assessment • Establishment of Commander’s Interagency Engagement Group (CIEG) • Coordination with Embassy Country Teams • Encourage cross-talk and coordination at conferences and clearinghouses UNCLASSIFIED

  9. Albania (ALB) El Salvador (SLV) Great Britain (GBR) Armenia (ARM) Australia (AUS) Estonia (EST) Finland (FIN) Azerbaijan (AZE) Romania (ROU) France (FRA) Latvia (LVA) Belgium (BEL) Georgia (GEO) Lithuania (LTU) Singapore (SGP) Czech Republic (CZE) Bulgaria (BGR) Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) Slovak Rep (SVK) Macedonia (MKD) Iceland (ISL) Iceland (ISL) Slovenia (SVN) Sweden (SWE) Spain (ESP) Canada (CAN) Japan (JPN) Luxembourg (LUX) Croatia (HRV) Germany (DEU) Mongolia (MNG) Portugal (PRT) Turkey (TUR) Jordan (JOR) Denmark (DNK)* Austria (AUT) Hungary (HUN) Netherlands (NLD) Kazakhstan (KAZ) Ukraine (UKR) Norway (NOR) Italy (ITA) New Zealand (NZL) Korea, Rep. of (KOR) ISAF/OEF COALITION PARTNERS FROM EUCOM AOR: 87% Poland (POL) Ireland (IRL) Greece (GRC) UNCLASSIFIED Exporting Security From Europe Coalition Partners in OEF/OIF OIF/NTM-I AND OEF/ISAF (13/14) OEF/ISAF (21/25) OIF/NTM-I (2/6) OIF COALITION PARTNERS FROM EUCOM AOR: 75% Building Partner Capacity brings Forces to the Fight 75% 87% UNCLASSIFIED

  10. EUCOM Basing Re-positioning Land Forces Changing Priorities and Perspectives Strategy of Active Security vs. War Plans Fostering Security to less stable regions Global Force Posture Whole of Government and Multinational Approach Transforming EUCOM

  11. TransformedEUCOM Footprint • EUCOM 1990 Footprint • Personnel: 315,000 • Sites: 1421 • Heavy, massed forces • European Center of Gravity • Robust infrastructure • Extensive family support structure • EUCOM 2009 Footprint • Personnel: ~ 86,000 • Sites: 438 • Expeditionary presence • Agile and sustainable • Enables regional approach • Strategic effects at strategic distances Major Operating Base Forward Operating Site Cooperative Security Location 11

  12. Construction for 173rd BCT Consolidation at Dal Molin (~$100M FY10-11) Complete 7th Army Consolidation Strategy (Move to Wiesbaden) Enhanced DoDEA MILCON Program for DoDDS-E Landstuhl Regional Medical Center (LRMC) Replacement Elimination of Inadequate Family and Single Service Member Housing En Route Infrastructure Recapitalization and Upgrades Joint Analysis Center (JAC) Molesworth Recapitalization Top Infrastructure Focus Areas 12

  13. FY10-15 $81M request for additional MTF counselors Current proposed DoDEA MILCON increase by 500% -- EUCOM will receive 70% of the budget FY10-15 Deleted up-front dental service payment requirements Improved joint outreach to families of deployed service members Developed joint Healthcare Access Marketing Coalition – Sept is Healthcare Benefit Awareness month across the command Added baseball as a DoDDS-E sponsored High School athletic program Focused command on improving community counseling services/support QoL marketing in AAFES theatres EUCOM-wide Teenage Driver Education Opportunities OCONUS UNCLASSIFIED QoL Improvements UNCLASSIFIED

  14. Humanitarian Assistance Program Improvements Nested with EUCOM Strategy Strategic communication – force multipler Multi-National Logistics Coordination Center Logistics Engagement – i.e. LOGEX 10 Strategic Air Consortium C-17 Pandemic Influenza Planning Northern Distribution Network European Union Foods Initiative EUCOM Logistics Initiatives

  15. Capable and Expeditionary NATO Transformed, Expeditionary,Trained and Ready Forces Strategic Freedom of Action Strengthened Partnerships Improved Partner Nation Capabilities and Capacities Protection of Allies, Partners, and U.S. Interests is Assured Regional Crisis Precluded Russia as Responsible Partner UNCLASSIFIED Strategic VisionTheater Objectives • Forward Defense of Homeland • Protect U.S. • Interests ? UNCLASSIFIED

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