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Explore the Binomial Nomenclature and Linnaeus's hierarchical classification system. Learn about organisms' relationships using dichotomous keys, constructing keys, and cladograms. Understand phylogenetic classification, shared traits, and visible similarities. Discover the six kingdoms - Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryota, including Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia.

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  1. Classification

  2. Binomial Nomenclature Grizzly bear Ursus arctos Polar bear Ursus maritimus Giant panda Ailuropoda melanoleuca Do Ursus arctos and Ursus maritimus belong to the same species? To the same genus?

  3. Linnaeus’s classification system Kingdom Phylum / Division Class Order Family Genus Species

  4. Binomial Nomenclature Grizzly bear Ursus arctos Polar bear Ursus maritimus Giant panda Ailuropoda melanoleuca Do Ursus arctos and Ursus maritimus belong to the same species? To the same genus?

  5. Linnaeus’s hierarchical system of classification

  6. Classifying organisms using dichotomous keys (field guide) • Adevice that can be used to easily identify an unknown organism.  • consists of a series of two part statements (describe characteristic of organisms).  • At each step the user is presented with two choices.  • As the user makes a choice about a particular characteristic of an organism they are led to a new branch of the key.  Eventually the user will be led to the name of the organism that they are trying to identify.

  7. Constructing Dichotomous Keys Take a look at the group of objects and separate them into two groups based on a single distinguishing characteristic. Then continue to separate each of the groups until each object has its own separate set of characteristics.  

  8. Cladogram • Cladogram is a diagram that shows evolutionary relationship among group of organisms. • Cladistic analysis identifies and considers only those characteristics of organism that are evolutionary innovation-new characters that arise as lineage evolve over time. • Characteristics that appear in recent part of lineage but not in its older members are called derived characteristics. They are used to construct cladogram. • http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/education/explorations/tours/Trex/phyframe3.html Classification based on phylogeny Organisms share traits Have recent common ancestor Share Evolutionary history Classification based on visible similarities

  9. Changing number of kingdoms

  10. Six Kingdom Classification

  11. BACTERIA • Eubacteria • ARCHAEA • Archaebacteria • EUKARYOTA • Protista • Fungi • Plantae • Animalia

  12. Classification of living things

  13. BACTERIA-Eubacteria • Prokaryotic • Unicellular • Cell wall with peptidoglycan • Ecologically diverse • Autotroph / Heterotroph • E.g.Streptococcus, E.coli, Cyanobacteria

  14. ARCHAEA-Archaebacteria • Prokaryotic • Unicellular • Cell wall withoutpeptidoglycan • Autotroph/Heterotroph • Most live in very harsh climates and extreme environments - extremophiles • E.g. Methanogens,Halophiles,Thermoacidophiles

  15. EUKARYOTA-Protista • Eukaryotic • Unicellular, some are multicellular • Autotroph/Heterotroph • Some have cell wall with cellulose • Some have chloroplast • E.g.Amoeba, Paramecium, Slime mold

  16. EUKARYOTA-Fungi • Eukaryotic • Multicellular • Heterotroph • Cell wall of chitin • Mycelium : a mass of hyphae, No root, stem and leaf • Reproduce by forming spores • No chlorophyll • Saprophytic or parasitic E.g.Mushroom, Yeast

  17. EUKARYOTA-Plantae • Eukaryotic • Multicellular • Autotroph • Chloroplast • Cell wall of cellulose • Can be divided into two groups: • Non-flowering plants (e.g. algae, moss, fern, gymnosperms • Flowering plants (e.g. angiosperms)

  18. EUKARYOTA-Animalia • Eukaryotic • Multicellular • Heterotroph • No Cell wall, No chloroplast • Divided into two groups according to the presence or absence of backbone: • Invertebrates : without backbone • Vertebrates : with backbone

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