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Stage 3: venalicius

Stage 3: venalicius. To the harbor. Caecilius ad portum ambulat . Caecilius portum circumspectat . argentārius nāvem Syriam videt et ad nāvem ambulat . Syphāx prope nāvem stat. “ salve, Syphāx !” clāmat argentārius . Syphāx est vēnālīcius . Syphāx Caecilium salūtat . . Syrian ship.

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Stage 3: venalicius

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Stage 3:venalicius

  2. To the harbor Caecilius ad portumambulat. Caeciliusportumcircumspectat. argentāriusnāvemSyriamvidet et ad nāvemambulat. Syphāxpropenāvem stat. “salve, Syphāx!” clāmatargentārius. Syphāxestvēnālīcius. SyphāxCaeciliumsalūtat. Syrian ship Near the ship

  3. Searching for Caeciliusservumquaerit. Syphāxridet. ecce! Syphāx magnum servumhabet. Caeciliusservumspectat. Argentarius non estcontentus. argentāriusservumnōn emit. “vīnum!” clāmatSyphāx. ancillavīnumbonum ad Caeciliumportat. argentāriusvīnumbibit. Caeciliusancillamspectat. ancillaestpulchra. ancillarīdet. ancillaCaeciliumdēlectat. vēnālīciusquoquerīdet. has satisfied buys good beautiful

  4. “Melissa cēnamoptimamcoquit,” inquitvēnālīcius. “Melissa linguamLatīnamdiscit. Melissa estdocta et pulchra. Melissa …” “satis! satis!” clāmatCaecilius. CaeciliusMelissam emit et ad vīllamrevenit. Melissa Grumiōnemdēlectat. Melissa Quīntumdēlectat. ēheu! ancillaMetellamnōndēlectat. Latin Language skillful Is learning enough Alas!

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