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What Are The Best Ways To Engage With E-Commerce Customers?

https://www.waki.store One of the paramount requirements, for the success of an e-commerce portal is customer engagement, hence it needs to be one of the most important priorities, for the website.There are a number of reasons, responsible for the online shopping portalu2019s declining sales. Read further with this PDF....

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What Are The Best Ways To Engage With E-Commerce Customers?

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  1. What Are The Best Ways To Engage With E-Commerce Customers? One of the paramount requirements, for the success of an e-commerce portal is customer engagement, hence it needs to be one of the most important priorities, for the website. There are a number of reasons, responsible for the online shopping portal’s declining sales. The main reason behind decreasing sales is that, the e-commerce websites are not focusing on customer engagement, as much as they should. Far too many websites are dropping the ball when it comes to customer engagement. Is customer engagement imperative? Yes it is. It should come as no surprise that customers love individual attention, and in addition to this, no one wants to feel like they are just a number. Customers are even ready to pay a little extra, if better services comes with it. According to a research, 86% of the customers are willing to spend more, if it provides them enhanced shopping experience. By 2020, customer experience is expected to become a greater requirement than price, and even the goods and services themselves. Therefore, it is necessary that the e-commerce platforms invest more in engaging their buyers, if they want to focus on improved conversation rates and enhanced retention.

  2. What are the different ways to increase customer engagement? Before beginning with the solid tactics, start by understanding the importance of customer engagement, that makes the complete task much more easier. Fortunately, inculcating the basic concept of the customer engagement, doesn’t require any massive changes. Let us dig a little deeper, and understand various ways to improve customer engagement. 1. Enable feedbacks/reviews One of the most important and simplest way to engage customers, is by letting them give feedback. Listening to their feedbacks and reviews about the goods and the services, help the online shopping portals to make further improvements. Providing the buyers a separate rating or comments section, helps the portals to know and understand the problems that are being faced by them. But, letting the buyer speak is only one half of the solution. It is necessary to ensure the implementation of the same, otherwise, the strategy is a total waste of efforts, as no one is working in a direction to solve the buyer’s atrocities. 2. Pairing requests with rewards Awarding rewards to the customers, after they share their review, is an effective way to prove the buyers that their opinions are being valued. Since everyone loves free stuff, its a great way to utilize this method. Portals can use personalized emails, pop-ups, or live chat to gain reviews from the buyers. Then by leveraging on e-commerce personalization, buyers can be rewarded with special offers or coupons. This type of strategy shows that the portals truly value the buyers' opinions. 3. Providing easy access to information Providing the visitors a self-service vertical, in the portal that includes everything from buyer's guide to FAQ's, is one of the most effective ways to engage customers. 4. Immediately engaging unsatisfied customers Customer churn is a major problem, and lowering this number can increase

  3. profitability by a good percentage, and that is why it is necessary to satisfy unhappy buyers. As it is not easy to get the review of unsatisfied buyer, using techniques like, offering survey with every transaction, can improve buyers' engagement. 5. Increasing account creations When accounts are increased, the e-commerce platform's ability to improve buyers also increases. The problem is that, most of the customers prefer leaving the portal after making a purchase, without even creating accounts. While this is beneficial for making profits, they don't help online shopping portals to improve buyers' engagement. Therefore, it is necessary to direct the buyers in a direction to create accounts. This does not mean, that portals should ask for the account creation right away. Online shopping portals need to wait until the buyers make their first purchase, and then offer them the opportunity to create that account, because at that point the portals have earned a bit of trust. 6. Offering loyalty programs Another way to enhance and develop ongoing engagement with the buyers, is through loyalty programs. According to a research, there are 3.8 billion active membership accounts in different loyalty programs, 53% of which cite the ease to use as a reason, and 39% cited discounts as the reason. It is necessary to incentivize the customers to stick with these loyalty programs, as it is an effective way to engage an absolutely huge number of buyers. 7. Keeping a track of significant days As mentioned above, buyers love individual attention. Online shopping portals can try to personally reach out to the customers, on their anniversaries, birthdays, and other special occasions. This type of e-commerce personalization is amazing for engagement because, customers are being treated as a special individual. Offering them a special discount, a certain percent off their total bill, or any other creative promotion, leads to enhanced buyers' engagement.

  4. 8. Using social media Most of the people are using different social media platforms, and obviously it is necessary for an e-commerce portal to be there, too. Creating a social media presence is not at all same as using the social media platform for enhancing customer engagement. Therefore, it is necessary to use different monitoring techniques, to check the engagement received on an e-commerce store, by the people on various social media platforms. Answering customers' doubts on these platforms, also help to increase the popularity of the online shopping portal, on these social media platforms. CONCLUSION These are some effective tips to engage with e-commerce customers. Therefore, it is necessary to use different monitoring techniques. Checking the engagement received on an e-commerce store, by the people on various social media platforms, answering customers doubts on these platforms, also help to increase the popularity of the online shopping portal, on these social media platforms If all the focus is laid upon selling, then there is a great chance to lose a lot of customers. Therefore, it is necessary to invest in e-commerce personalization, and leverage from the eight methods mentioned above. While it might seem a little overwhelming, to implement all of them at once, it is not necessary to do the same. Adopting a few in the beginning is sufficient. One of the e-commerce portals that successfully implements the same is WAKI. WAKI, is a leading best online shopping website in Saudi Arabia, based in Saudi Arabia, that provides a huge range of goods and services ranging from trendy apparels to fresh groceries, and from attractive kids' toys to latest electronic gadgets, and much more. But that is not it, WAKI also provides local vendors an opportunity to sell their goods and services, on its portal and reach a larger customer base. For more information, connect today.

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