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ISAA Awareness in HCT

ISAA Awareness in HCT. April 22, 2018 HCT ISAA Team. Objectives. Introduce ISAA Share the HCT Strategy for ISAA Create an awareness of the accreditation process. Source: google images. Institutional Standards Accreditation. Driving License Traffic Signs Drum and Slope Test Road Test.

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ISAA Awareness in HCT

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  1. ISAA Awareness in HCT April 22, 2018 HCT ISAA Team

  2. Objectives • Introduce ISAA • Share the HCT Strategy for ISAA • Create an awareness of the accreditation process

  3. Source: google images

  4. Institutional Standards Accreditation Driving License • Traffic Signs • Drum and Slope Test • Road Test Institutional Standards Accreditation • Application (8 Standards, 70 Criteria) • Evidence of claims • Visit for physical verification Graphics: omandriving.com, drrbiji.blogspot.com, oaaa.gov.om, jumpprimaryschool.com, auditclipart.com, worldofquality.com

  5. Institutional Accreditation System Source: OAAA Appeals Manual (2018) Pg11

  6. The ISA Application Dec 31, 2016 ISAA • Application Form • 8 Standards • 70 Criteria ISAM • Guidelines for the ISAA • 395 Indicators • 70 Criteria • 8 Standards Source: www.oaaa.gov.om

  7. Outcomes of ISAA 70 Criteria 8 Standards Graphics: ccay.com, 123RF.com, venturebeat.com

  8. ISA Process • Application • Verification • Evidences TRIANGULATION Graphics: oaaa.gov.om, jumpprimaryschool.com, auditclipart.com, worldofquality.com

  9. HCT ISAA Preparation Approach Skeletal Draft Develop the Skeletal Draft and add Support Material Final Application and Preparation for Visit Graphic: vectorstock.com

  10. HCT Strategy for ISAA Phase I Skeletal Draft Dec 31, 2016 ISAA Drafting Team Phase II Review of Draft/SM Jan 2017 – Dec 2019 Review/Documentation Teams Phase III Preparing for visit Jan – Dec 2019 Mock Triangulation Dec 2019 Graphics: jumpprimaryschool.com, auditclipart.com, worldofquality.com

  11. Outcome of HEIs to date Graphic: worldartsme.com

  12. Institutional Standards Assessment Application (ISAA) Standard 3: Student Learning by Research not applicable to HCT

  13. Outcomes of HEIs undergone ISA Source: http://www.oaaa.gov.om/rating1/CompareUniversity.aspx Graphics: mycutegraphics.com

  14. Outcomes by Standards 3 1 2 3 5 4 3 5

  15. Critical Areas! 4 2 1 3 Source: http://www.oaaa.gov.om/rating1/CompareUniversity.aspx Graphics: mycutegraphics.com

  16. Standard 2 Criteria Analysis

  17. Standard 2 Student Learning by Coursework 2.1: Graduate Attributes and Student Learning Outcomes 2.2: Curriculum 2.3: Student Entry Standards 2.4: Teaching Quality 2.5: Research Components of Coursework Programs 2.6: Academic Integrity 2.7: Student Placements 2.8: Assessment Methods, Standards and Moderation 2.9: Academic Security and Invigilation 2.10: Student Retention and Progression 2.11: Graduate Destinations and Employability

  18. Simulation of the OAAA interview during the visit (early 2020) OAAA • Team leader • Omani Reviewer • Foreign Reviewer • Local Reviewer • External Reviewer HCT Panel • Senior staff • New staff • Old staff • Omani staff • Expat staff Graphic: iStock.com

  19. Lets play! Graphic: clipart.com

  20. 2.1: Graduate Attributes and Student Learning Outcomes Qs1: What are the Graduate Attributes in your College? Ans: 10 Graduate Attributes: • Discipline and hard work • Good knowedlge and skills • Critical thinking • Good IT skills • Uptodate knowledge of the subject • Good communication and English language skills • Teamwork and leadership • Life long learning • Responsible citizens • Entrepreneurial skills

  21. Qs2: How do you measure the Graduate Attributes? Ans: They are measured using multiple tools. Achievement of each GA is estimated using varied Secondary Data and composite variables. For example; GA1 Discipline and hardwork is assessed by • percentage of students debarred, • exam malpractice cases, • disciplinary cases, • honor students, • dropped courses etc.

  22. Credits: Dr S K Sridhar, 2017

  23. 2.2: Curriculum Qs3: How is the curriculum developed, approved, and revised? Ans: CoTs have common programs. The Outcomes are approved by the Ministry. The curriculum is developed after: • market analysis, • industry feedback, and • review of feedback from courses conducted. The Specialization Committees are involved in the development, approval and revision of course contents

  24. Qs4: How can you ensure the quality of the curriculum Ans: Our programs have been equated and benchmarked by international institutions like ACCA. • SQU accepts our graduates for higher education • Foreign universities accept our graduates

  25. Qs5: What is ADRI? How do you apply it in your teaching? Ans: Approach, Deployment, Results and Improvement • Degree Audit is the Approach • Delivery Plan is the Deployment • Results are the results of the examinations and feedback • Improvement is the Course Feedback at end of semester incorporated into next semester

  26. 2.3: Student Entry Standards Qs6: What is the criteria for allocation of a specialization in your department? Ans: The students can opt for the specialization of their choice. They are allotted the specialization according to the criteria in the specialization allocation policy

  27. 2.4: Teaching Quality Qs7: How do you rate the teaching quality in HCT? Ans: The quality of our graduates reflects the quality of teaching. • Our graduates are accepted for higher studies by SQU in Oman • They can proceed for higher studies abroad for Masters and PhD • The wide presence of our alumni in all fields is a testament to the quality of teaching at HCT

  28. 2.5: Research Components of Coursework Programs Qs8: How do you address research in your curriculum? Ans: HCT is not a research oriented HEI. However, we teach our students the concepts of research through • Research Methodology Courses, • Research Projects, • Report writing, • Presentation and defence of the project findings

  29. 2.6: Academic Integrity Qs9: How do you ensure academic integrity in HCT Ans: Integrity is the core value of HCT. Broadly Academic Integrity can be divided into honesty in assignments, project work, and examinations. HCT has an Academic Integrity Policy HCT conducts awareness of Academic Integrity through • refresher courses for staff and awareness for students, • use of Turnitin software and • strict examination policy

  30. 2.8: Assessment Methods, Standards and Moderation Qs10: How do you conduct the examinations in HCT Ans: We have Class Quizzes, Midterm and Final Examinations. The first two are conducted in class by the tutor. Final Examination is conducted at College level. A system of • moderation, • paper verification, • double marking and • appeals is in place to ensure transparency of the system

  31. Qs11: How are student grievances addressed? Ans: Students can make complaints using Grievance Form for academic or non academic issues. They can also appeal for review of their examination papers in case they are dissatisfied with the marks obtained The Student Affairs, addresses their complaints and departments review their appeals against paper checking through a review process

  32. Thank you for your attention For further information on ISAA please contact Dr Imran Hameed 5071 imran.hameed@hct.edu.om Dr S K Sridhar 5084 seshaiah.sridhar@hct.edu.om

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