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COLLOCATION MEETING: An overview on ECV validation process

COLLOCATION MEETING: An overview on ECV validation process. Y ijian Z eng, B ob S u , W im T immermans J oris T immermans , B ert B oer Water Resources Department ITC, University of Twente The Netherlands. ECV-Related. Outlines. CalVal from ECV Definition Perspective

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COLLOCATION MEETING: An overview on ECV validation process

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  1. COLLOCATION MEETING:An overview on ECV validation process YijianZeng, Bob Su, Wim Timmermans Joris Timmermans, Bert Boer Water Resources Department ITC, University of Twente The Netherlands ECV-Related

  2. Outlines • CalVal from ECV Definition Perspective • CalVal from ECV Data Generation Perspective • CalVal from Community Practice Perspective

  3. 1. CalValfrom ECV Definition Perspective WMO-Space Programme: Data Processing Levels Geophysical Variable Goldberg (2002) ECV Essential climate variable is a geophysical variable that is associated with climate variation and change as well as the impact of climate change onto Earth

  4. 1. CalValfrom ECV Definition Perspective WMO-Space Programme: Data Processing Levels Fundamental Climate Data Records are well-characterized, long-term data records of calibrated and quality-controlled sensor data designed to allow the generation of homogeneous products that are accurate and stable enough for climate monitoring FCDR TCDR Thematic Climate Data Records are long-term data records of validated and quality controlled geophysical variables derived from FCDRs. Geophysical Variable ECV

  5. 1. CalValfrom ECV Definition Perspective FCDRs SDRs Fundamental Climate Data Records are well-characterized, long-term data records of calibrated and quality-controlled sensor data designed to allow the generation of homogeneous products that are accurate and stable enough for climate monitoring Thematic Climate Data Records are long-term data records of validated and quality controlled geophysical variables derived from FCDRs. EDRs are environmental data records that will employ radiative transfer model or specific retrieval algorithm to estimate the casual bio-geophysical parameters derived from SDRs. SDRs are sensor data records that remove the sensor signature and are time tagged, geolocated, and calibrated antenna signals, without intention of being created for long-term stability and reliability. EDRs TCDRs

  6. 1. CalValfrom ECV Definition Perspective FCDR TCDR CalVal Process Goldberg (2002) Geophysical Variable ECV

  7. 2. CalValfrom Data Generation Perspective Dowell, M. D. P. Lecomte, R. Husband, J. Schulz, T. Mohr, Y. Tahara, R. Eckman, E. Lindstrom, C. Wooldridge, S. Hilding, J.Bates, B. Ryan, J. LaFeuille, and W. Zhang, 2013: Strategy Towards an Architecture for Climate Monitoring from Space. Pp. 39.

  8. 2. CalValfrom Data Generation Perspective Maturity Matric • Flow chard of creating and maintaining Long-term Climate Data Records: • A TCDR (Thematic CDR) may only be considered as a CDR upon the validation process given by A34, which may form just one component of an ECV Dowell et al. (2013)

  9. 2. CalValfrom Data Generation Perspective WMO Space Programme- End-to-End process Goldberg et al. (2011)

  10. 3. CalValfrom Community Practice (e.g. GCOS Principles) GCOS-143 Guidelines GCOS Climate Monitoring Principles NRC (2004) Climate Data Record Generation Elements ESA CCI: Production of ECV according to GCOS Requirements

  11. 2. WP3 - D3.31 5 out of 7, covered 6 out of 20, covered Being covered! Being covered!

  12. 3. CalValfrom Community Practice (e.g. GCOS Principles)

  13. 3. CalValfrom Community Practice (e.g. GCOS Principles)

  14. Conclusions • Different Calval processes can lead to the generation of different types of data record (e.g SDR vs. FDR; EDR vs. TCDR); • Although calibration process has been well addressed in the current maturity matric (e.g. Bates’ Maturity Model, or Joerg’s System Maturity Matric), the calibration is not covered yet; • The analysis on how much extent the current maturity model can cover the GCOS guidelines, principles, or ESA CCI deliverables indicates the potential needs of including calibration and inter-calibration into the current existing maturity models.

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