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Santilli’s Method for Fusion Energy. Wei Cai. IUSL, Dept. Physics, City College of CUNY. Three nuclear fusions. C(12,6, 12.0000)+ D(2,1,2.0141) + trigger → N(14,7, 14.0030) + ΔE1, (1) E1 = 0 Δ.0111 u = 10.339 MeV ≒ 1.5 * 10 -15 BTU .
Santilli’s Method for Fusion Energy Wei Cai IUSL, Dept. Physics, City College of CUNY
Three nuclear fusions C(12,6, 12.0000)+ D(2,1,2.0141) + trigger→ N(14,7, 14.0030) + ΔE1,(1) E1 = 0 Δ.0111 u = 10.339 MeV ≒ 1.5 * 10-15 BTU. That means in order to produce 4M BTU of energy, it exhausts fuel 0.0082 gram D and 0.0494 gram C. 1kWh =3600KJ =3413BTU C(12,6, 12.0000) + O(18,8, 17.9991) + trigger→ Si(30,14, 29.9737) + ΔE2, (2) ΔE2 = 0.0254 u; Where O is an isotope of O(16) C(12,6, 12.0000) + He(4,2,4.0026) + trigger→ O(16,8, 15.9949) + ΔE3, (3) ΔE3 = 0.0077 u.
Intermediated controlled nuclear fusion(The first generation) • A hadronic reactor consisting of a steel pipe with flanges, equipped with internal electrodes composed of graphite C, • connected to an AC-DC converter operate at 40 KW. • A vacuum was first pulled out, subsequently filled up the reactor up to 100 psi with 99.99% pure deuterium gas D. View of the first Hadronic Reactor used by Prof. Santilli to establish the existence of ICNF (Jan, 2010).
Intermediated controlled nuclear fusion(The first generation model continue) • Two minutes after connecting power, with arc between two carbon electrodes, the reactor originally at about 20◦C and 100 psi, had reached well over 150◦C and 200 psi, with external paint scorching. • The gas samples before and after reaction was sent to an independent laboratory for testing, which shows the decrease of the deuterium D gas from 93.3% to 91.8% and the increase of nitrogen N from 4.90% to 6.11%. • The experiments were performed in repeat. • By use tungsten electrodes instead of carbon electrodes, under same conditions of power, pressure and duration, temperature increases only from 20◦C to 60◦C, shows that no nuclear fusion by use of tungsten instead of carbon. • There isno measurable radiation and radiative waste was detected.
Intermediated controlled nuclear fusion (The second generation) • A water-cooling system is arranged in the reactor. • A auto-shot-down equipment is set for safety. • Auto-control of distance of between electrodes. A view of the second totally automatic reactor constructed by Prof. Santilli (April, 2011).
Intermediated controlled nuclear fusion (The second generation) continue • Experiment C + O → Si; • Amount of Si has been tested on the cathode surface; • Note: chemical reaction exists due to combustion of C in O. • Experiment C + He → O; • CO increase from undetectable to 4.24% ; • Note: He is a very stable element, which does not involve any chemical reaction as we know. • Cold water flow is heated to be steam in both experiments.
Intermediated controlled nuclear fusion (Our visit on July 27, 2011 ) I = 940 A V= 29.4 V
Video: fusion ( ICNF.mp4) My estimation of output energy / input energy: For transfer 1 liter (1kg) of water (20○C) to steam: △E0 = 4.187*80 + 2270 = 2625 KJ Input power: 90KW △Ein = 5400 KJ/min (81 V, 1107A) As what has seen in video, water flow is estimated about 6 - 10 liter/min output energy: △Eout = 2625*6 = 15750 KJ/min = 2625*10 = 26250KJ/min △Eout / △Ein~ 3 - 5
Comparing Intermediated (warm) nuclear fusion with hot fusion and cold fusion • Cold fusion have indeed occurred in numerous tests, but available energy is inefficient to control atomic electron clouds to expose nuclei, so the syntheses occurred randomly, difficult to achieving industrial level. • Hot fusion in which atoms are completely stripped out of their electron clouds, but energy are simply excessive, thus preventing a real control of nuclear fusion due to plasma instability, since in particle scattering processes excessive collision energies prevent absorption. • Intermediated (warm) fusion in whichthe available energy of arc is set to a threshold value, the minimal value for the control of atomic electron cloud to expose nuclei, which will be discussed later in detail.
Fundamental supports:Nature, magnegas and hardronic mechnics Nature • Thunder simply cannot explained via conventional chemical processes due to very big energy required in very small cylindrical volume of air, plus extremely short duration of lighting processes. • By chemical analysis of air bubbles in amber about one hundred millions years ago earth’s atmosphere had about 40% nitrogen (N), while now is about 78% in atmosphere.
Toroidal orbits of atoms under super strong magnetic field and application to magnegas • Ground state of H atom is spherical shaped (without magnetic field), with radius of 1 a.u. = 0.53*10-8 cm. • What is the shape of H atom under super strong magnetic field (for example, ~1011 Gauss or more) • This problem has been theoretically studied by Aringazin (2001), Lai (2000), Heyl and Hernquist (1998). • Our discussion follows the analytical solution of Schrodinger equationby Aringazin.
Toroidal orbits of atoms under super strong magnetic field continue 1 . Under magnetic field, an free electron obeys Landau orbit Ground state: For H atom a Coulomb interaction is added: . Adiabatic approximation:
Toroidal orbits of atoms under super strong magnetic field continue 2 This is a 1D Schrodinger equation for Coulomb-like potential, has the analytical solution. Wave function have a toroidal shape as shown with the thickness: << 1.a.u under 1011 Gauss and more
Toroidal orbits of atoms under super strong magnetic field continue 3 Under super strong magnetic field(> 1011 Gauss) H atomsand other atoms can easily stick with each other. The effect of magnetic induction constructs a stable ”magecular” structure. Also, the induced magnetic field enhances the total magnetic field
Toroidal orbits of atoms under super strong magnetic field continue 4 Such super strong magnetic field is 103 above the maximum magnetic field currently built in Florida, US. However, this super strong magnetic field can be achieved around DC arc with current above 103 Ampere at range about 10-8 cm around current. arc I > 1000 A r ~ 10-8 cm B > 1011 Gauss
Industrial application of magnegas Testing the Magnetic Nature of MagneGas.mp4 http://www.youtube.com watch?V=bFsZ1NrtIMk water From magnegas to fusion Medium: Water → D, He, O gas Electrodes: Tungston ↓ Carbon
Back ground of hardonic mechanism • Background • Quantum mechanics a beautiful theory which convinces people • by successfully building the discrete energy levels of electron orbits of • hydrogen atom and accurate the spectrum of hydrogen atom. • However, people may wander how to explain the strong attractive force • in Cooper pair, valance bond of hydrogen molecule, and inside nuclear. • In the recent theoretical physics, only kinetic energy and potential • energy are involved. • When Lagrange and Hamilton built their theoretical frame at 100 years ago there is a third non-potential term involved. • This frame of theoretical physics still remains until about 1950, • by scientists as Fermi et al, but then is dropped in the frame of • the current quantum mechanics.
A summary of hardonic mechanism • Based on the above doubt, Prof. Santilli started on 1978 (in MIT and Harvard University) to extend • Lie-algebra (for quantum mechanics) to • Lie-isotopic-algebra (for a closed system) • Lie-admissible-algebra (for a open system and irreversible process). • By use of a non-unitary operator together with Hamiltonian, a non-linear, non-potential interaction is introduced, in which the overlap of wave functions of two objects is involved, that leads to a strong attractive force in a region of ~ 1fm = 10-13 cm. • Because of his attempt to break the limitation of quantum mechanics, which currently is the only foundation for physics of micro objects, and difficulty in build new theory, it takes about 20 years (until about 1997) for Prof. Santilli in achieving his goal to build the hadronic mechanics.
Lie-isotopicandLie-admissible algebra Lie algebra for quantum mechnics idA/dt = AH -HA A(t) = [exp(it H )] A(0) [exp(-i t H)] His Hamiltonian, H = T (kinetic) + V (potential) Lie-isotopic algebra for a closed system idA/dt = ATH - HTA A(t) = [exp(it H T )] A(0) [exp(-i tT H)] For two body: T is a non-unitaryoperator represents non-linear, non-local, and non-potential interaction 1fm = 10-13cm Lie-admissible algebra for a open system idA/dt = ARH - HSA A(t) = [exp(it H S )] A(0) [exp(-i tR H)],
Hard effort to build ISO-mathematics • INCONSISTENCY THEOREM When formulated via the mathematics of quantum mechanics (Hilbert spaces over a field of complex numbers, etc.) non-unitary time evolutions are afflicted by • lack of prediction of the same numerical values under the same conditions at different times; • Require new iso-mathematics (1997): Iso-unit:
Revise a non-Hamiltonian equationto an iso-Halmitonian equation SA: Potential NSA: Non-potential Using iso-algebra and iso-derivative: which is called isotopy
Neutron from proton and electron (1) • The concept that all nucleus are consisted by protons and electrons was initialed by Rutherford. • But when neutron is discovered, people think it is impossible. • En = Ep + Ee+0.782 MeV; Sn = 1/2; μn = -1.913μN • Positive binding energy is not allowed by quantum mechanics. • Santilli supports the p + e → n, with calculation based on hadronic mechanism. • Next, we briefly present the theory and experiment of production of neutron from proton and electron.
Neutron from proton and electron (2) trigger p e Quantum mechanics: For Cooper pair, trigger: Add non-potential interaction by making a non-unitary transform . (1) Trigger can not be iso-number,
Neutron from proton and electron (3) A estimation leading an analytical expression: writing trigger term as - (Animalu: hadronic mechnismfor Cooper pair) Using ground state: Strong attractive potential Increase of mass of iso-electron
Neutron from proton and electron (4) Analytical solution in Hulten potential Unknown: V and Or k1 and k2 Energy: Lifetime: k1 = 0.34 k2 = 1 + 4.27×10-2 coincides with that of Obtain:
Neutron produced by proton and electron (5) • The first experiment on the synthesis of neutrons from protons and electrons was conducted in the late 1960s early 1970s by Don Carlo Borghi via a special klystron filled up with hydrogen gas exposed to a certain combination of DC arcs and resonating microwaves. • The results was rejected by various journals. Laboratories have refused even the consideration of the repetition of Don Borghi's experiment, just to confirm it or deny it. • Santilli made experiments (published on 2007) of production of neutrons from hydrogen gas, which is now called the Don Borghi-Santilli experiment.
Neutron produced by proton and electron (6) The first case of this type occurred when Prof. Santilli exposed detector PM1703GN to the klystron following the arc, put the detector in his briefcase and went to a local Walgreen store for purchases, which store is located some 15 m distance from the lab. To Prof. Santilli's great surprise and embarrassment, the detector in his briefcase entered into a maximal off-scale, sonic and vibrational, neutron alarm while he was in line for the payment of his bill. He had to leave his purchases and rush out of the store while the store personnel was calling security for control.