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Explore children's opinions on scouting and guiding at school through a thorough research project conducted by 10-year-old Joe Dyson. Discover their likes, dislikes, and potential improvements. Gain insights into participation rates and reasons behind children's decisions.
What do children at my school think about scouting and guiding? Joe Dyson Age 10
Introduction • I was interested in researching this topic because many people at my school do scouting or guiding and I do it myself. • I wanted to find out what peoples reactions were to scouting and guiding, if they enjoy it, and what they thought could be improved. • My research question is ‘What do children at my school think about scouting and guiding?’
Methodology • My participants were children from year 3,4,5, and 6. • I chose these children because I thought they would be able to read a questionnaire and give me suitable answers. • I handed out at least 45 questionnaires. • I received 21 back. • To analyse my questionnaires I used tallies and coding. • For my closed questions I used tallying. • For my open questions I used coding. To do this I sorted the answers into groups which had similar themes.
Ethical Issues • To make my questionnaire ethical, I asked the participants not to put their names on so they were anonymous. • To make sure the answers were confidential, I locked them in a cupboard so no-one could see them, and I didn’t talk to anyone about them. • To make sure the questionnaires were suitable for the audience, I didn’t use complicated words, and if I had to, I gave a definition.
Findings question 3. Number of children Age and Gender
Findings question 4. Number of children Age and Gender
Findings question 5. Number of children Age and Gender
Findings question 6. Number of children
Findings question 7. Number of children Age and Gender
Findings question 8. • What do you enjoy about scouting and guiding? – I got 5 responses • Everything • Everything • Being able to spend time with friends • That you can take part in things • Make new friends
Findings question 9. • What don’t you enjoy about scouting and guiding- I got 4 responses • I don’t know • Horrible teachers and children • I don’t mind • Girls that swear
Findings question 10. • Do you have anything you wish to add about scouting and guiding? • I got 5 responses • If it was a hot summer day you could go swimming • I would like to try my mum wouldn't let me • I really like guides because you have freedom • They should look after new children better I am know in the girls brigade • I never done it before
Discussion question 3. • Have you ever been in a scouting or guiding group before? • 9 children said yes • 11 children said no • None of the 10 year olds I asked said ‘yes’ • Perhaps its because they’re on the border line of scouts and cubs or brownies and guides.
Discussion question 4. • If you answered ‘yes’ to question 3. which groups do you belong to? • I found out that that the most popular group was cubs this could be because this covers all of the year 3,4 class and year 5 • The least popular groups were rainbows and beavers • Perhaps because very few of the children I asked were young enough to do it.
Discussion question 5. • If you answered ‘no’ to question 3, why have you not taken part? • The most common reason for not taking part is because there not interested • There were also other reasons such as to busy, not near my house, cant get there and can’t afford it.
Discussion question 6. • If you could join would you? • 7 children said yes and 7 said no • This shows that 7 people want to take part but can’t for some reason
Discussion question 7. • If you do scouting or guiding do you enjoy it? • 9 children do scouting and guiding and 6 of them say they enjoy it very much but only 1 person said they really don’t enjoy it • This shows that most people are very happy about scouting and guiding
Discussion question 8. and 9. • Question 8, what do you enjoy about scouting and guiding? • 2 people said ‘ everything’ • 2 people mentioned spending time with friends • Question 9. what don’t you enjoy about scouting and guiding? • 2 people were unsure • 2 people disliked the other people such as teachers and children
Conclusion What did I find out? • Of the people I asked, most didn’t do scouting or guiding • If they didn’t take part it was mostly because they weren’t interested, but there were other reasons too. • Most people who do scouting or guiding enjoy it a lot.
Conclusion How did my project go? • I think my project was partly successful. This is because I thought some of the children could have given more precise answers to my open questions rather than just one word answers. • However I was successful in finding out what I wanted to find out If I was doing this project again • I would probably chase people up more to return the questionnaires because I didn’t get many back. • I could ask people what they would improve about scouting or guiding.