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ADJ 255 Week 1 CheckPoint: Constitutionality of Free Speech vs. Threats to National Security<br>ADJ 255 Week 1 Assignment: Privacy Rights and Press Freedoms<br>ADJ 255 Week 1 CheckPoint: The Media, Crime, and Violence<br>ADJ 255 Week 2 Discussion Question 1<br>ADJ 255 Week 2 Discussion Question 2<br>ADJ 255 Week 2 CheckPoint: Media-Based Anticrime Efforts<br>ADJ 255 Week 3 CheckPoint: Excessive Use of Force<br>ADJ 255 Week 3 Assignment: Senator’s Letter<br>ADJ 255 Week 4 CheckPoint: Death Penalty Legislation<br>ADJ 255 Week 4 Discussion Question 1<br>ADJ 255 Week 4 Discussion Question 2<br>ADJ 255 Week 5 CheckPoint: Women and the Criminal Justice System<br>ADJ 255 Week 5 Assignment: Equality of Justice, Jury Nullification<br>ADJ 255 Week 6 CheckPoint: Abolish Parole<br>ADJ 255 Week 6 Discussion Question 1<br>ADJ 255 Week 6 Discussion Question 2<br>ADJ 255 Week 7 CheckPoint: The USA PATRIOT ACT- Appendix B<br>ADJ 255 Week 7 Assignment: Government Expansion for National Security<br>ADJ 255 Week 8 CheckPoint: Strategies for Law Enforcement- Appendix C<br>ADJ 255 Week 8 Discussion Question 1<br>ADJ 255 Week 8 Discussion Question 2<br>ADJ 255 Capstone CheckPoint: An Informed Opinion<br> <br>ADJ 255 Final Project: Criminal Justice Opinion Portfolio<br>
For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com ADJ 255 UOP Course Tutorial
ADJ 255 Entire Course ADJ 255 Capstone CheckPoint: An Informed Opinion(UOP) ADJ 255 UOP Course Tutorial ADJ 255 Assignment Final Project ADJ 255 Week 8 Assignment Prevention Program Resource Guides- Appendix F ADJ 255 CheckPoint 2 Mission Statement ADJ 255 CheckPoint Levels of Prevention ADJ 255 Assignment Juvenile Court Comparison ADJ 255 Assignment Corrections Comparison Summary ADJ 255 CheckPoint Case Study Sequence Due Date: Day 4 [Individual] forum· Write a 75- to 100-word response to each of these questions:o Of the contemporary issues examined in this course, which issue did you feel moststrongly about, and why?o Did you have a clear-cut opinion about that issue?o Which issue seemed to be the most irresolvable, and what do you think the futureholds for that issue?· Submit your responses as a single post.
ADJ 255 Final Project: Criminal Justice Opinion Portfolio(UOP) ADJ 255 Week 1 CheckPoint: Constitutionality of Free Speech vs. Threats to National Security(UOP) ADJ 255 UOP Course Tutorial Resource: Appendix A· Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum· Create a 2,500- to 2,800-word Criminal Justice Opinion Portfolio outlining your opinion onone issue from each of the eight weeks of this class. Select issues about which you feelstrongly, and create eight distinct opinion essays to complete your portfolio.· See Appendix A for additional project requirements.· Cite your sources according to APA requirements.· Post your Criminal Justice Opinion Portfolio as an attachment Resource: Electronic Reserve Readings article “Journalists Caught in the Crossfire:Robert Novak, the First Amendment, and Journalist’s Duty of Confidentiality”· Due Date: Day 5 [post to the Individual forum]· Provide a 50- to 75-word response to each of these questions:o What role does the Intelligence Identities Protection Act play in this matter?o What does the threat or exercise of criminal punishment typically have uponjournalists? How might punishment conflict with First Amendment protections offreedoms of speech and press?
ADJ 255 Week 2 CheckPoint: Media-Based Anticrime Efforts(UOP) ADJ 255 Week 2 Discussion Question 1(UOP) ADJ 255 UOP Course Tutorial Resources: The National Citizens’ Crime Prevention Campaign Web site, America’s MostWanted Web site, and Electronic Reserve Reading “The Extent of Crime Has BeenExaggerated by the Media”· Due Date: Day 5 [Individual] forum· Review the National Citizens’ Crime Prevention Campaign Web site athttp://www.ncpc.org/media/current.php Spend some time examining the print, television,and Internet public service announcements. Reportage of certain crimes like the Columbine High School massacre accelerates moralpanics, causing society to quickly adopt new crime policies (the incident at Columbine, forexample, caused many schools to adopt zero-tolerance policies and stricter gun laws to bepassed).· Resource: Electronic Reserve Reading “The Extent of Crime Has Been Exaggerated bythe Media”· Due Date: Day 2 [Main] forum· Read “The Extent of Crime Has Been Exaggerated by the Media.”
ADJ 255 Week 2 Discussion Question 2(UOP) ADJ 255 Week 3 Assignment: Senator’s Letter(UOP) ADJ 255 UOP Course Tutorial Discussion Question 2· Due Date: Day 4 [Main] forumADJ 255 Contemporary Issues in Criminal JusticeCourse Syllabus Page 15· Review The Courtroom 21 Project Web site at http://www.courtroom21.net . Examine theCompany Info and Participating Companies & Technology sections.· Post your responses to these questions: Based on your review of the Courtroom 21 Project Resources: Debating Crime, the University Library, and the Internet· Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum· Write a 1,050- 1,400-word letter in which you assume the role of any modern UnitedStates senator. Direct your letter to the Congress of the United States. In it, either defendthe use of the exclusionary rule, or explain why the exclusionary rule was not intended tobe used as an enforcement technique for violations of the Fourth Amendment
ADJ 255 Week 3 CheckPoint: Excessive Use of Force(UOP) ADJ 255 Week 4 CheckPoint: Death Penalty Legislation(UOP) ADJ 255 UOP Course Tutorial · Resources: Debating Crime, the University Library, and the Internet· Due Date: Day 4 [Individual] forum· Take a stand on this controversial topic: Develop a persuasive argument as to whetheror not excessive force is a systematic problem. Argue one of these viewpoints:o Excessive use of force is a systematic problem.o Excessive use of force is not a systematic problem.· Identify and incorporate statistics on police brutality from Debating Crime, the University Resource: The Death Penalty Information Center Web site· Due Date: Day 5 [Individual] forum· Navigate to the Death Penalty Information Center Web site athttp://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/ , locate the Facts section, and select the RecentLegislative Activity link. Upon entering the Changes in Death Penalty Laws Aroundthe U.S.: 2000-2005 page, select the link which corresponds to your state. (If you are anADJ 255 Contemporary Issues in Criminal JusticeCourse Syllabus Page 19international student
ADJ 255 Week 4 Discussion Question 1(UOP) ADJ 255 Week 4 Discussion Question 2(UOP) ADJ 255 UOP Course Tutorial Due Date: Day 2 [Main] forum· A great deal of debate exists about the existence and various applications of the deathpenalty in the U.S. Since the year 2002 alone, the U.S. Supreme Court has declared theexecution of juveniles and mentally retarded persons unconstitutional (see the Issues onJuveniles and Mental Retardation on the Death Penalty Information Center Web site athttp://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/ ). Today, an ongoing debate surrounds evidence. Due Date: Day 4 [Main] forum· Debate: Should the death penalty be abolished? Because you may or may not alreadyhave a strong opinion about the death penalty, your instructor will arbitrarily assign youand your classmates to a specific viewpoint. Should you be assigned to a viewpoint withwhich you disagree, consider it an opportunity to expand your knowledge of what “theother side” thinks about the issue. As a result.
ADJ 255 Week 5 Assignment: Equality of Justice, Jury Nullification(UOP) ADJ 255 Week 5 CheckPoint: Women and the Criminal Justice System(UOP) ADJ 255 UOP Course Tutorial Assignment: Equality of Justice, Jury Nullification· Resources: The Department of Justice Fact Sheet on Racial Profiling, and DebatingCrime· Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum· Answer the questions listed below for each of the four articles appearing in Issues 8 and11 in Debating Crime. Provide a 50-word minimum response to each question.o Issue 8: “Black Jurors: Right to Acquit? (Jury Nullification)” by Paul Butler, p. 108· CheckPoint: Women and the Criminal Justice System· Resources: The National Organization for Women Legislators Web site, Debating Crime,the University Library, and the Internet· Due Date: Day 4 [Individual] forum· Imagine you are a member of the National Organization for Women Legislators(http://www.womenlegislators.org/ ), and you have been asked to present at theupcoming annual conference.· Create a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation of 8-10 slides, with speaker notes
ADJ 255 Week 6 CheckPoint: Abolish Parole(UOP) ADJ 255 Week 6 CheckPoint: Abolish Parole(UOP) ADJ 255 UOP Course Tutorial Assignment: Equality of Justice, Jury Nullification· Resources: The Department of Justice Fact Sheet on Racial Profiling, and DebatingCrime· Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum· Answer the questions listed below for each of the four articles appearing in Issues 8 and11 in Debating Crime. Provide a 50-word minimum response to each question.o Issue 8: “Black Jurors: Right to Acquit? (Jury Nullification)” by Paul Butler, p. 108· CheckPoint: Abolish ParoleDespite the abolishment of federal parole in 1995, the number of adults on parole is on therise, according to the 2003 Probation and Parole Bulletin issued by the Bureau of JusticeStatistics.· Resources: Electronic Reserve Reading article “Prison Overcrowding,” Debating Crimetext, and current Bureau of Justice Statistics Probation and Parole Bulletin· Due Date: Day 5 [Individual] forum· Read the most recent Bureau of Justice
ADJ 255 Week 6 Discussion Question 1(UOP) ADJ 255 Week 6 Discussion Question 2(UOP) ADJ 255 UOP Course Tutorial Due Date: Day 2 [Main] forum· Debate: Should prisons be privatized? Your instructor will divide the class into twodebate clusters: Prisons Should be Privatized and Prisons Should Not be Privatized.Look for a post from your instructor identifying your designated position.· Post to the discussion thread, assuming your assigned viewpoint. Refer to the list oftalking points below. Due Date: Day 4 [Main] forum · Debate: Should the U.S. end the War on Drugs? Your instructor will divide the class into two debate clusters: Continue the War on Drugs and End the War on Drugs. Look for a post from your instructor identifying your designated position. · Post to the discussion thread, assuming your assigned viewpoint. Debate your position in the discussion thread with any student who has the opposite viewpoint. Refer to the
ADJ 255 Week 7 Assignment: Government Expansion for National Security(UOP) ADJ 255 Week 7 CheckPoint: The USA PATRIOT ACT- Appendix B(UOP) ADJ 255 UOP Course Tutorial Assignment: Government Expansion for National Security· Resource: Defending the Homeland text· Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum· Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word analysis that examines these issues:o Should intelligence operations be expanded? What is the intelligence dilemma facingUnited States law enforcement? Define and explain this dilemma. Address concernsabout interagency cooperation related to the expansion of intelligence operations. Resources: Appendix B, Electronic Reserve Reading article “Update: USA Patriot Act,”and Defending the Homeland text· Due Date: Day 4 [Individual] forum· Organize provisions from the USA PATRIOT ACT found within the article “Update: USAPatriot Act” using the matrix in Appendix B.· Include an opinion of at least 200 words describing how the scope of American lawenforcement is changing as a result of the PATRIOT ACT, and if you feel that changesare justified by the fight against terrorism.· Post Appendix B as an attachment to the Individual forum.
ADJ 255 Week 8 CheckPoint: Strategies for Law Enforcement- Appendix C(UOP ADJ 255 Week 8 Discussion Question 1(UOP) ADJ 255 UOP Course Tutorial Resources: Appendix C, Defending the Homeland text, and Studies in the Jihad Against the Tyrants · Due Date: Day 5 [Individual] forum · Review Osama bin Laden’s militant manual, Military Studies in the Jihad Against the Tyrants, at http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/binmurder1.html · Analyze national security strategies from Chapter 6 of Defending the Homeland using Due Date: Day 2 [Main] forum· Post your responses to these questions: Do you think police should be used to gatherintelligence? Why or why not? If required to work more closely, do you think state andlocal law enforcement agencies would cooperate effectively?· Respond to at least one classmate whose opinion differs from your own. Respectfullyargue your perspective with your classmate, explaining why your opinion is valid. Supportyour argument with case examples or statistics.
ADJ 255 Week 8 Discussion Question 2(UOP) ADJ 255 UOP Course Tutorial Due Date: Day 4 [Main] forum • Post your response to the following: Would a centralized system like the Department of Homeland Security or a decentralized system with deeper community connections better enable the U.S. to operate according to the goals of the Department of Homeland Security’s Strategic Plan? Explain why you think one would be more effective than the
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