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Longwood University Anti-Hazing Policy Information

Learn about Longwood University's Anti-Hazing Policy, laws, myths, consequences, warning signs, and alternatives to hazing to prevent harm and promote positive group dynamics.

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Longwood University Anti-Hazing Policy Information

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  1. Anti-Hazing Policy

  2. What is Hazing? “Hazing is defined as any action taken or situation created intentionally, whether on or off Longwood property, by either fraternity/sorority organizations, student clubs/organizations, athletic teams, individual students or student groups, to produce mental or physical discomfort, endangerment of life, embarrassment, harassment, intimidation, or ridicule.” Longwood University Anti-Hazing Policy

  3. Hazing is… • Against the law: “It shall be unlawful to haze so as to cause bodily injury, any student at any school, college, or university. Any persons found guilty thereof shall be guilty of a Class 1 Misdemeanor, which carries a minimum of 12 months imprisonment or a $2,400 fine.” Code of Virginia 18.2-56 • Against Longwood Policy: Conduct Code #4: Hazing or otherwise mistreating so as to cause bodily injury; and/or Conduct Code #15: Violating any aspect of the Anti-Hazing Policy up to but not including acts that induce bodily injury.

  4. Against the idea of Citizen Leadership… “Longwood University is committed to the belief that abusive behavior, harassment and assault does not build character, does not build leadership skills, and does not foster group loyalty or unity. Hazing is an abuse of power and relationships, and its purpose is to demean others.” Longwood University Anti-Hazing Policy

  5. Some examples include: • Alcohol use • Paddling • Physical/psychological shocks • Branding • Excessive exercise

  6. Degrading/humiliating activities • Public stunts • Forced or required consumption of liquids, solids, or combinations, i.e., alcohol, massive quantities of water, spicy or unusual foods, or non-food items

  7. Myth #1: Hazing is no more than foolish pranks that sometimes go awry. Fact: Hazing is an act of power and control over others — it is victimization. Hazing is pre-meditated and NOT accidental. Hazing is abusive, degrading and often life-threatening. Myth #2: As long as there’s no malicious intent, a little hazing should be O.K. Fact: Even if there’s no malicious “intent” safety may still be a factor in traditional hazing activities that are considered to be “all in good fun.” For example, serious accidents have occurred during scavenger hunts and kidnapping trips. Hazing Myths

  8. Myth #3: Hazing is an effective way to teach respect and develop discipline. Fact: First of all, respect must be EARNED—not taught. Victims of hazing rarely report having respect for those who have hazed them. Just like other forms of victimization, hazing breeds mistrust, apathy and alienation. Myth #4: If someone agrees to participate in an activity, it can’t be considered hazing. Fact: Consent of the victim can’t be used as a defense in a civil suit. Even if someone agrees to participate in a potentially hazardous action it may not be true consent when considering the peer pressure and desire to belong to the group. Source: www.stophazing.org More myths…

  9. What are the possible consequences? For the person doing the hazing: • Criminal charges - with jail time, fines or both. • Civil liability – damages up to 1.2 million dollars have been awarded to plaintiffs. • Suspension or Dismissal from Longwood. • Loss of organization recognition

  10. For the person being hazed… • Physical abuse possibly leading to death. • Emotional abuse. • Loss of sense of control and empowerment. • Decline in grades. • Relationships with friends and family suffer. • Post-traumatic stress syndrome. • Erosion of trust within the group members.

  11. Hazing Warning Signs • Does this activity promote leadership, sport, or academic skills? • Does this activity promote and conform to the ideals and values of  your sport, organization or fraternity/sorority? • Will this activity increase feelings of friendship between new and returning members? • Would you tell prospective members what they will go through? • Would you be willing to allow parents to witness this activity?  A judge?  Your Coach/Advisor? The University President? • Would you be willing to defend this activity in court? • Does the activity meet both the spirit and letter of the standards prohibiting hazing? If you answer “NO” to any of these questions, You are probably hazing!

  12. If you or your organization is hazing… Remember: • A lawsuit can ruin your group and financially devastate you and your family. • A reputation for hazing can negatively impact members' future employment or graduate school applications. • There are effective ways to achieve the group's pro-social goals without hazing. • Learning ways to build group cohesiveness without hazing will develop skills that can be used after graduation. • You will be more likely to generate committed alumni support without hazing. • Without hazing, you won't have anything to hide or regret and will leave a positive legacy for future generations of members. Cornell University

  13. Alternatives to Hazing • Campus or community service • Ropes course activities • Attendance at campus activities or events • Participation in intramurals • Leadership training • Academic study halls • National Organization or NCAA required educational programs or events

  14. More alternatives…. • Fundraisers • Badge/Pin/Letter/Jersey days • Healthy physical activities or NCAA recognized practice • Balanced food consumption or diet • Wearing of semi-casual or business attire • Group retreat or overnight of reasonable length • Other inclusive group activities with a constructive purpose.

  15. Resources for developing and scheduling activities • Department of Athletics 2057 • Associate Dean for Student Affairs 2080 • Campus Recreation 2356 • Honor and Judicial Programs 2493 • Fraternity and Sorority Life 2118 • Leadership and New Student Programs 2414 • Student Union and Involvement 2103 • Student Health and Wellness 2102 All you have to do is ask!

  16. If you are being hazed… Remember: • Anger, confusion, betrayal, fear, resentment, embarrassment, humiliation, hopelessness, helplessness, anxiety and depression are all normal reactions to being hazed. Some individuals have become suicidal. • Physical consequences can include exhaustion, headaches, hangovers, illnesses, injuries, and scars. • It's common to believe that things won't get worse, though they often do. • You may want the hazing to stop, but don't want to get the group in trouble. • You may want to leave, but fear the consequences or feel like you've invested too much already to walk away. • Self-blame can occur and is fueled by hazers who tell new members that they will let others down if they leave or tell anyone what is going on. Cornell University

  17. What can you do • Stay connected with friends outside of the group. Groups that haze often try to isolate their new members from others • Talk with others about what you are going through. You do not have to keep it a secret. Demanding secrecy is a common practice designed to protect people who are abusing others. • Seek guidance from your parents/guardian or other family member. • Refuse to participate. Others before you have done so. • Join together with other new members to refuse to be hazed. There is power in numbers because groups depend on getting new members to join. Hazers don't want new members to realize how much power they have, so they work hard to keep them subjugated. • Leave the group. This is hard to do, but is always an option. Walking away from hazing takes strength. Don't believe it if anyone who tries to tell you that it is sign of weakness or that you weren't tough enough to hack it. Quitting when you are being hazed takes character. • Talk to a Counselor to help you sort out what to do. • Report the hazing, confidentially if you prefer—to any Athletic or Student Affairs Staff Member Cornell University

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