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Learn how to effectively monitor and report incidents of transphobic hate violence and murders of trans and gender diverse people. This training provides essential information for HR NGOs, policymakers, and international institutions.
TvT UN Training Geneva 2015 How to monitor transphobic hate violence and reports of murdered trans and gender diverse people Dr Carsten Balzer / Carla LaGata Senior Researcher Transgender Europe (TGEU) TvT UN Training: September 22-24, 2015, Geneva
TvT UN Training Geneva 2015 Howtoreportandmonitortransphobichateviolenceandmurders oftransandgender diverse people 1. TransphobicHateViolence Monitoring & Reporting 2. Trans Murder Monitoring
1. TransphobicHateViolence Reporting & Monitoring Transphobichateviolencedefinition Violencemotivatedbyprejudice, hostilityandhatredtowardspersonsorgroups whotransgressor do not conformtosocietalgenderexpectationsandnorms Trans andgender diverse peopleareparticularlyaffectedbytransphobichateviolence Multiple threats/dangersoftransphobichateviolenceandincidents Affects not onlyvictim/survivor Deepimpact on communityvictim/survivorisassociatedwith Affectssocialcohesionandstabilityofbroadersociety
Transphobic Hate Violence Reporting & Monitoring Difference reporting – monitoring Reporting of individual incidents Monitoring of incidents over a certain period for a certain region etc. Background of/needs for reporting and monitoring Majority of incidents go unreported for various reasons Public institutions (e.g. police) in most countries fail to do a professional reporting/monitoring Few community-based groups are capable of doing professional monitoring Huge amount of transphobic violence and incidents remains invisible Lack of possibilities for prevention, protection, legislation change, awareness raising etc. HR NGOs, policy makers, international institutions need such reports/monitoring
Transphobic Hate Violence Reporting & Monitoring What information is needed? Information about the survivor/survivors or victim/victims (identity aspects, age, etc.) Information about the incident (type of incident, date, time, place, context, etc.) Information about the perpetrator/s (identity, age, number, identifiers, etc.) Information about indicators of transphobic motifs Information about follow-up to the incident (reporting to police, community action, prosecution of perpetrator/s, court case etc.) Indicators for transphobic motif Perpetrator's remarks/notes, signs left at the incident's place Specific circumstances of the incident (e.g. degree of violence, genital mutilation, undressing of victim, public humilation) Incidents preciding the incident Trans Panic Defense argumentation Other indicators
Transphobic Hate Violence Reporting & Monitoring Reporting to international institutions UN-Committees (HRC; CEDAW; Committee against Torture etc.) UN-Special Rapporteurs UPR Reporting to regional institutions OSCE (e.g. Annual Hate Crime Report of ODIHR) CoE (EHCR; HRC) EU (Intergroup; FRA) OAS Reporting to national institutions National Human Rights Institutions National Equality Bodies LGBT Focal Points in Law Enforcement
2. Trans Murder Monitoring Background TGEU's Trans Murder Monitoring project Ongoingmonitoringsince 6 years Interregional cooperation 2 to 4 updateseachyear Latest update: More than 1,900 reportedmurderssinceJanuary 2008 Importance/relevanceforcommunity Awareness raising/advocacytools (TDOR and IDAHOT) Relevanceforasylumseekers Informing/briefing international institutions/reports (e.g. UN OHCHR SOGI report 2011 and 2015; annual OSCE hatecrimereports) Informing/briefingdonors (e.g. OSF; US statedepartment)
Trans Murder Monitoring Needed information for TMM Name of Victim (preferably social name) Age of Victim Date of Death Location of Death (different details needed re place and location) Cause of Death Profession of Victim Remarks (Details re murder & follow-up; indicators of transphobic hate violence; details re identity of victim; reaction in public/movement; details re perpetrator(s) etc.) Source(s) (In case of media reports, if possible name 2 sources)
Trans Murder Monitoring Need for/challenges regarding specific information Indicators for transphobic motif Perpetrator's remarks Specific circumstances of the murder Incidents preciding the murder Trans Panic Defense argumentation Other indicators Other needed information Profession of victim (65 % of known victim professions = sex worker) Ethnic/migration background (Intersection of discrimination) Follow-up (Prosecution of perpetrator, court case, media reporting etc.)
Trans Murder Monitoring Severalwaysof Trans Murder Monitoring Community research Local, national, international websitesandblogs Mailinglists Keywordguidedgeneral web search Keywordguidednews web search Online Newspaper search
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