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Simi Valley High School Private School Registration 2010-2011

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Simi Valley High School Private School Registration 2010-2011

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    1. Simi Valley High School Private School Registration 2010-2011 Mrs. Boucher, Mrs. Herzer, Mrs. Jewell, Mrs. Linero, Mrs. Melanson, Mr. Schurer

    2. Course Catalog Course catalog is on our website. www.svhscounseling.com Please refer to course catalog for important information on…

    3. Important Information in Course Catalog Criteria for Valedictorian/Salutatorian Counseling Website Information Selected Course Limitations and Senior Option Four Year Plan A-G Requirements and College Websites Graduation Requirements Practical Art & Computer Education Courses Course Change Policy and Work Permits Special Interest Programs and College Terms Testing Schedule and California Higher Education Opportunities NCAA COURSE DESCRIPTONS AND PREREQUISITES

    4. Transcript Review We need high school transcripts so we can evaluate them and have them entered into our system. We need CAHSEE results (10th grade) and all other standardized test scores. If student has failed classes, must make them up ASAP. SVUSD will not be able to offer summer school this year. First alternative is adult ed. if 16 years old and passing current courses. If more than 30 credits behind, should go to alternative placement.

    5. Required 9th Grade Courses English, English 9 H Math – Algebra AB, Algebra CD, Geometry Science – Science 9, CP Science 9 PE or sport Health/Elective Elective (Foreign Language if college bound) Colleges require that you complete a minimum of 2 years of a language other than English AND one year of a visual or performing art.

    6. Required 10th Grade Courses English, English 10 H World History, AP World History Math Science – Biological Science, General Biology, CP Biology, AP Biology PE/Sport Foreign Language/Fine Art/Elective

    7. Required 11th Grade Courses English 11, English 11 H, AP English 11 US History, AP US History Math Science – Physical Science, General Chemistry, CP Chemistry, AP Chemistry, Plant/Environmental/Ess. of Anatomy Foreign Language/Fine Art/Elective Elective/Practical Art/Computer Ed.

    8. Required 12th Grade Courses English 12, AP English 12 Government/Economics or AP Gov’t/AP Econ Elective/Math Elective/Science – Physics, AP Physics, Anatomy, Anatomy H, AP Environmental Sci. Elective/Fine Art/Practical Art/Computer Ed. Elective/Free Period

    9. Advanced Placement & Honors There is a new application process for AP/Honors courses this year. You will sign up through the Simi High Counseling office website - www.svhscounseling.com Window to apply online is Mar. 1 – Mar. 12. It is no longer necessary to get signatures for AP/Honors courses on registration form. If not eligible now for a class and plan to take a course over summer to qualify, can not apply for that course until after March 12th. Expect to have summer homework for each course. Students are expected to take AP exams for each AP course they are enrolled in during May of next year.

    10. Special Offerings for 11th & 12th Grades Work Experience, ROP & Career Development courses must have Mr. McDermott’s signature Remember that students must have a 2.0 GPA and 90%+ attendance to receive a work permit Teachers of Tomorrow

    11. Physical Education Information If students haven’t completed 20 credits of Phys Ed they MUST take PE in 11th and/or 12th grade. Bowling and Weights do not count as PE credits! Marching band, pep squad and drill team do count as PE. Must have coaches signature to have sport on registration form. If new to sport, need to try out – use 7494-7496

    12. Registration Form Completion Use #2 pencil ONLY – PRINT CLEARLY Please follow instructions: 1. Alternate courses at bottom of form very important! 2. Be accurate with course numbers! (menu & symbols) 3. Students are making a serious commitment if taking college prep, AP or Honors courses! 4. If students are taking a one semester sport, they will be required to take PE in the opposite semester (9th and 10th grade). Fill in courses with me – Sign your form Grade of “C” or better required to move up to next level Courses with a (P) require current subject area teacher approval & signature If not sure what math and/or science courses to take, can get current teacher approval Varsity sports MUST have coach’s signature - Exception: Football 7633-7634, Girls Cross Country/Track 7268/7277 & Boys Cross Country/Track 7635/7643 If trying out for a fall or spring sport, use the sport try out number for the appropriate semester 7494/7496

    13. Registration Form Completion cont. Special course offerings for 10-11: Journalism, Pilates, Virtual Enterprise, Civil Liberties and Law, Music courses, Weights, AP Art History, AP Studio Art, AP Draw/Paint, Creative Writing, Military History, Expository Reading and Writing, Spanish II for Native Speakers, Intro to Conversational Spanish A/B Download application for ASB leadership and annual from the Simi High Counseling website. www.svhscounseling.com The following courses may not be taken more than two semesters: Office Practice, Teacher Aide, Library Practice, Science Lab Assistant, Wood Shop Manager Bowling can only be taken one semester

    14. Summer Options are Limited Summer school will not be offered through our district this summer. Adult education is the first option if you are 16 yrs. old. If you are in Leadership, Performing Arts, or Athletics and need to take History over the summer, students should see their counselor in May for required forms giving permission

    15. Registration Due Dates Write your registration form due date in the top left corner of your course selection form: Fri., March 12th If don’t turn in tonight, please have back by this Friday, March 12th If you have any burning questions, best thing to do is email your counselor. Choose courses and alternates carefully! PARENT SIGNATURE is important !!!

    16. Questions? Mrs. Boucher eboucher@simi.k12.ca.us Mrs. Herzer therzer@simi.k12.ca.us Mrs. Jewell djewell@simi.k12.ca.us Mrs. Linero alinero@simi.k12.ca.us Mrs. Melanson jmelanson@simi.k12.ca.us Mr. Schurer cschurer@simi.k12.ca.us Become a fan of “SVHS Counseling” on facebook for important school and college information. www.californiacolleges.edu Begin planning NOW for what you want to do after high school – will you: Attend college? Pursue Vocational/Technical training? Join the Military? Work part time or full time?

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