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This project aims to support victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation by improving the services provided by the rehabilitation center Atoll and shelter Vega. Activities include studying the evaluation of moral damage, researching victims' needs, creating a self-help group, providing support programs, and improving the shelter conditions.
Supporting victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation through improving the services provided by the rehabilitation centre Atoll and shelter Vega Project Promoter: NGO Eluliin Duration: 2013 - 2015 Project manager: Eda Molder 26 May 2016 Tallinn, Estonia
Activities of the project • Activity 1Study on the possibility of drafting reliable and valid formulas to evaluate the moral damage caused to the victims of human trafficking and assess the size of compensation to victims • Activity 2Research of victims needs in connection with rehabilitation services and clarifying motivation factors that help to leave the trafficking environment • Activity 3Creating self-help group of former victims of trafficking, providing training for group leaders • Activity 4Providing support programme for victims of trafficking and women involved in prostitution (women with children – the child-mother group) • Activity 5 Providing trainings and roundtable meetings for professionals such as lawyers, psychologists, psychiatrists, and youth workers • Activity 6Improvement of the conditions of the shelter and of the rehabilitation centre for victims of trafficking
Results and achievements: Study on the possibility of drafting reliable and valid formulas to evaluate the moral damage caused to the victims of human trafficking and assess the size of compensation to victims (ACTIVITY 1) Took place in tightcollaborationwithNorwayexperts on Lawprotection of THB victims SPECIAL THANKS TO: Ms/Mrs GunhildVehusheia; Ms/Mrs GroWildhagen Ms/Mrs Carole Hunn Studypointedoutabout 20 of thepossibilitiestoimprovesituation of THB victims at nationallevel, includingimprovement of nationallegislativebase Results of thestudy and recomendationshavebeenpresented on one of the meeting of National Anti-traffickingRoundtable
Ms/Mrs Gunhild Vehusheia Ms/Mrs Gro Wildhageni Ms/Mrs Carole Hunn during one of the study visit of Estonian delegation (Johansen Law Agency 03.06.2015 Oslo, Norway)
Results and achievements: Research of victims needs in connection with rehabilitation services and clarifying motivation factors that help to leave the trafficking environment (ACTIVITY 2) Took place in tightcollaborationwithNorwayexperts: SPECIAL THANKS TO: Mrs May-LenSkillbrei (PhD) Oslo University, Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law - Research pointedout in detailsthe process of involvement of victims intosphere of trafficking; observethefactors of motivation and strategiesusedpersontoquitthissphere, describedthedifficulties toquitand psychosocialconsequencesforpeson of beinginvolved in sphere of trafficking, includingexpected and nessesaryrehabilitationservices. - Results of thestudy and recomendationshavebeenpresented on one of the meeting of National Anti-traffickingRoundtable - Based on researchdatahavebeencreated a pilotproject of employmentforfemalesinvolved in prostitution and THB victims. Pilotprojectisimplemented in collaborationwithUnemploymentInsuranceFund (Eesti Töötukassa)
Activity 2 Norway expert: Mrs. May-Len Skilbrey during one of the study visit of Estonian delegation (Oslo University, Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law, 01.06.2015 Oslo, Norway)
Presentation the results of research of THB victims rehabilitation needs by the Roman Krolov on one of the meeting of National Anti-trafficking Roundtable (Ministry of Justice, 10.12.2015 Tallinn Estonia)
Results and achievements: Creating self-help group of former victims of trafficking, providing training for group leaders (ACTIVITY 3) Havebeenoffered a practicalpsycho-emotionalindividual peer-to-peer and groupassistancetomorethan 20 of formervictims of humantraffickingforsexualexploitation Implementedcreation of stable and motivatedcore of self-helpgroup (8 person) Workedoutuniquemethodology of peer-to-peer counselling and self-helpgroupassistane in cases of humantrafficking Done 48 ac.hoursstudycourceforleaders of self-helpgroups, supportpersons and peer-to-peer councellers. Courcesuccesfullyfinished 9 person. Donework
Results and achievements: Providing support programme for victims of trafficking and women involved in prostitution (women with children – the child-mother group) (ACTIVITY 4) Group goal is to increase of parental skills of mothers – victims of trafficking and protect children of involvement into criminal environment Done in collaboration with Estonian expert: SPECIAL THANKS TO: Mrs Sirje Rass clinical and neuropsychologist, psychoanalytical child- and youth psychotherapist - Worked out and described a methodology of implementaton such kind of group activity - During the period of project`s implementation have been carried out more than 100 of group meetings, including: lectures to mothers; handycraft groups for mothers and children, cooking-together groups, visiting of cultural, sport and free time events together - Now activity is stopped because of absence of financing
Examples of handycraft products, done during the mother-and child group meetings
Examples of handycraft products, done during the mother-and child group meetings
Examples of handycraft products, done during the mother-and child group meetings
Examples of handycraft products, done during the mother-and child group meetings
Results and achievements: Providing trainings and roundtable meetings for professionals such as lawyers, psychologists, psychiatrists, and youth workers (ACTIVITY 5) 36 studydays and roundtables are carriedout: 13 are in collabotationwithexpertsfromNorway IN ADDITION TO MENTIONED ABOVE SPECIAL THANKS TO: Mr Jan AustadMinistryof Justice and PublicSecurityOsloMs/Mrs SonjaMandtTheStorting, NorwegianParliament Oslo Ms/Mrs Ellen YstgaardTjemsland, Ms/Mrs Torill Berge Andersen Mr Ivar AndréHolmTheCompensationBoardforVictims of ViolentCrime in Norway Ms/Mrs Annete BrunovskisFafo, InstituteforApplied International Studies, Oslo
Estonian delegation during the study visit to Ministry of Justice and Public Security (02.06.2015 Oslo, Norway)
Estonian delegation during the study visit to The Storting, Norwegian Parliament (02.06.2015 Oslo, Norway)
Estonian delegation during the study visit to Compensation Board for Victims of Violent Crime (03.06.2015 Oslo, Norway)
Estonian delegation during the study visit to Compensation Board for Victims of Violent Crime (01.06.2015 Oslo, Norway)
Features of psychological assistance to victims of human trafficking and persons involved in prostitution. Study day and roundtable (30.09.2015, Jõhvi Estonia)
Results and achievements: Improvement of the conditions of the shelter and of the rehabilitation centre for victims of trafficking (ACTIVITY 6) Improved of working and living environment of Psychosocial Rehabilitation Centre Atoll and Shelter for Victims of Human Trafficking in Estonia VEGA
Magnetic wall in Psychosocial rehabilitation centre Atoll, NGO Eluliin Tallinn Estonia. Done within the frames of Activity 6 of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 Programme project.