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Applied Strength Training For Football

Applied Strength Training For Football. Robert McAdams www.robertwmcadams.com. Off-Season Purposes. What’s the purposes of the off-season? Main Purpose: Increased Team Ability Primary: *Strength, *Power, Speed, Bodyweight Aux.: Skills/Tech—Footwork, Blocking, Tackling

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Applied Strength Training For Football

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  1. Applied Strength Training For Football Robert McAdams www.robertwmcadams.com

  2. Off-Season Purposes • What’s the purposes of the off-season? • Main Purpose: Increased Team Ability • Primary: *Strength, *Power, Speed, Bodyweight • Aux.: Skills/Tech—Footwork, Blocking, Tackling • Secondary: Increased Team Character • Comradery, Work Ethic, Discipline, Motivation, & Pride • Conclusion • Strength & Power are PRIMARY concern of MAIN off-season purpose • What the main purpose (or use) of the “Weightroom”? • Increased Strength & Power—PERIOD! • So don’t “do everything” in the weightroom, just get strong & powerful • Speed will improve with very little agility training AND + strength & power • Bodyweight will increase with very little emphases AND + strength & power • Tackling, blocking, & other skills are best taught in pads—not the weightroom • These skills are also improved with very little training AND + strength & power • Character traits will be learned along the way, no need to focus on them • These traits will be improved with very little emphasis AND + strength & power

  3. Strength/Power Principles • How is Strength/Power Built? • Multi-joint movements/exercises • No isolation exercises • Strength: Squat, Bench, & Rows • Power: Snatch, Clean • Low Volume & Fatigue—low reps, more rest • Strength: 3-6 rep range • Power: 1-3 rep range • 3 min rest between sets • Increase Intensity—bar weight increases over time • Exercise Technique—MASTER few VS “Doing” many

  4. The Basic 5x5 Program • Mon/Wed/Fri “5x5 Heavy” Days80 minutes • Group A (split, then flip-flop) 35 min • Squat, Bench/Row 5x5 3 min/set, 15 min/ex • Group B (all one, then all other) 35 min • Snatch, Clean 5x3r 3 min/set, 15 min/ex • Team Abs 10 min • Tu/Th “20x1 Tech/AG” Days 80 minutes • Group A 40 min • Snatch, Clean 20x1r 1 min/set, 20 min/ex • Group B 40 min • Agilities, Dots 10 min/ex • Bounding, Lines 10 min/ex • Wed “Power” Days • Same as M/W/F except with 85% of normal weight

  5. The Condensed (JH) Version • Mon/Wed/Fri “5x5 Heavy” 45 minutes • Group A (flip-flop) 20 min • Squat, Bench/Row 3x5 3 min/set, 10 min/ex • Group B 20 min • Snatch, Clean 3x3 3min/set, 10 min/ex • Team Abs 5 min • Tu/Th “20x1 Tech/AG” 45 minutes • Group A 22 min • Snatch 10x1, Clean 12x1 1 min/set, 10 min/ex • Group B 22 min • Agilities, Dot Drill, Lines 7 min/ex • Wed “Power” Days • Same as M/W/F except with 85% of normal weight

  6. Details of the Program • All variables remain CONSTANT/CONSISTENT • Exercises: Squat, Bench/Row, Snatch, Clean • Volume: 5x5, 5x3r, 20x1r • Heavy (or Power) days are all IDENTICAL • Technique days are all IDENTICAL • Consistency helps kids/coaches understand/implement program • Kids/Coaches know what to do & expect in only a few weeks • Weight Accountability *numbers that mean something* • Initially “Heavy Weight” is 75% of max • Weight up 5lb if all 5x5 done, down 20lb if not done • Insures the kids will increase much more than decrease • Affects kid’s body—adapt to ever-increasing weight • Affects kid’s view of weightroom—they expect to get stronger • Weights written down on sheet by athlete after 5th set • Coach will put Mon weights on the new sheet every week • Technique days are 70% of Monday Weights Snatch & Clean • Power days are 85% of Mon Weights for ALL Exercises

  7. HVY-PWR-EZ Weight Chart • Used Tu/Th for technique day weight • Ex. Mon = 205 Clean 5x3 (HVYEZ)? • 145lb range +/- to keep group same • Used Wed for power day weight • Ex. Mon = 275 5x5 Squat (HVYPWR) • 240lb range +/- to keep group same • Used for “max range” or aiming point • Ex. 275 Squat 5x5, 205 Clean 5x3 • Likely max = (PWRHVY for 5x3, PWRHVY + down 1 for 5x5) • Squat = 340lb range, Clean = 235lb range • Chart Made With Microsoft Excel • Column 1 “15 + cell (above it = 100)” & drag it down until desired max weight • Column 2 “round (.85 * cell (to left)/5, 0) * 5” & drag down to bottom • Column 3 “round (.7 * cell (to left)/5, 0) * 5” & drag down to bottom

  8. Example Weekly Sheet From Estill County, KYFeb 27, 2006 (Front Side)

  9. Example Weekly Sheet From Estill County, KYFeb 27, 2006 (Back Side)

  10. Coaches’ Office Estill County, KY Weightroom

  11. Squatting Key Coaching Points • Squat is King of Strength Exercise • Kids have to get down to below parallel to get benefits • Coach “through heels” • Sit back on your heels (going down) • Should be able to wiggle toes through the whole squat • Keep your heels down (at the bottom) • Push through your heels (coming up) • Coach “taking a dump” • Sit back like you’re “taking a dump” • Don’t get crap on your feet… Sit way back, shoulders forward • Punish—Group: for ANY kids squatting above parallel • Call out each groups number of above parallel squats = team up-downs • This really cuts down on above parallel squatting

  12. Bench/Rows Coaching Points • Upper body is less coaching intensive than lower body • Bench Press (Chest/Front Shoulder/Arm) • Big breath at top hold, descend slowly “on track” to bottom • “Big air tight!”, you can’t over-coach breathing properly • Smooth decent, not jerky or fast • Bar below nipples (sternum) w/ elbows in to body/lats tight • Smooth into and out of the chest, no bounce • Drive elbows up and press to over eyes—focus on elbows • Row (Upper Back/Rear Shoulder/Arm) • Deadlift barbell • Bend over to approx 45-60 degree angle • Pull bar back to belly with focus on elbows • “Break bar over your belly” • “Smooth stretch…” going down + big breath • Honestly, I don’t care much about either of these… • I do them because… • Kids love bench + pretty muscles • Shoulder stability and strength helps avoid injuries • They promote some balance to this leg-dominant program

  13. Alterations, Problems, Resolutions • Alterations to 5x5 • Add the “Power” day Wednesday • Good for after all kids tap out 1-2 times on all exercises • This should happen around 6-8 weeks in • Starting weight is best 5x5 (weight before last decrease) minus 15-20lb • Only increase on Mon/Fri • Should last you another 4-6 weeks with few decreases • Problems • 5x5 doesn’t encourage muscle growth BEST* • 5x5 doesn’t fatigue kids BEST* • Kids need to gain muscle at some point… • Resolutions • Fatigue-Strength Training • Only done AFTER base strength/tech established (3+ mo of 5x5) • Phase 1 “Max 12/Drop 12’s” (max 12, followed by 3x12 less weight, 45s timed rest for 2-3 wk) • Phase 2 “Max 10/20” (max 10, followed by max 20, 4-5 min rest, 2-3 wk) • Phase 3 “Max 8/15” (max 8, followed by max 15, 4-5 min rest, 2-3 wk) • Weight increased in progression like in 5x5—up 5 if complete, down 10 if not complete • 4-6 week training period with growth increase w/ same type strength progression • Kids must EAT MORE FOOD + DRINK MILK DURING THIS PHASE • 5x5 fits right into this programming (right after it for 6-9 weeks)

  14. Questions? • Feel free to contact me at either… • www.robertwmcadams.com • robertmcadams75@yahoo.com

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