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Human Anatomy and Physiology

Dive into the fundamental principles of human cell biology, exploring cell structure, function, and identification. Learn about the nucleus, plasma membrane, organelles, and membrane specializations. Discover the essential concepts that form the basis of life at the cellular level.

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Human Anatomy and Physiology

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  1. Human Anatomy andPhysiology Chapter 3 –Cells and Tissues

  2. Part I-Cells • Identified by _______________first as he looked at dead cork cells • Cell Theory: • Basic structural and functional unit of life • Activity of an organism depends on collective activity of cells • ___________________________________-Biochemical activities of cells are dictated by their relative # of their specific subcellular structures • Continuity of life has a cellular basis Robert Hooke Principle of Complementarity

  3. Made of primarily 4 elements---_____________/other elements include Ca, I, Na, K..Some of these in water solution carry a charge ,at which point they are called_______________...Ca is used for blood clotting ,Fe to make hemoblobin, and I for Thyroid hormone C,H,O,N Electrolyte/ion

  4. ~60% water/cells are in a dilute water solution called________________ (dilute saltwater solution),,derived from blood-HERE IS WHERE EXCHANGES BETWEEN CELLS & BLOOD TAKE PLACE! • Size ranges—2 micrometers-~1 meter • Overall structure may be related to function Interstitial fluid

  5. ANATOMY of GENERALIZED CELL- • -nucleus,cytoplasm,plasma membrane • 1) Nucleus-____________centered---contains DNA which has info for making proteins-/necessity for cell reproduction/shape usually conforms to shape of cell • ___________or___________ fluid –filled space with nuclear pores penetrate through envelope-Contain jellylike nucleoplasm-other Nuclear elements suspended • _________-makes ribosomes • Chromatin-DNA and chromatin that constitute dense chromosomes during cell division Nuclear envelope OR membrane nucleoli Control center

  6. 2)Plasma Membrane(cell membrane) • Contains a phospholipids bilayer-“tail-to-tail” and proteins floating amidst this.-some having attached sugars---as channels to allow particles in and carb tags to specify what molecules are admitted/some proteins act as carriers to move something out membrane • Fluid mosaic model • Also contains cholesterol-helps keep the membrane fluid • Proteins may be enzymes or hormone receptors

  7. Plasma membrane cont’d • Polar heads of bilayer are Hydrophilic-______________________ • Nonpolar tails are Hyrdrophobic-avoid water • General properties allows membrane to reseal easily Attracted to water

  8. The “sugar proteins” are _____________________ producing the sugar rich or(sticky) known as Glycocalyx—-one of the many functions is to determine blood type,or as receptors for bacteria,viruses and toxins---some function as enzymes---see cancer connection p.102-103---``````````````, most functions are for transport Glycoproteins

  9. Cell Membrane specializations: • Microvilli-Projections to increase surface area so absorption occurs more quickly

  10. >>Membrane junctions • : may be 1-glycoproteins acting as glue or adhesive,2-wavy contours from membranes of adjacent cells fit together in a tongue-and groove manner Or 3-special membrane junctions/structurally depending on roles

  11. >>Membrane junctions A-________________-impermeable and bind to prevent leakage between cells(acts like a “zipper”) B-____________anchoring junctions that prevent mechanical stress(eg.skin cells)-prevent being pulled apart—thickenings_PLAQUES-of adjacent cell membrane-by protein filaments-”guy wires” TIGHT junctions Desmosomes

  12. Membrane Junctions cont’d • C---______________________-(in heart and between embryonic cells)—function for communication----place where chemicals pass----connect to neighboring cell by CONNEXONS(hallow cylinders composed of proteins to span width between cell) Gap Junctions

  13. CYTOPLASM-material outside nucleus and inside cell membrane 1)cytosol fluid;2)organelles 3) inclusions-chemicals possibly present,depending on cell type—usually stored nutrients of cell products-eg.pigment or glycogen. lipid droplets common in fat cells, mucus, or crystals.

  14. ORGANELLES: • Most membrane bound-allows unique internal environment separate from cytosol • _______________-changes shape and has a double membrane-Inner cristae composed of enzymes and as well as dissolved in fluid-CARRY OUT CELLULAR RESPIRATION from which we get ATP-energy----many found in liver and muscle----in more busy cells,enzymes dissolved in fluids and cristae mitochondria

  15. ____________-have rRNA and protein ,HERE mRNA is read -tRNA-brings appropriate amino acid in to make PROTEINS…..some free in cytoplasm and some attached to ER • ER-endoplasmic reticulum-has fluid filled cisterns or coils ribosomes

  16. Er cont’d • Rough-has ribosomes and sends proteins out as their intricate folding occurs to area of cell in transport vesicles or for export (protein products) • Smooth-used in lipid metabolism and detox of drugs etc.,(many in liver) • ___________-stack of membranous sacs and exports proteins in SECRETORY VESICLES,then to plasma membrane-eg-digestive enzymes made by pancreas GOLGI

  17. ______________________-membranous bags w/ digestive enzymes-for worn out cell structures lysosomes

  18. Perioxisomes-membranous sacs w/ oxidase enzymes that use O2 to detox poisons-like alcohol- and formaldehyde---also to convert FREE RADICALS to H2O2 and this is catalyzed to water….(What are Free radicals?-reactive chemicals w/unpr’ed electrons that can scramble proteins and nucleic acids….many in liver and kidney)/peroxisomes convert peroxide to H2O2/enzyme ctalase converts peroxide to H2O • Cytoskeleton—network of protein structures,inc: • Intermediate filaments-help desmosomes • microfilaments-involved in motility and shape-eg.actin and myosin • microtubules-give shape and for cell divisions

  19. Cytoskeleton—network of protein structures,inc: • Intermediate filaments-help desmosomes • microfilaments-involved in motility and shape-eg.actin and myosin • microtubules-give shape and for cell divisions

  20. Centrioles-near nucleus-role in cell division • Cilia-on some cells to move things-as in respiratory tract • Flagella-whiplike---in sperm • microvilli Cell extensions

  21. CELL DIVERSITY-Trillions of human cells spell about 200 different cell types.Below are some of the specializations--shape reflects function-- • 1) Cells that connect body parts: • ____________-elongated shape;secretes cable –like fibers;much rough ER and large Golgi to secrete proteins • ____________(RBC)carries O2 in blood;concave shape gives surface area for O2 uptake,yet streamlined for flow-absent of other organelles so can carry much O2 Erythrocyte Fibroblast

  22. 2)Cell that covers and lines body organs: • _______________________hexagonal shape-allows packing together in a sheet;filaments present to resist tearing • 3) Cells that move organs and body parts: • Skeletal and smooth muscle-long and filled w/ contractile filaments-to move bones or change size of internal organs. epithelial

  23. 4) Cell that stores nutrients • ____-large spherical shape-from large lipid droplet in cytoplasm • 5) Cell that fights diseases: • ________________________-phagocytic-sends pseudopods to reach infection and infection digested by lysosomes fat Macrophage

  24. 6)Cell that gathers info and controls body functions: • ______________-(neuron)-long extensions for receiving messages and transmiting;extensive plasma membrane/plenty rough ER for making membrane components • 7) Cells of Reproduction: • __________female-largest cell in body,several copies of all organelles • __________male-long and flagellated Oocyte and sperm Nerve

  25. III. CELL PHYSIOLOGY--for metabolism,digestion,waste disposal,reproduction,growth,movement,and irritability • ---MEMBRANE TRANSPORT • Solution basics- • __________=homogeneous mixture of 2 or more substances • _______________-does dissolving • _______________-gets dissolved solvent solution solute

  26. __________________-nucleoplasm and cytyosol---containing sm amounts gases(O2 and CO2),nutrients,and salts in water solution • _____________-continously washes exterior of cells---many components,inc. amino acids,sugars,fatty acids ,vitamins/regulatory hormones and neurotransmitters,as well as salts and waste.CELL MUST OBTAIN THAT WHICH IT NEEDS FROM HERE AND REJECT REST. Interstitial fluid Intracellular fluid

  27. Plasma Membrane is ___________________________________-choosy in what is allowed in and kept out….also certain substance smust remain in cell Selectively permeable

  28. Movement in 2 ways: • 1) PASSIVE TRANSPORT—pass w/o energy • ________________molecules move AWAY from areas where more concentrated;move down concentration gradient-; greater the difference in concentration of 2 areas,the faster the movement-also the smaller the particle,the faster it moves--hydrophobic portion of membranes resists barrier, ;hydrophobic portion of membranes resists-barrier diffusion

  29. ----WILL MOVE THROUGH DUE TO ANY OF THE FOLLOWING:-1)small molecules 2)lipid soluble molecules and 3)assisted by membrane carrier- diffusion,-particles small enough will go through pores-in MEMBRANE PROTEINS-This is simple diffusion-either they are small enough or lipid soluble

  30. _____________-water diffuses through selectively permeable membrane-water resisted through nonpolar lipid core—BUT assisted by pores called____________-made by membrane proteins osmosis aquaporins

  31. Facilitated diffusion-needed substance-eg.glucose-lipid insoluble and too big for pores protein membrane channel is used-transport vehicle • ____________-water and solutes forced through a membrane-or capillary wall by FLUID_HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE---usually by blood-is w/ a gradient,but the gradient actually MOVES the solution.The gradient is called a PRESURE GRADIENT-actually pushes solute through….also used in kidney function/usually just blood and membrane proteins held back Filtration

  32. 2) ACTIVE TRANSPORT PROCESSES-uses ATP-particles may be against gradient,too large,or lack a helper protein • Active Transport-solute pump-ATP energizes protein carriers(solute pump)-carries amino acids,sugars ,and most ions----Sodium potassium pump vital to nerve transmission{excess Na ions outside and excess K on inside

  33. Vesicular transport exocytosis • ______________________-w/ use of ATP moves large masses in or out(w/o crossing plasma membrane) • ­­­­­­__________________- moves large masses out-package by golgi into vesicles and ruptures outward-Secretion of hormones,mucus…Transmembrane Proteins on vesicles (v_SNARES) /v=vesicle-recognize Plasma Proteins (t-SNARES)/t=target-causes membranes to corkscrew together and fuse • __________________-moves the same IN—engulfs certain substances into a vesicle-sends to lysosome…..Phagocytosis—engulfs larger things/eats bacteria and dead cell bodies-protective,not nutritive • Pinocytosis(cell drinking)—pinches in liquids/frequent occurrence as in absorption in small intestine • Receptor mediated endocytosis-plasma membrane receptors target certain molecules endocytosis

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