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The LIVE UNITED T-shirt. User’s Manual 2013. AN EMPLOYEE CAMPAIGN COORDINATOR’S TOOLKIT. Table of Contents. Your Role As An Employee Campaign Coordinator……...……………………………...3 How Special Events Can Help Your Campaign…………………………………………...4 Examples of Special Events…………………………………………………………………5

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  2. Table of Contents Your Role As An Employee Campaign Coordinator……...……………………………...3 How Special Events Can Help Your Campaign…………………………………………...4 Examples of Special Events…………………………………………………………………5 More Special Event Ideas………………………………………………………………. 6 - 8 Mission Focused & Educational Activities……………………………………………….. 9 Sample Themes…………………………………………………………………………… 10 Incentives………………………………………………………………………………….. 11 Getting the Word Out!............................................................................................. 12

  3. Your Role as an Employee Campaign Coordinator • As an Employee Campaign Coordinator (ECC) you are the liaison between your company and United Way of Inner Wisconsin. You will lead the planning, implementation and evaluation of your organization’s annual United Way campaign. • TRAINING • Because you will be asking others to give, it is important that you understand United Way of Inner Wisconsin’s work in the community and are able to communicate the benefits of giving, based on personal experience. Our annual Campaign Volunteer Training will give you the tools you need and stories to share for a successful campaign! • ONGOING SUPPORT • The United Way staff and volunteers (Loaned Executives or Division Chairs) will guide and assist you with all your campaign needs. We also offer a weekly e-newsletter (available only during campaign) called “Campaign Central” to give you ideas throughout campaign. Sign up by emailing angie@uwiw.org. Also, we have many materials available for you to download, and help you with your campaign. • WHAT DOES AN ECC DO? • Work closely with United Way staff/volunteer to create a campaign strategy including: support from top management, asking for a corporate contribution, setting goal, employee education about United Way, offering the opportunity for each employee to give, and motivation and encouragement so your colleagues will get involved. • Assemble a campaign committee (if needed) that represents all levels of your organization. • Hold a campaign kick off/meeting or rally. • Distribute United Way materials and pledge cards to colleagues. • Prepare and submit completed pledge cards to United Way. • Evaluate your campaign and make recommendations for the next year. • BENEFITS TO YOU AS AN ECC • Showcase your leadership and project management skills. • Network with colleagues at various levels of your organization. • Receive communication from United Way keeping you up-to-date on the latest news in our community. • Personally take an active role to create impact in south Wood & Adams Counties! Tip: At United Way of Inner Wisconsin we track volunteer hours and we consider all ECCs to be volunteers - so be sure to track your time and report that to us as well! 3

  4. How Special Events Can Help Your Campaign • A fun campaign makes your job more enjoyable and creates increased awareness • of United Way of Inner Wisconsin among your co-workers. With that in mind, we’ve • compiled some creative sparks-- examples of ideas and events--to help ignite an • exciting and effective employee campaign. We’ve included simple campaign promotions, as well as unique, successful special events that companies have sponsored in the past. • Use this booklet as a starting point to help develop ideas tailored to your company’s theme. Many companies also like to include fun activities in their kickoff or as a thank you to their employees for contributing to a great campaign. • EVENT PLANNING TIPS • Decide if the goal of the event is to raise awareness, boost employee morale, raise money or all three. • Put together a budget and determine prizes (see suggestions within this guide) . • Choose an event that’s a good match for your work environment and employees. • Select a date that doesn’t conflict with other company events. • Reserve an easily accessible location and get approvals. • Assign responsibilities to team members (publicity/promotions, prizes, food, decorations, volunteer recruitment, etc.). • Inform United Way staff and/or volunteer of your special event(s) and ask for any help and/or advice you may need. • Take pictures at the event and give them to United Way staff/volunteer. • After the event, evaluate its success, make notes for next year’s committee and report the results to employees and United Way staff/volunteer. • Send thank you notes to everyone who helped make the event a success, including volunteers and vendors who donated food and prizes. Tip: email your event photos to angie@uwiw.org and we will post them on our flickr page! 4

  5. Examples of Special Events • Casino Day • Balloon pop • Book, music and DVD sale • Casual Day (be sure to call the United Way office for Casual Day Stickers!) • Silent Auction (be sure to download silent auction bidding sheets from our website: www.uwiw.org, Campaign Central, Campaign in a Bag) • Tricycle Races • Wii Tournament • Putt-putt tournament • Inflatable party games • Dunk Tank • Bowl-a-Thon • Hawaii Beach Bash • Olympics • Reality TV • FOOD RELATED ACTIVITIES • Chili or soup cook-off • International Food Day • Pancake Breakfast • Spaghetti Lunch • Popcorn Sale • Nacho Bar • Barbeque • Tailgate Party • Pizza Party • Latte Stand • Ice Cream Truck • Hot Dog Stand 5

  6. More Special Event Ideas Look-a-Like Contest Encourage employees to dress up like famous personalities. Co-workers then pay to vote on the best costume with the contestant receiving the most votes winning a prize/certificate! eBINGO Sell bingo cards for a small fee. Send e-mails sporadically throughout the week with one or two Bingo numbers each time. The first person to get Bingo should notify all players via email to win a prize! Message Therapist Have a local therapist or massage therapy student donate their time to visit your workplace. Employees pay and sign up for time slots, with proceeds going to United Way! Tip: request a Packer Football for your campaign! Go to www.uwiw.org and click on “Campaign Central” to be directed to the Green Bay Packer’s website and request a free autographed Packer football! You will need to allow 6-8 weeks and requests need to be approved by the Green Bay Packers. Use your football as a prize or in a silent auction! 6

  7. More Special Event Ideas Pie in the Face Employees pay for the privilege of throwing a whipped crème pie at their favorite manager! Or, if the company meets their goal, employees can pay to throw a pie at the CEO! Tip: to see a hilarious video of a local Pie-in-the-Face event (compliments of Daily Tribune Media) visit our YouTube page! www.youtube.com/UWofInnerWisc United Way 007 Clues are given to employees in the form of riddles. The department or individual who solves all the riddles receives a prize at the end of the campaign! Shave Off! Last year four Solarus managers had a penny war to see who would have to get shaved! The whole community was invited to stop into the Solarus office to vote! Each manager had a jar with his photo located in the Solarus lobby; the manager with the most money in the jar has his head shaved! Ultimately all four agreed to “go under the scissors” for United Way. Thank you Solarus! 7

  8. More Special Event Ideas Comedy Hour Ask a local comedian or improv group to donate their services over the lunch hour. Have employees buy tickets to attend and give the proceeds to United Way! Wanted… Create a Wild West theme, complete with your own homemade jail and wanted posters… and lock up management! Heads or Tails Last year Paper City Savings Association played an elimination game called “Heads or Tails.” The cost was $2.00 to play and participants guessed at the first coin flip. Those who guessed wrong were eliminated and those who guessed right moved to the next round. Participants could purchase extra “chances” to stay in the game, at $1.00 per chance. The top prize was four tickets to Mt. Olympus Water and Theme Park and four tickets to Top Secret! (Note: prizes are not provided by United Way!) Tip: educate your co-workers about our Loyal Contributor program! We recognize anyone – regardless of giving level – for supporting United Way for 10 or more years! If you have a cool Loyal Contributor story to share, be sure to contact us! 8

  9. Mission Focused & Educational Activities • Hold a poverty simulation. Or you can email the link to this online poverty simulation to your coworkers and see who survived the longest: www.playspent.org. • During campaign potlucks, etc., ask every 6th person to sit at a separate table for 5-10 minutes while everyone else eats. This would represent the number of people who go hungry in our service area. • VOLUNTEER TOGETHER! Some companies give employees time off during the day and pay them to volunteer. If this is not possible, consider an evening or weekend volunteer opportunity the entire staff can get involved in; or participate in our annual Day of Caring held each fall (see below). • Set up a literature table with brochures, pamphlets and other materials from United Way of Inner Wisconsin. • Run a series of articles in your company newsletter. Or you can sign up for the monthly “Did You Know…?” E-newsletter and forward them to your co-workers. • Download payroll stuffers from www.uwiw.org “Campaign Central” page and insert them with paychecks. • Share the United Way of Inner Wisconsin “Success Stories,” which can also be downloaded from the “Campaign Central” page on our website. • Hold a “Leadership Giving Event” to education and recruit leadership givers. Tip: in 2013, Day of Caring will be held Saturday October 26, from 9am – 2pm. Volunteers will be raking yards for elderly/disabled individuals. All participants receive a free t-shirt and lunch! This is perfect for groups of co-workers!!! 9

  10. Sample Themes (other than our favorite, LIVE UNITED!) • Live U-Knighted • Wii Care! • Be True To Your School • Lights! Camera! Action! • Teaming up for the Community • Recipe for Caring • Tune-In To The Community • Community Hero • Your Gift Works Magic • Light Up a Life • United We Stand • Building a Better Community • A Race Everyone Wins • Making it Happen • Pitch in for Your Home Team • Catch the Spirit • Rockin’ and Raisin’ • Power of Caring • Building our Community Together • Pay it Forward • American Idol 10

  11. Incentives • Give away company promotional items • Sell your company’s gently used computers • Call in “well” day • Car started and windows scraped • Flee at 3 coupons • Free babysitting • Free meal or oil change • Gift certificates • Golf with the boss • Lottery tickets • Lunch with a manager – their treat! • Movie passes • Open soda and candy machines • Play or concert tickets • Reserved prime parking spots • Sleep in late coupon • Sporting event tickets • Use of company car • Vacation day • Use of the executive office • One hour lunch extension • Cash prizes • Stress balls • Spa day • Shopping spree • Golf lessons • One day limo service Tip: you can also order United Way logo items at www.unitedwaystore.com 11

  12. Getting the Word Out! • Email / intranet messages • Forward the link to our YouTube page to co-workers if you are unable to show our Campaign Video! www.youtube.com/UWofInnerWisc • Post messages on company website / intranet • Show your support on your organization’s Facebook page • Articles and ads in employee newsletter / e-newsletter • Payroll stuffers • Calendars of campaign events • Posters and fliers posted in elevators, stair wells, restroom stalls, cafeteria, water cooler, break area, coffee machine, etc. (These can be found in your kit and downloaded from our Campaign Central page on our website www.uwiw.org) • Banners (LIVE UNITED banner can be checked out from United Way of Inner Wisconsin, when available) • Announcements at staff meetings. • Piece of candy or event-related item with reminder tied to it. • Table tents • Don’t forget to Tweet about us! Tip: “Like” our Facebook page and then recommend us to all of your friends! A link to our Facebook page can be found at www.uwiw.org on our homepage under “Stay Connected.” 12

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