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COMMISSIONING: REDUCING THE CARBON FOOTPRINT. (…and Maintenance Costs). (…and Operating Costs). Existing Building Commissioning. What is Commissioning?. Existing Building Commissioning is defined as:

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  1. COMMISSIONING: REDUCING THE CARBON FOOTPRINT (…and Maintenance Costs) (…and Operating Costs)

  2. Existing Building Commissioning What is Commissioning? Existing Building Commissioning is defined as: An organized process whereby the performance of selected building systems are verified and documented in order to identify energy and operational cost reduction opportunities and to improve overall building performance. Typical Commissioned Systems: • Mechanical • HVAC • Controls • Electrical • Emergency Power Equipment • Fire & Life Safety • Fire Alarm System

  3. Existing Building Commissioning Purpose & Goals of EB-Commissioning: • Identifying Potential Energy Savings • Improving Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) • Improving Guest Comfort • Eliminating Known Issues • Meeting the Demands of a Change • Reducing Maintenance Costs • Improving Systems/Equipment Documentation

  4. Existing Building Commissioning Procedures of EB-Commissioning: • Owner Interview • Project’s History & Future • Document Review • Site Investigation • Data Collection • Observation of Performance • Trending • Current Energy Bills • Analysis • Data from Trends • Energy Bills • Maintenance Records • Findings Report • Investigation Findings • Recommendations • Implementation

  5. Existing Building Commissioning Typical Commissioning Findings: • Equipment Issues • Equipment not functioning correctly • Equipment not functioning at all • Older equipment with poor efficiency ratings • Controls Issues • Sensors out of calibration • Programming errors (or emissions) • Wiring or connection issues • Maintenance Issues • Poor maintenance • Improper maintenance

  6. Existing Building Commissioning Commissioning Costs & ROI: • Typical Costs of EB-Commissioning • $0.10 - $0.25/Square Foot, based on type of systems • Contract by Scope • Investigation Phase • Implementation Phase • Typical Return On Investment • 0 to 4 months for most (low hanging fruit) • 6 months to 2 years (equipment replacement)

  7. Existing Building Commissioning * Based on case studies performed by Portland Energy Conservation Inc. (PECI), 2000

  8. Existing Building Commissioning Benefits of Commissioning: • Reduction in Energy Costs • Better efficiency equals lower operating costs • Reduction in Maintenance Costs • Fine tuning eliminates emergency repairs and allows for scheduled preventive maintenance • Improved IAQ • Optimum operating systems create a healthy environment with verified and documented OSA • Improved Guest Comfort • Proper operating systems create a healthy environment • Verification of functioning systems reduces occupant complaints

  9. Existing Building Commissioning EB-Cx Questions

  10. Existing Building Commissioning Thank You

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