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HSE STATISTICS RTA TRENDS 2003 RTAs and Issues. John Graham CSM/15. Corporate Safety Performance YTD. TOTAL 34 LTIs - 3 from Road Traffic Accidents. Corporate Safety Performance YTD. LTIF Performance 1986 – YTD 2003. RTAs per Million Kilometres. DDC. Rollovers per Million Kilometres.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. HSE STATISTICSRTA TRENDS2003 RTAs and Issues John GrahamCSM/15

  2. Corporate Safety Performance YTD TOTAL 34 LTIs - 3 from Road Traffic Accidents

  3. Corporate Safety Performance YTD

  4. LTIF Performance 1986 – YTD 2003

  5. RTAs per Million Kilometres DDC

  6. Rollovers per Million Kilometres Speed-limiters DDC

  7. Key Road Safety Performance Figures YTD 2000 2001 2002 2003 Million kms driven 118 121 132 92 RTAs 158 159 111 70 RTAF 1.3 1.3 0.8 0.7 Rollovers 43 33 22 13 Rollover Freq.. 0.36 0.27 0.16 0.13 RTA LTIs 21 15 5 3

  8. The transportsystem Other Road Users The Driver Roads & Environment Vehicle &Load The main elements of Road Safety

  9. RTAs Year to Date = could have easily resulted in fatalities

  10. THE DRIVER FOCUS AREAS Rollovers: Head-ons :Fatigue /Boredom/Alertness Reversing/Hitting Fixed Objects: Carelessness Turning Left- Lack ofObservation,Awareness THE VEHICLE TYRES THE LOAD Contributory Factors Care, Type, Suitability Unsecured Loads Not to SP 2001 specs

  11. Focus Areas: The driver • Fatigue: Driver Forum/Blitz Campaign - DtS Journey Manager Competency ASTiD Advisory System for Tired Drivers on trial in 7 vehicles Poster Campaign Toolbox Talks • Left Turns Triad Posters Briefing Pack Second Driver Forum Topic DtS

  12. Focus Areas: The Vehicle • TYRES: Co-Topic of 2nd Driver Forum / Blitz DtS TRL studying three tyres (independently) Three Tyre Safety Presentations on Web Tracking ALL RTAs with tyre failures involved, building up ‘a picture” RSMT focus • LOADS: SP-2001 introduced earlier in 2003 Briefing Pack Workshops RSMT Focus

  13. RTA Examples 3rd party failed to stop at T-junction, but…defensive driving by other driver?? Truck making a left turn, while being overtaken, by a police vehicle! Rollover, tyre initiated? Saloon car at very high speed, on wrong side of road went under trailer making left turn- 3 dead Yet another rollover

  14. Two heavy loads fell off their trailers, could have been fatalities Rollover at high speed, one dead

  15. Road Safety is improving-but challenge is to maintain and improve upon current performance; example: Two head on side – swipes with Heavy Vehicles 6 - 10 Cms further left—and two other fatalities!?? THE END CSM/15 30 Sept,2003

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