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A Modern University System In a Competitive Environment

Explore the evolving role of universities from isolated ivory towers to vibrant hubs of knowledge production and professional training in a modern, competitive environment. Gain insights into the challenges and opportunities faced in bridging academia with industry, government, and society, while nurturing both intellectual excellence and practical skills. Discover how universities can become beacons of innovation, economic growth, and social progress.

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A Modern University System In a Competitive Environment

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  1. A Modern University System In a Competitive Environment Haim Harari Alpbach, August 28, 2004

  2. Once Upon a Time… "A University is a remote isolated ivory tower, in which distinguished aging scholars, mostly with beards, contemplate philosophical and ethical issues, probe the most esoteric deep secrets of nature and train the next generation of selected brilliant minds to do likewise. The general public knows little and cares less about this secluded place, but admires the intellect of the Professors, understanding that they are a minor burden on the society which maintains them, similar to artists and to other useless great minds. The University has no relation to the business world, to industry, to government, to the pre-collegiate educational system or, for that matter, to anything else practical."

  3. Once Upon a Time… "A University is a remote isolated ivory tower, in which distinguished aging scholars, mostly with beards, contemplate philosophical and ethical issues, probe the most esoteric deep secrets of nature and train the next generation of selected brilliant minds to do likewise. The general public knows little and cares less about this secluded place, but admires the intellect of the Professors, understanding that they are a minor burden on the society which maintains them, similar to artists and to other useless great minds. The University has no relation to the business world, to industry, to government, to the pre-collegiate educational system or, for that matter, to anything else practical."

  4. Today, Somewhere in Europe… "A University is a huge processing plant, in which the raw material consists of a large percentage of the population in the relevant age group and the final product is mediocre practitioners of useful professions like law, physical therapy, accounting, software engineering, school teaching and dentistry. Most students are of average intelligence, admissions are open or almost so, tuition is free or almost so and the average Professor is far from being an admired legendary scholar. Quantity is achieved at the expense of quality. The cost to the public is substantial and the politicians constantly meddle in the affairs of the University and try to make sure that every penny spent leads to immediate practical results. The relation to the business world, to industry and to the pre-collegiate school system is still, at best, marginal."

  5. Today, Somewhere in Europe… "A University is a huge processing plant, in which the raw material consists of a large percentage of the population in the relevant age group and the final product is mediocre practitioners of useful professions like law, physical therapy, accounting, software engineering, school teaching and dentistry. Most students are of average intelligence, admissions are open or almost so, tuition is free or almost so and the average Professor is far from being an admired legendary scholar. Quantity is achieved at the expense of quality. The cost to the public is substantial and the politicians constantly meddle in the affairs of the University and try to make sure that every penny spent leads to immediate practical results. The relation to the business world, to industry and to the pre-collegiate school system is still, at best, marginal."

  6. Can This Happen, One Day? The Ivory Lighthouse "A University is an ivory tower, devoted to creating new knowledge and to training an intellectual elite, while serving, at the same time, as a true lighthouse, training competent professionals, spreading enlightenment, contributing to the economy, helping school education, creating the foundation of sophisticated industry and ameliorating social problems."

  7. Can This Happen, One Day? The Ivory Lighthouse "A University is an ivory tower, devoted to creating new knowledge and to training an intellectual elite, while serving, at the same time, as a truelighthouse, training competent professionals, spreading enlightenment, contributing to the economy, helping school education, creating the foundation of sophisticated industry and ameliorating social problems."

  8. Sacred Cows

  9. Sacred Cows Creativity IS NOT license to publish nonsense

  10. Sacred Cows Creativity IS NOT license to publish nonsense Academic Freedom IS NOT freedom to spend money

  11. Sacred Cows Creativity IS NOT license to publish nonsense Academic Freedom IS NOT freedom to spend money Contributing to social IS NOT underneath the dignity and economic problems of the great scholar.

  12. Sacred Cows Creativity IS NOT license to publish nonsense Academic Freedom IS NOT freedom to spend money Contributing to social IS NOT underneath the dignity and economic problems of the great scholar. Tenure IS NOT retirement at age 40

  13. Sacred Cows Creativity IS NOT license to publish nonsense Academic Freedom IS NOT freedom to spend money Contributing to social IS NOT underneath the dignity and economic problems of the great scholar. Tenure IS NOT retirement at age 40 Excellence IS NOT arrogance.

  14. Sacred Cows Creativity IS NOT license to publish nonsense Academic Freedom IS NOT freedom to spend money Contributing to social IS NOT underneath the dignity and economic problems of the great scholar. Tenure IS NOT retirement at age 40 Excellence IS NOT arrogance. Equality of scientific stars IS NOT democracy and mediocre practitioners

  15. Diversity Resources Tasks Government Local Tuition Philanthropy Endowment Research Grants Intellectual Property Extras Educate Scholars Train Professionals Basic Research Applied Research Social Problems Industry School System Other

  16. Resources Egalitarian Government Students, Graduates, Fields, Degrees, Research Local Regional Interests Tuition Crucial, Uniform, Social Service, Loans Differentiating Philanthropy Quality, Attraction, Special Contributions, PR Endowment Vision, Age, Loyalty, Investment Policy ResearchGrants Excellence, Benefit, International impact IntellectualProperty Excellence, Aggressive Policy, Discipline Extras Real Estate, Industrial Parks, Adult Training

  17. Resources Egalitarian Government Students, Graduates, Fields, Degrees, Research Local Regional Interests Tuition Crucial, Uniform, Social Service, Loans Differentiating Philanthropy Quality, Attraction, Special Contributions, PR Endowment Vision, Age, Loyalty, Investment Policy ResearchGrants Excellence, Benefit, International impact IntellectualProperty Excellence, Aggressive Policy, Discipline Extras Real Estate, Industrial Parks, Adult Training

  18. Resources Egalitarian Government Students, Graduates, Fields, Degrees, Research Local Regional Interests Tuition Crucial, Uniform, Social Service, Loans Differentiating Philanthropy Quality, Attraction, Special Contributions, PR Endowment Vision, Age, Loyalty, Investment Policy ResearchGrants Excellence, Benefit, International impact IntellectualProperty Excellence, Aggressive Policy, Discipline Extras Real Estate, Industrial Parks, Adult Training

  19. Resources Egalitarian Government Students, Graduates, Fields, Degrees, Research Local Regional Interests Tuition Crucial, Uniform, Social Service, Loans Differentiating Philanthropy Quality, Attraction, Special Contributions, PR Endowment Vision, Age, Loyalty, Investment Policy ResearchGrants Excellence, Benefit, International impact Intellectual Property Excellence, Aggressive Policy, Discipline Extras Real Estate, Industrial Parks, Adult Training

  20. Tasks Educate Scholars Classical, No Need to Cover All, Multidisciplinary Train Professionals Research not Mandatory, Guest Professors e-Learning Basic Research Diversified Sources, Priorities, Patenting, Risks Applied Research Cover the Entire Road from "R" to "D" Social Problems Field Action Industry Training Students and Employees, Projects School System Curriculum, Materials, Teacher Training Other

  21. Tasks Educate Scholars Classical, No Need to Cover All, Multidisciplinary Train Professionals Research not Mandatory, Guest Professors e-Learning Basic Research Diversified Sources, Priorities, Patenting, Risks Applied Research Cover the Entire Road from "R" to "D" Social Problems Field Action Industry Training Students and Employees, Projects School System Curriculum, Materials, Teacher Training Other

  22. Tasks Educate Scholars Classical, No Need to Cover All, Multidisciplinary Train Professionals Research not Mandatory, Guest Professors e-Learning Basic Research Diversified Sources, Priorities, Patenting, Risks Applied Research Cover the Entire Road from "R" to "D" Social Problems Field Action Industry Training Students and Employees, Projects School System Curriculum, Materials, Teacher Training Other

  23. Tuition Morally and Economically Right. Should it Depend on Subject? Should it Depend on Income? How Much? The Magic Formula: PERACH + Loan

  24. Philanthropyand Endowment Fundraising Is an Art, not a Science Give and Take Integrity Buildings, Facilities, Lecture Halls, Wings, Projects Endowment: Chairs, Fellowships, Research Centers Courage and Vision to Prefer Endowment Investing the Endowment

  25. Intellectual Property Do Not Change Goals of University Have Clear and Strict Rules Share Any Income of Any Kind with Scientist Scientists Should Lead Effort In Case of Doubt, Issue a Patent Don't Sell too Early Don’t Allow a Conflict of Interest with the Scientist Fight with Industry, When Necessary

  26. Basic Research The Research Group as a "Start-up" Diverse Funding: Internal Philanthropic Industrial Regional National International Priorities Risks International Standards

  27. The School System The Education System is a Pyramid Curriculum, Texts, Software, Methods Teacher Training and Support Extracurricular Activities General Public Education is too Important to be Left to the Educators

  28. Time Scale Education Basic Research Social Problems 10-20 Years Industry Development Schools Political Horizon ----- Next Election Hence: Either change nothing or frequent instant reforms !

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