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Chapter 2 Rock Box Review

Chapter 2 Rock Box Review. Go through this Power Point at home to help review the different rocks and their characteristics. (It’s a way to study without the box of rocks!!)  Remember: Your Chapter 2 Test is a walk-around station test!.

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Chapter 2 Rock Box Review

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  1. Chapter 2 Rock Box Review • Go through this Power Point at home to help review the different rocks and their characteristics. (It’s a way to study without the box of rocks!!) • Remember: Your Chapter 2 Test is a walk-around station test!

  2. * Name the rock.* Name the major group.* Name the specific category.* Name the texture.What characteristics do you see?

  3. Name the rock, major group, specific category, texture, and any other characteristics you see.

  4. Conglomerate • Sedimentary • Clastic • Large pebbles • Coarse-grained

  5. Name the rock, major group, specific category, texture, and any other characteristics you see.

  6. Breccia • Sedimentary • Clastic • Coarse-grained • Smaller pebbles than conglomerate

  7. Name the rock, major group, specific category, texture, and any other characteristics you see.

  8. Obsidian • Igneous • Extrusive • Glasslike • No visible crystals • Volcanic

  9. Name the rock, major group, specific category, texture, and any other characteristics you see.

  10. Shale • Sedimentary • Clastic • Fine grained • Grey

  11. Name the rock, major group, specific category, texture, and any other characteristics you see.

  12. Slate • Metamorphic • Foliated • Dark grey/black • thin

  13. Name the rock, major group, specific category, texture, and any other characteristics you see.

  14. Sandstone • Sedimentary • Clastic • Visible grains • Crumbly / sandy

  15. Name the rock, major group, specific category, texture, and any other characteristics you see.

  16. Granite • Igneous • Intrusive • Big, visible crystals • Coarse grained • Black, white, and pink minerals

  17. Name the rock, major group, specific category, texture, and any other characteristics you see.

  18. Gneiss • Metamorphic • Foliated • Flattened crystals • Evidence of pressure

  19. Name the rock, major group, specific category, texture, and any other characteristics you see.

  20. Schist • Metamorphic • Foliated • Flattened crystals • Glittery

  21. Name the rock, major group, specific category, texture, and any other characteristics you see.

  22. Marble • Metamorphic • Non-foliated • White or pink • Evidence of pressure

  23. Name the rock, major group, specific category, texture, and any other characteristics you see.

  24. Quartzite • Metamorphic • Non-foliated • Light in color • Not as “sparkly/crystally” as marble

  25. Name the rock, major group, specific category, texture, and any other characteristics you see.

  26. Pumice • Igneous • Extrusive • Gas bubbles from cooling lava • Has holes • Very light-weight

  27. Name the rock, major group, specific category, texture, and any other characteristics you see. http://www.bgsd.k12.wa.us/hml/jr_cam/science/rocks/igneous.htm Cool site!!

  28. Gabbro • Igneous • Intrusive • Coarse-grained • Chunky crystals • Black

  29. Name the rock, major group, specific category, texture, and any other characteristics you see.

  30. Basalt • Igneous • Extrusive • Fine-grained • Black/ dark grey • Most of the ocean floor is basalt

  31. Good Luck!!  • Sources • http://skywalker.cochise.edu/wellerr/rocks/mtrx/gneissL.htm • Geologu.com

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