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Unit 7 Review. Nationalism and Imperialism. ____________________ and _____________________ Sepoys had religious objections to ammo greased with animal fat. CLUE. ANSWER. _in_u & M_sl__. Hindu & Muslim.
Unit 7 Review Nationalism and Imperialism
____________________ and _____________________ Sepoys had religious objections to ammo greased with animal fat. CLUE ANSWER _in_u & M_sl__ Hindu & Muslim
Hundreds of British civilians were killed and thrown into a well at the massacre at _______________________? CLUE ANSWER Can meow? Kanpur
Mazzini, Cavour, and Garibaldi were 3 men involved in ______________________ unification. CLUE ANSWER Pasta food type Italian
_________ _______________________ was the queen of the Asante. Led Asante to fight the British after they took the Golden Stool from her people and captured and humiliated the king. CLUE ANSWER _a_ _sa_te_a Yaa Asantewa
In the __________________ ____________________________in India, both sides were responsible for killing innocent people. CLUE ANSWER Uprising named after soldiers Sepoy Rebellion
Increased conflict between Hindus and Muslims was an effect of imperialism in _______________________. CLUE ANSWER Not In-noche, but In____ India
_________________________ can lead to revolution in a country and aggression towards other countries or people groups. It can also result from a country’s need to defend itself from outsiders. CLUE ANSWER Rhymes with rationalism Nationalism
In _________________ colonies, men came from Europe, became wealthy off of the work of the native people, thenreturned to their home countries and families. CLUE ANSWER Taking advantage of exploitation
The _______________________ Wars were conflicts between a southern African nation, Boers, and the British. CLUE ANSWER Rhymes with Hulu Zulu
The feudal system, isolationism, and samurais ended during Japan’s ________________________ Restoration. CLUE ANSWER 5th month + 7th letter Meiji
The_____________________contained many ethnic groups and was considered a “powder keg” of violence. Nationalism there helped destroy an empire. CLUE ANSWER Southeast Europe Region Balkans
A country’s desire for new resources and money, power and glory, and to spread religion or culture are all motives for____________________. CLUE ANSWER Taking over other countries Imperialism
The Tibetan people wanting control of their own country is an example of _______________________. CLUE ANSWER Was already an answer! Nationalism
The waterway that shortened the trip between England and India was the ____________ __________________. CLUE ANSWER Not a root canal, but Suez Canal
___________________ broke apart the Austrian and Ottoman empires, led countries like Japan to become empires, and helped create countries like Italy and Germany. CLUE ANSWER _at__on__ism Nationalism
The Sepoy Rebellion caused India to come under the control of ___________________ instead of the British East India Company. CLUE ANSWER Home of Queen Victoria. England
Under ________________rule, Europeans were in charge of the government and military, and didn’t let native people have power. CLUE ANSWER Straight to the point Direct
During ________________________ unification, Bismarck showed nationalism by wanting more loyalty to Germany than religion, a powerful country, and to avoid foreign rule. CLUE ANSWER Home of Ocktoberfest and sauerkraut. German
During the ________________ _____________________ in Japan, isolationism ended and modernization/westernization began. CLUE ANSWER M_ij_ _es_or__ion Meiji Restoration
Belgian soldiers killed Congolese men and cut off their hands for not collecting _______________________. CLUE ANSWER Bouncy balls are made from this Rubber
__________________ fought wars with France and Austria in order to create a unified country. CLUE ANSWER Hamburg, Stuttgart, and Berlin are all cities here Germany
Indian soldiers rebelled against the _________________ ________________ _______________Company in the Sepoy Rebellion. CLUE ANSWER B.E.I. British East India
_________________ colonies would have been used for immigration by families. CLUE ANSWER S__tle__nt Settlement
Under ____________________ rule, local rulers were left in charge, but under European guidance. CLUE ANSWER Not out-direct, but... indirect
Common culture and heritage helped_____________________unify, but illiteracy was a barrier to nationalism. CLUE ANSWER Shaped like a boot Italy
The Chinese tried to get rid of the Europeans living in China in the _________________ rebellion. CLUE ANSWER Mike Tyson and Muhammad Ali Boxer
Japan saw its culture as superior and didn’t want to be imperialized during the Meiji____________________. CLUE ANSWER Fixing up old things. Restoration
An Indian soldier working for the British East India Companywas known as_____________________. CLUE ANSWER Its “yopes” spelled backwards Sepoy
Native Africans weren’t invited to the _______________ Conference, where rules for colonizing Africa were decided in 1884. CLUE ANSWER Capital of Germany Berlin
In ______________________and _______________________, native people DID NOT appreciate Leopold II or the British East India Company taking their land without permission. CLUE ANSWER A continent & a country Africa & India
Giuseppe Garibaldi was the “________________ of Italian Unification” who led 1000 “Red Shirts” CLUE ANSWER Rapiers, cutlasses, and katanas are all types of a… Sword
___________ __________ __________________succeeded in uniting Germany with his policy of “blood and iron.” CLUE ANSWER O.v.B. Otto von Bismarck
“White Man’s Burden” by Kipling shows an attitude of _____________________ism, as he talks about taking care of the people that they colonize, treating them like children. CLUE ANSWER Fatherly paternal
The Pope was upset by _________________________ unification because it caused him to lose a lot of land and power. CLUE ANSWER Like Spaghetti Italian
The invention of the________________ __________________ ____________ helped Europeans colonize Africa and Asia. CLUE ANSWER M.M.G. Maxim Machine Gun
___________________________ means understanding needs of the state and doing what’s necessary. Bismarck used this policy. CLUE ANSWER Real Politics Realpolitik
__________________ gives a people a sense of identity, can tear empires apart, or create a country from separate ones. CLUE ANSWER Common answer In this game Nationalism
King Leopold’s takeover of the Congo as his personal land is an example of ____________________ in Africa. CLUE ANSWER Darth Vader-ism Imperialism
The _____________-Japanese and _____________-Japanese Wars showed the world that Japan was becoming a world power. CLUE ANSWER Chinese & Russian Sino & Russo
Dr. David___________________ was a British explorer and missionary who hated the slave trade. CLUE ANSWER Not Deadrock, but... Livingstone
___________________ can lead to over-reliance on cash crops and increased conflict between ethnic groups. CLUE ANSWER The other common answer this game Imperialism
Count Camillo Cavour was a shrewd and ruthless politician known as the “________________ of Italian Unification.” CLUE ANSWER What zombies like to eat Brains
Cecil______________ went to Africa at 17, started a colony named after himself and a diamond company, and became rich. CLUE ANSWER Not streets, but… Rhodes
The Japanese turned to their ________________ when they wanted to create a stronger country. CLUE ANSWER The _________’s new clothes. Emperor
Japan wanted to __________ize, _________ize, and ________ize during the Meiji Restoration CLUE ANSWER M, W, & I Modern, western, & industrial
During the Meiji Restoration in _____________, they wanted a rich country, strong military, and not to be controlled by ‘barbarians.’ CLUE ANSWER Tokyo & Nagasaki are cities here Japan
________________ _____ ___________________ are not technically colonies but they are unofficiallycontrolled by other countries, and ________ is an example. CLUE ANSWER Sph__e_ of _nflu__nc_ & C__na Spheres of Influence & China
A D C A. B. C. D. Italy Boers B India China