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Alliteration. Alliteration is the repetition of initial consonant sound in two or more neighboring words or syllables. Here are some examples:. D olly D oesn’t like D on The W ild W inds of W inter. Proper alliteration is NOT a repetition of letters; it is a repetition of sound.

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  1. Alliteration

  2. Alliteration is the repetition of initial consonant sound in two or more neighboring words or syllables. Here are some examples: Dolly Doesn’t like Don The Wild Winds of Winter

  3. Proper alliteration is NOT a repetition of letters; it is a repetition of sound. For example, neverand knight are alliterate because they begin with the same consonant sound. Ex: The Knight never rode to Norway However, even though tinand thankbegin with the same letter, they do not alliterate because they don’t begin with the same consonant sound. Ex: Thank you for my Tin ring

  4. More Examples Clyde Clumsily Closed the Closet Angela and her Ants had a picnic of Anchovies Wally the Worm had a great Workout

  5. Tongue Twisters are examples of alliterative poetry How much wood would a woodchuck chuckIf a woodchuck would chuck wood?A woodchuck would chuck all the wood he could chuckIf a woodchuck would chuck wood.

  6. If Freaky Fred Found Fifty Feet of FruitAnd Fed Forty Feet to his Friend FrankHow many Feet of Fruit did Freaky FredFind?

  7. Super Samson Simpson I am Super Samson Simpson, I'm superlatively strong,I like to carry elephants,I do it all day long,I pick up half a dozenand hoist them in the air,it's really somewhat simple,for I have strength to spare.My muscles are enormous,they bulge from top to toe,and when I carry elephants,they ripple to and fro,but I am not the strongestin the Simpson family,for when I carry elephants,my grandma carries me. Jack Prelutsky

  8. Super Samson Simpson I am Super Samson Simpson, I'm superlatively strong,I like to carry elephants,I do it all day long,I pick up half a dozenand hoist them in the air,it's really somewhat simple,for I have strength to spare.My muscles are enormous,they bulge from top to toe,and when I carry elephants,they ripple to and fro,but I am not the strongestin the Simpson family,for when I carry elephants,my grandma carries me. Jack Prelutsky

  9. Group Quiz http://library.thinkquest.org/J0112392/alliterationpractice.html

  10. Alliteration is all around you!!! Take some time to look around and notice…

  11. In Sports

  12. In Advertising

  13. Store Names

  14. Now time to make your own!!!

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