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Digestive System

Digestive System. Digestion. Introduction Physical Digestion Chemical Digestion Hepatic Portal System. Digestive System: Overview. Figure 24.1. Digestive Process. Figure 24.2. Figure 15.3. Essential Activities of Digestion. Figure 24.3a, b. Digestive Process. Figure 24.2.

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Digestive System

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Digestive System

  2. Digestion • Introduction • Physical Digestion • Chemical Digestion • Hepatic Portal System

  3. Digestive System: Overview Figure 24.1

  4. Digestive Process Figure 24.2

  5. Figure 15.3

  6. Essential Activities of Digestion Figure 24.3a, b

  7. Digestive Process Figure 24.2

  8. Mouth & Tongue Figure 24.7a

  9. Salivary Glands II Figure 24.9a

  10. Teeth Figure 24.10.2

  11. Digestive Processes in the Mouth • Food is ingested • Mechanical digestion begins mastication • Propulsion is initiated by swallowing • Salivary amylase

  12. Deglutition (Swallowing) Figure 24.13a-c

  13. Thought Question

  14. Esophagus Figure 24.13d, e

  15. Stomach Figure 24.14a

  16. Figure 15.17

  17. Thought Question

  18. Regulation of Gastric Secretion • Stimulatory and inhibitory events occur in three phases • Cephalic (reflex) phase • Gastric phase • Intestinal phase

  19. Cephalic Phase • Excitatory events include: • Inhibitory events include: • Inputs come from olfactory receptors and taste buds  hypothalamus vagal nuclei  parasympathetic ganglion

  20. Gastric Phase • Excitatory events include: • Inhibitory events include: • Chemicals released • Gastrin • Ach • Histamine

  21. Regulation and Mechanism of HCl Secretion Figure 24.17

  22. Gastric Contractile Activity Figure 24.18

  23. Intestinal Phase • Excitatory phase • Inhibitory phase

  24. Regulation of Gastric Emptying Figure 24.19

  25. Microscopic Anatomy of the Small Intestine Figure 24.21a-c

  26. Figure 15.8

  27. Figure 15.27

  28. Figure 15.32

  29. Figure 15.7

  30. Large Intestine Figure 24.29a

  31. Chemical Digestion Carbohydrates

  32. Figure 15.7

  33. Chemical Digestion Protein • Stomach • Pepsinogen Pepsin • Small Intestine • Trypsin, Chymotrypsin, Carboxypeptidase • Brush Border Enzymes – Aminopeptidases • Carboxypeptidases

  34. Thought Question

  35. Figure 15.7

  36. Chemical Digestion: Nucleic Acids • Hydrolyzed to their nucleotide monomers by pancreatic nucleases present in pancreatic juice • Absorption: active transport via membrane carriers • Absorbed in villi and transported to liver via hepatic portal vein • Enzymes used: pancreatic ribonucleases and deoxyribonuclease in the small intestines

  37. Chemical Digestion of Fats

  38. Figure 15.9

  39. Figure 15.10

  40. Figure 15.11

  41. Fatty Acid Absorption Figure 24.36

  42. Pancreatic Enzymes

  43. Hepatic Portal System

  44. Thought Question

  45. Summary • Introduction • Physical Digestion • Chemical Digestion • Hepatic Portal System

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