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Life of an Engineer

Life of an Engineer. Maria Melissa B. Quemada Process Engineer/Lab Manager Thermionics Metal Processing, Inc. Chabot College Fall ’01 – Spring ‘05. Overview. Life of a student engineer How to survive in a 4-year university Valuable skills Internships My Internship experiences

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Life of an Engineer

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  1. Life of an Engineer Maria Melissa B. Quemada Process Engineer/Lab Manager Thermionics Metal Processing, Inc. Chabot College Fall ’01 – Spring ‘05

  2. Overview • Life of a student engineer • How to survive in a 4-year university • Valuable skills • Internships • My Internship experiences • Senior Project • Life of an engineer • Industry • Graduate school • Marketable skills

  3. Life of a student engineer Life of an engineer How to survive in a 4-yr university • Network early • You will need your classmates to help you get through with your classes…especially HOMEWORKS! • Go to office hours • Not only will you find answers to your questions, the TA might also give you helpful hints • Visibility: Professors will recognize you and may lead to other opportunities • Attend your classes • Don’t depend on your classmates’ note-taking, chances are…they’re also not paying attention to what the professor is saying.

  4. Life of a student engineer Life of an engineer Valuable Skills • Technical writing • Giving presentations • Modeling/Computer-based software

  5. Life of a student engineer Life of an engineer Internships • Apply to as many internship opportunities as you can! • Go to career fairs • Have someone proof-read your resume • Make sure that you get at least one internship experience to the industry you want to get into.

  6. Life of a student engineer Life of an engineer My Internship Experiences • Summer 2005 – INSET (Internships for Nanosystems, Science, Engineering and Technology) • Location: UC Santa Barbara • Project: Making cost-effective fuel cell • Who helped me? Mr. Mayer

  7. Life of a student engineer Life of an engineer Pulse-Deposition • electrochemical deposition of the Platinum through the hydrophilic channels or the active sites on to the substrate 0.5V Voltage Carbon cloth -0.5V 50ms 50ms Total deposition time Pt4+ + 4e- Pt(s) Eo = -0.5V (approximately)

  8. Life of a student engineer Life of an engineer My Internship Experiences • Summer 2006 – SULI (Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships) • Location: LBNL (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab) • Project: ARUBA (Arsenic Removal Using Bottom Ash)

  9. Life of a student engineer Life of an engineer My Internship Experiences • Summer 2007 – Phoenix Biosystems (Start-up) • Industrial internship experience • Project: Fabrication of biosensors to measure glucose response in continuous flow and single-used systems

  10. Life of a student engineer Life of an engineer My Internship Experiences

  11. Life of a student engineer Life of an engineer Senior Project • Chemical Engineering Senior Project • Simulate a real production plant using SuperProTM • Use chemical engineering theory and lab applications • Economic evaluation of project proposal

  12. Life of a student engineer Life of an engineer Senior Project

  13. Life of a student engineer Life of an engineer Industry • Applying for a job • Go to your university career fairs • Talk to career counselor at your university • Attend industry’s info-sessions set up by students • Job Interview tips • Look up company profiles before interview • Try to sign up for a mock interview (if available) at your university’s career center

  14. Life of a student engineer Life of an engineer Industry • Current Job: Process Engineer/Lab Manager • TMPI (Thermionics Metal Processing Inc.) • Responsibilities: • Work with different type of industries such as semiconductor, solar and biotech companies to come up with a processes that will clean different materials used in vacuum systems, etc. • Control and monitor chemistry of etching baths, etc.

  15. Life of a student engineer Life of an engineer Graduate School • Research the graduate programs and schools you’re interested in • Study and take GRE (Graduate Record Exam) as early as possible (especially if you’ve just taken SAT’s)

  16. Life of a student engineer Life of an engineer Marketable Skills • Take E.I.T (Engineering-in-Training) exam • Take P.E. (Professional Engineer) exam • Continuous education • Science and technology evolves so rapidly (need to keep up with it) • Learn different software programs, especially those that are specific to your chosen major

  17. Life of a student engineer Life of an engineer Conclusion • Engineers are vital in the advancement of any technology • Will meet interesting people along the way • Will do interesting and rewarding projects throughout your career • Be an engineer…Don’t give up along the way


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