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Learn about the importance of nutrients in living organisms, how energy and matter move through ecosystems, and the various biogeochemical cycles. Includes examples, quizzes, and activities.
Daily Jumpstart • Give examples of nutrients. Why are nutrients essential for living organisms?
Next week! • Monday your two science articles are due. • Monday you will have a quiz on the levels of the biosphere, food webs, and ecological pyramids.
In order to survive, a hawk eats 30 pounds of lizards in a month. In that same month in order to survive, those lizards have to eat 300 pounds of crickets. How many pounds of grass do those crickets have to eat in order to survive?
A snake that eats a frog that has eaten an insect that fed on a plant is a • a. first-level producer. • b. first-level consumer. • c. second-level producer. • d. third-level consumer.
Only 10 percent of the energy stored in an organism can be passed on to the next trophic level. Of the remaining energy, some is used for the organism’s life processes, and the rest is • a. used in reproduction. • b. stored as body tissue. • c. stored as fat. • d. eliminated as heat.
Today • Discuss First Biogeochemical Cycle • Watch Video on Cycle • Create Cycle of your Ecosystem • Make observations of Ecosystem
http://www.animationlibrary.com/search/?keywords=recycle BIOGEOCHEMICALCYCLES3-3
http://mff.dsisd.net/Environment/Cycles.htm ENERGY & MATTER Energy is not the only thing that moves through the ecosystem. Atoms are never destroyed . . . only transformed. Take a deep breath. The atoms you just inhaled may have been inhaled by a dinosaur millions of years ago. http://educ.queensu.ca/~fmc/august2004/pages/dinobreath.html
4 ATOMS make up 95% of the body in most organisms OXYGEN CARBON HYDROGEN NITROGEN Elements, chemical compounds, and Other forms of matter are passed from One organism to another and from one Part of the biosphere to another in: ___________________________ BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLES
Complete for your Ecobottle • Complete one water for your ecobottle. • Use all of the biotic and abiotic factors you have inside your bottles. The classroom environment may also contribute to the cycles.
Ecobottle Observations • Date: 2/25/11 • Time: • General impressions: This is the first section you complete. Writing should be qualitative and should include observations like: the bottle smells like ??, water color? • Each Chamber: Write Quantitative observations. There is 1 fish left. There are now 5 grasshoppers instead of 3. There is a 6 cm ring of mold around the cap.
Image edited from: http://www.cotf.edu/ete/modules/msese/earthsysflr/water.html WATER CYCLE PH ONLINE LINK Put in code: cbp-2033 Choose Start
WATER CYCLE evaporation condensation http://www.radio-canada.ca/jeunesse/fd6/000_images/cat/c_buee_c.gif
http://www.css.cornell.edu/faculty/hmv1/watrshed/Etrans.htm The evaporation of water from the surface of plant leaves = ________________ TRANSPIRATION The return of water tothe surface in the form of rain, snow, sleet, hail, etc. = ____________________ PRECIPITATION
Cycle Expert • In your group of 3 you will be an expert on ONE cycle. • Gather information from your text book in order to answer the questions. • Answer questions in COMPLETE sentences in your NOTEBOOK! • Not in a complete sentence? = NO credit
Warm-Up • How have we as humans disrupted the water, carbon, and nitrogen cycle? • How can we fix this problem?
Warm-Up • The movement of water from the surface of a plant is termed? 2. What is the difference between this and regular evaporation? How are they similar?
Today • You have 10 minutes to finish answering questions. • You will then go back to your group and teach your cycle to the group. • The rest of the group will listen and write down answers to the questions. • NO JUST COPYING ANWERS you must talk out the answers! • Water cycle first, then Carbon, then Nitrogen
In the nitrogen cycle, bacteria that live on the roots of plants • Break down nitrogen compounds into nitrogen gas. • Denitrify nitrogen compounds • Change nitrogen gas into plant proteins • Change nitrogen gas into ammonia
Which of the following is NOT recycled in the biosphere? • a. water c. carbon • b. nitrogen d. energy
What is the process by which bacteria convert nitrogen gas in the air to ammonia? • a. nitrogen fixation • b. excretion • c. decomposition • d. denitrification
How is carbon stored in the biosphere? • a. in the atmosphere as carbon dioxide • b. underground as fossil fuels and calcium carbonate rock • c. in the oceans as dissolved carbon dioxide • d. all of the above
The movements of energy and nutrients through living systems are different because • a. energy flows in one direction and nutrients recycle. • b. energy is limited in the biosphere and nutrients are always available. • c. nutrients flow in one direction and energy recycles. • d. energy forms chemical compounds and nutrients are lost as heat.
Biogeochemical cycling ensures that • a. human activity will have no effect on elements, chemical compounds, and other forms of matter. • b. living organisms will not become limited in any one nutrient. • c. nutrients will be circulated throughout the biosphere. • d. many nutrients will not reach toxic concentrations in the biosphere.
Ecobottles • Diagram of ecobottle: Webmaster • Food Web: Lead biologist • Organism drawings: construction worker • 5 day hypotheses: everyone • Water and carbon cycle: everyone • Observations: Everyone • This should be your 4 observation
CARBON CYCLE CO2 in atmosphere CO2 in ocean BIOLOGY; Miller and Levine; Prentice Hall; 2006
4 main CARBON reservoirs in BIOSPHERE • In ____________ as CO2 gas • In _______ as dissolved CO2 gas • On _______ in organisms, rocks, soil • __________ as coal & petroleum (fossil fuels) and calcium carbonate in rocks atmosphere ocean land Underground CO2 in atmosphere CO2 in Ocean BIOLOGY; Miller and Levine; Prentice Hall; 2006
Where does CO2 in atmosphere come from? CO2 in atmosphere CO2 in Ocean Volcanic activity • ________________ • ______________ • _________________ • ____________ of dead organisms Human activity (burning fossil fuels) Cellular respiration Decomposition BIOLOGY; Miller and Levine; Prentice Hall; 2006
WHY IS CARBON IMPORTANT? BUILDING BLOCKS Found in all the _______________ of cells: carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, lipids Image by Riedell http://web.jjay.cuny.edu/~acarpi/NSC/12-dna.htm
Carbon Cycle Questions • In what ways do humans contribute to the Carbon Cycle ? • Looking at the diagram you drew, what processes cause carbon dioxide to be released into the atmosphere? What process takes it in? • In what form is Carbon found in oceans? Where is it found, and what eventually happens to it?
Warm-Up • Write least three questions about any of the topics covered so far in ecology.
Review of the Carbon Cycle • Speculate on possible pathways a carbon atom might follow over a short and long time and possible reservoirs where the carbon atom might be found.
Cut a piece of paper into squares • Label each paper with a possible “reservoir” where you think a large amount of carbon would be found in the Earth’s system. • Decide which of the reservoirs represents the largest and smallest reservoir of carbon atoms on a global scale. Write the phrase 'most carbon', and 'least carbon' on that piece of paper.
Arrange the 4 papers in a pattern that represents the carbon cycle. • Draw in arrows and label the arrows indicating the process that the carbon atom might have to go through in order to move from one reservoir to the other. • Ex. atmosphere(photosynthesis)plants
NITROGEN CYCLE Section 3-3 N2 in Atmosphere NO3- and NO2- NH3 BIOLOGY; Miller and Levine; Prentice Hall; 2006
79% of the atmosphere is made up of NITROGEN gas (N2) BUT we _____ use the nitrogen gas we breathe! The bond in N2 gas is so strong it can only be broken by _______________ _______________ ____________________ CAN’T lightning Volcanic activity few special bacteria Image by Riedell Image by Riedell http://web.jjay.cuny.edu/~acarpi/NSC/12-dna.htm
Bacteria that live ______________ And on the roots ofplants called _________, take nitrogen from the atmosphere and turn it into ______________, a form that is usable by plants. THIS PROCESS IS CALLED_________________ in the soil legumes AMMONIA (NH3) NITROGEN FIXATION http://www.slic2.wsu.edu:82/hurlbert/micro101/images/101nodules21.gif
Other bacteria in the soil convert ammonia into ________________ & _________________ which plants can also use. The nitrogen we need for proteins, ATP, and nucleic acids comes from the ___________ ___________ we breathe! NITRATES (NO3- ) & NITRITES (NO2-) FOOD WE EAT NOT THE AIR Image from: http://www.utdallas.edu/images/departments/biology/misc/gonzalez-image.jpg and http://www.cibike.org/CartoonEating.gif modified by Riedell
NITROGEN CYCLE Section 3-3 N2 in Atmosphere NO3- and NO2- NH3 BIOLOGY; Miller and Levine; Prentice Hall; 2006
Bacteria that live ______________ also carry out the reverse process ___________ → _____________. THIS PROCESS IS CALLED_________________ in the soil NITRATES & NITRITES NITROGEN GAS DENITRIFICATION
Questions for the Nitrogen Cycle • How do the consumers in the nitrogen cycle differ from the producers? • Looking at the diagram, where do the three forms of nitrogen found in land (NH3, NO3- and NO2-) come from?
Image from: Pearson Education Inc; Publishing as Pearson Prentice Hall PHOSPHORUS CYCLE Phosphate moves through food web Weathering wears away rocks and sediments and releases phosphate into soil and water Producers absorb phosphate from soil and water Phosphate returns to soil and water from waste or decomposition Sediments form “new land”to complete cycle
Phosphorus cycle is only biogeochemical cycle that does NOT cycle through the ______________ atmosphere BIOLOGY; Miller and Levine; Prentice Hall; 2006
Activity • Look at the cycles posted in the corners of the room. • In a minute you will be moving to one of these corners. • Think about which corner you know most about. • Write your answer on your paper. • I will give you focus questions to discuss with students from your corner.
Questions • What does this cycle look like? Draw a picture of it with the other members in your corner.
Question #2 • What elements are involved in this cycle.
Question #3 • Explain the biological importance of this cycle. How does it impact living organisms?