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Language identity & national discourses in Catalonia and Euskadi. Dr. Xavier Martin-Rubio Universitat de Lleida. CONTENTS. The research project (2002-2012) (Ethnography) + (CDA + MCA) Excerpt 1: Linguistic identity in Vitoria- Gasteiz Excerpt 2: Linguistic identity in Lleida
Language identity & national discourses in Catalonia and Euskadi Dr. Xavier Martin-Rubio Universitat de Lleida
CONTENTS • The research project (2002-2012) • (Ethnography) + (CDA + MCA) • Excerpt 1: Linguistic identity in Vitoria-Gasteiz • Excerpt 2: Linguistic identity in Lleida • Discussion
(Ethnography) + (CDA + MCA) Problem-oriented Critical DA (with an attitude) Analyses language in use Desire to improve people’s living conditions Multidisciplinary; eclectic
142.XAV: y por ejemplo si vais yo que sé a tomar algo. por ejemplo una pregunta que os quería hacer (.) imaginaros que mañana en el supermercado no sé que (.) vosotros dos os encontráis y. tenéis unos deberes pendientes y no sé que (.) en que en que os hablaríais 142.XAV: and for instance if you go I don’t know for a drink. for example one question I wanted to ask you (.) imagine that tomorrow at the supermarket I don’t know you two bump into each other and. you’ve got some homework due soon and so on (.) in what will you talk to each other 143.KOL: castellano 143.KOL: Spanish 144.OSC: en castellano 144.OSC: in Spanish 145.(0.5) 146.XAV: y en clase 146.XAV: and in class 147.KOL: en castellano 147.KOL: in Spanish 148.OSC: castellano 148.OSC: Spanish 149.XAV: ah sí 149.XAV: oh do you
150.OSC: si. es la diferencia por ejemplo con Gipuzkoa y Bizkaia (.) Gipuzkoa más yo creo todavía (.) más que en Bizkaia pero es que aquí no se habla nada nada nada en euskera (.) lo oyes muy poco (.) en cambio tu vas a cualquier pueblo como tu has dicho de. de Gipuzkoa y todo el mundo habla euskera (.) no oyes casi castellano (.) vamos yo es lo que me pasa (.) mismamente en mi equipo hay dos de Gipuzkoa y entre ellos dos les da igual que haya gente que no entienda =euskera= 150.OSC: yes. It’s the difference with for example Gipuzkoa and Bizkaia (.) Gipuzkoa even more I would say (.) more than in Bizkaia but the thing is here Basque is spoken nothing nothingnothing (.) you rarely hear it (.) however you go to any village as you said in Gipuzkoa and everyone speaks Basque (.) you hardly ever hear any Spanish (.) well that’s what happens to me (.) in my very team there are two from Gipuzkoa and between them they don’t care whether there are people who might not understand =Basque= 151.XAV: =de xxxx que ellos= 151.XAV: =thatxxxxthey= 152.OSC: que. ellos euskera to’ el rato (.) no sé sabes igual un poco de envidia que tienes o. como le quieras llamar que aquí no se habla nada muy poco vamos 152.OSC: they Basque all the time (.) I don’t know maybe you know you have a bit of envy or. whatever you might want to call it that here it isn’t spoken at all well very little
Spanish-speaking parents • Standard Basque learnt at school • Basque use restricted to academic sphere • Great symbolic value (identity marker) • English (low level / passive attitude)
Lidia, 18, Lleida • Spanish-speaking parents, friends, neighborhood… • Catalan learnt at school • Catalan restricted to academic sphere • No symbolic value (doesn’t identify with Catalan or Catalonia) • When faced with people for whom Catalan is important, she sticks to Spanish and “lets” the other ones use whatever they want • Xavi (researcher) and Claudia (Lidia’s Catalan teacher), Lleida • Discussing Lidia’s language use (inside and outside classroom) • No problem inside, but “will power” (militancy?) outside • Irritating attitude – assimilationist language ideology?
87.CLA: si (.) per què ella perquè et diu que parle_ jo no li he preguntat directament (.) home a classe em parla català eh/ (.) només faltarie 87.CLA: yes (.) because she. what does she tell you she speaks_ I’ve never asked her directly (.) well in classshespeaks to me in Catalanright/ (.) obviously 88.XAV: si 88.XAV: yes 89.CLA: vull dir quan pregunte però. =però fóra de classe no= 89.CLA: I mean when she asks but. =but outside class she doesn’t= 90.XAV: =si (.) perquè se sent més cómoda= i que. 90.XAV: =yes (.) becauseshefeels more atease= and that. 91.CLA: és que és molt_ yo clar és que no la coneixia abans (.) l'atre dia també (.) la vai trobar al bar per preguntar-me una cosa (.) i d'entrada ya se'm va llançar en castellà 91.CLA: it’sreally_ I of course I didn’tknowherbefore (.) the other day (.) I met her in the cafeteria she wanted to ask me something (.) and from the start she jumped in in Spanish 92.XAV: ah perquè estàveu fora de l'aula 92.XAV: oh becauseyouwereoutsidetheclassroom 93.CLA: si. estàvem fora de l'aula (.) estàvem al bar què tenim classe (.) classe de selectivitat així allò que a vegades vénen d'atres_ I directament ja em va venir (.) quéharemosbueno i amb castellà (.) oh és que és tant (.) que. jo li vaig contestar en català clar continuant_ ella es que a lo mejorluegotenemosdibuj_ (.) continuave eh (.) és una voluntat 93.CLA: yes. we were outside the classroom (.) we were in the cafeteria we have lesson (.) selectivitat lessons which means sometimes_ and directly she came to me (.) what are we going to do well and in Spanish (.) oh I mean she’s so (.) that. I answered in Catalan of course continuing_ she because maybe later we have drawing_ (.) she persisted right/ (.) I mean it’s a will power
http://xaviermartinrubio.eu/ 5@xaviermartinrubio.eu