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Designing the whole curriculum linking subjects, PLTS, Dimensions

Designing the whole curriculum linking subjects, PLTS, Dimensions. Designing the whole curriculum. Schools need to consider the entire planned learning experience including lessons, routines, events, learning outside the classroom, the extended school day in designing the whole curriculum

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Designing the whole curriculum linking subjects, PLTS, Dimensions

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  1. Designing the whole curriculumlinking subjects, PLTS, Dimensions

  2. Designing the whole curriculum Schools need to consider the entire planned learning experience including lessons, routines, events, learning outside the classroom, the extended school day in designing the whole curriculum Building on their existing subject-focused strengths many schools are developing other aspects of their curriculum focussing on the aims, dimensions and PLTs The positive differences in learners is becoming evident and need to be secured – this includes examples of impact on attainment in subjects There is a need to build on the PLTS and dimensions rather than repeat experiences in developing a coherent curriculum We need to plan for progression in PLTS We need to help schools find better ways of developing subjects, dimensions and PLTs to design more compelling learning experiences

  3. Planning systematically for the subjects The structure of the revised programme of study can be used to plan a coherent approach to subjects. Schools and colleges have found it helpful to: start by identifying one or more of the key concepts to focus on when planning identify which key processes offer opportunities to explore and extend the concept select the most appropriate contexts, content or purposes from the range and content section use experiences from the curriculum opportunities section to bring teaching and learning to life. Interconnect with dimensions and PLTs

  4. Using the dimensions Although dimensions are not a statutory part of the National Curriculum, schools will find them useful in designing and planning their curriculum. Individual dimensions should not be considered in isolation as they are often interdependent and mutually supportive. Identity and cultural diversity and community participation can be interlinked in promoting community cohesion

  5. What are the skills in the curriculum? The personal, learning and thinking skills (PLTS) provide a framework for describing the qualities and skills needed for success in learning and life. The PLTS framework embraces: social and emotional aspects of learning, employability, responsible citizenship, enquiry skills and creativity, self-direction and independent study, reflection on learning (learning to learn and assessment for learning). The framework comprises six groups of skills: independent enquirers creative thinkers reflective learners team workers self-managers effective participators. These generic skills, together with the functional skills of English, mathematics and ICT, are essential to success in life, learning and work.

  6. How can skills be planned for? Focusing on the development of skills is one way to bring coherence to the curriculum and the entire planned learning experience. The PLTS should be viewed holistically as they are often interdependent and mutually supportive. Schools have found a range of ways in which provision for PLTS can be addressed, including: through subjects, with links across subjects separately timetabled thematic days, activity weeks and events, often including block timetabling activities integrated into the routines of the school, such as running a mini-enterprise, arranging a fundraising event through visits, assemblies, out-of-hours learning and by bringing experts into the school a combination of the above Schools will develop an approach that best suits them.

  7. How can skills be planned for? To help learners develop their personal, learning and thinking skills, pupils should have opportunities across the curriculum to: plan and complete tasks in real settings or environments sometimes outside of the classroom participate fully in the daily life of the school and discuss issues of concern and develop actions to address issues in their school and wider community take on new responsibilities and work flexibly as situations change as well as organise their own time and resources in relation to their work think and reflect on what they are doing and what they want to find out work in groups so that they can share and refine ideas, evaluate each other's work and ideas, and question the assumptions behind particular ideas communicate in a variety of ways and present their ideas to a range of others, for example their class, teachers, a school assembly, people outside the school.

  8. A progression framework for PLTS What are you looking for? The skills - how a learner applies the PLT in their work Integration – how the learner brings together the different elements of the PLT and making connections between the skill and the task Independence – how the learner works independently and takes the initiative Context – the pitch of the task and the challenge the activities make on the learner

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