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Explore activities promoting intangible cultural heritage safeguarding, training workshops, capacity-building, and networking initiatives.
Regional Centre for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in South-Eastern Europe under the auspices of UNESCOFIFTH ANNUAL COORDINATION MEETING OFCATEGORY 2 CENTRES ACTIVE IN THE FIELD OFINTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE Shiraz, Islamic Republic of Iran 10 – 11 September 2017
Regional Centre in brief: 15.05.2009 Establishment of NGO 20.10.2010 Agreement 20.02.2012 Operational 2018 Renewal of the Agreement 10.2009 Decision C2C 16.03.2011 Ratification 2017 Evaluation
Work principles in the planned activities for 2017 -2018 • Maximum involvement of all SEE countries in the planned activities; • Networking and active partnerships in the field of ICH; • Enhancing the capacities for safeguarding ICH; • Promoting the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage and contributing to its implementation in the South-Eastern European region; • Inclusion of different stakeholders in the planned activities; • Encouraging the equal participation of men and women, as well as of young people; • Promotion, exchange and dissemination of initiatives and good practices regarding the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in South-Eastern Europe;
DRAFT LONG-TERM PROGRAMME • MAIN ACTIVITIES • 1. capacity-building • 2.promoting elements of ICH from the region • 3.Promoting field work with local communities • 4. Networking and promoting cooperation in the area of the intangible cultural heritage. • SUPPLEMENTARY ACTIVITIES - CREATING THE TOOLS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ACTIVITIES • 1.Setting up a web portal with different functions: • 2. Laying down rules and procedures for management of the work process. • FUNDRAISING ACTIVITIES • 1. Exploring all possible funding programmes in the area of cultural heritage in the region, as well as programmes for regional development. • 2. Applying for funding under different programmes in support of the operation of the RC.
OBJECTIVE 1: DELIVERY OF TRAINING WORKSHOPS WITH THE AIM TO PROMOTE AND IMPLEMENT THE 2003 CONVENTION IN THE TERRITORY OF THE ENTIRE REGION • Activity 1.1 - capacity building workshop for national ICH experts • 1.1.1 Montenegro • 1.1.2 Slovenia • 1.1.3 Ukraine • Activity 1.2 - TrainingoftrainersforfacilitatorsoftheEuropeanbranchof the UNESCO capacity building network • Activity 1.3 - Elaboration of research and case studies, onthe ICH safeguardingintheregion
OBJECTIVE 2: PROMOTION OF THE ELEMENTS OF THE INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE IN THE REGION • Activity 2.1 Elaboration of an ICH online platform • Activity 2.2 Annual Edition on ICH • Activity 2.3 Development of media partners network • Activity 2.4 Partnership with the International Festival of Ethnographic Film – Sofia • Activity 2.5 Pilot Project for the encouragement of participation of local communities in the safeguarding of ICH • Activity 2.6 Organising a photo exhibition • Activity 2.7 Initiation of communication with „EUROPEANA“ foundation
OBJECTIVE 3: PROMOTION AND DISSEMINATION OF GOOD PRACTICES FOR SAFEGUARDING OF ICH IN THE REGION • Activity 3.1 International seminars on specific topic in the field of intangible cultural heritage • Activity.3.1.1 International workshop "New technologies and intangible cultural heritage“ • Activity 3.1.2 Round table „Visualization of intangible cultural heritage“ • Activity3.2 Gathering information and analysis of the policies in the field of ICH in the Member States • Activity 3.4 Publication of the Reports of the 1st Round table held in December 2016 in Sofia “Between the Visible and Invisible: ICH and Museums“
OBJECTIVE 4: NETWORKING AND PROMOTING COOPERATION IN THE FIELD OF INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE • Activity4. 1 – 11thAnnualregionalmeetingof ICH expertsin SEE • Activity4.2- Participation in the sessions of UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee • Activity4.3– Participation in the annual meeting of Category 2 Centres active in the field of the intangible cultural heritage
OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE REGIONAL CENTRE SOFIA • Activity 5.1 Sessionofthe General Assemblyofthe Regional Centre, Sofia • Activity 5.2 ParticipationinmeetingswithpartnersfromtheMember States inSouth-EasternEurope, attheinvitationoftherelevantMember States; • Activity 5.3 ParticipationinmeetingsorganisedbyCategory 2 centresactiveinthefieldoftheintangibleculturalheritage, attheinvitationoftherelevantCategory 2 centres; andinmeetingsdedicatedtointangibleculturalheritage, attheinvitationoftherelevantpartners; • Activity5.4 Performanceevaluationby UNESCO forpurposesofrenewaloftheAgreementbetweentheGovernmentofthe Republic ofBulgariaand UNESCO fortheestablishmentofthe Regional Centre – January - February 2017; • Activity 5.5 Analysisofthenecessaryrulesandprocedurestobedevelopedforthesupportofthe Regional Centreperformance.
Voices of culture and heritage • Structured dialogue between European Commission and culture sector • European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 • Skills, training and knowledge – transfer in traditional and emerging heritage • RC to became a mediator and advocate for ICH in EU
Challenges • Planning and implementation • Changing the timeframe for planning • Developing long-term and mid-term strategies • Coordination with UNESCO’s objectives • Development of different networks (formal and informal) • Extra budgetary funding • Monitoring of funding mechanism • Developing a partnership network • Enhancing partnerships projects and initiatives
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!webpage: www.unesco-centerbg.orgfacebook: Unesco Centre Sofiae-mail: office@unesco-centerbg.org