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ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY . An overview of AT services to support the teachers and students in Cobb County. Assistive Technology device .

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  1. ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY An overview of AT services to support the teachers and students in Cobb County.

  2. Assistive Technology device • Any item, piece of equipment or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of children with disabilities.

  3. For people with normal abilities, technology makes doing things easier. • For people with disabilities, technology makes doing things possible. • What differentiates technology from assistive technology is its function. • Whether it is used as an enhancement or a necessity.

  4. Assistive Technology Service • Any service that directly assists a child with a disability in the selection, acquisition, and use of an assistive technology device

  5. AT Services may include: • Evaluation of the student’s needs • Selecting, designing, fitting, customizing, repairing of devices • Obtaining equipment • Coordinating services • Training or technical assistance for the student, staff, and family

  6. Academic and Learning Aids

  7. Aids for Daily Living

  8. Assistive Listening Devices

  9. Augmentative Communication

  10. Computer Access

  11. Environmental Control

  12. Mobility Aids

  13. Pre-vocational & Vocational

  14. Recreation and Leisure

  15. Seating and Positioning

  16. Visual Aids

  17. Assistive Technology in the IEP • IDEA mandates the school system’s responsibility to provide assistive technology to students with disabilities. • Student’s need must be considered on a case by case basis.

  18. Supportive Aids and Services with/without modifications and/or accommodationswith AT solutions currently availablemay require mod./ accommodations or technology not currently availablewith accommodation (no change in the curriculum) • Listening with visual support • Speaking with choice boards, AAC.. • Reading • Writing • Math • Study skills • Daily Living

  19. Assisitive Tech Required? • If the student is using any kind of AT including picture boards, super symbols, low tech communication devices, etc. you will check • YES • Under equipment required name the items your team uses • AT report, if one exists, will be placed in the IEP by the AT case manager.

  20. Documentation • Current Levels • Imbedded in objectives for which the AT is needed • Identified in special considerations section • Remember to address services when appropriate

  21. When to refer to the AT team • When the local school team has determined the student needs AT, but does not feel they have the equipment or knowledge to address the student’s needs

  22. How to refer to the AT Team • Make a referral on line http://www.cobbk12.org/~assistivetech/

  23. What can you expect? • Case manager will contact you. • Case manager will conduct assessment or consult with your team. • If AT is recommended, a trial period will be set up • At the end of the trial period, evaluation of effectiveness

  24. Assistive Technology • Helen Upshaw • Martha Moore Education Center • 678-581-6821 • Or visit our website

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