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Demography. Recreation of Ukraine population. Demography is the science about population (from Greek “dēmos“ - the populace, "graphein" - to write), or the statistics of population. The statistical study of population is conducted in two basic directions:.
Demography is the science about population (from Greek “dēmos“ - the populace, "graphein" - to write), or the statistics of population.
The statistical study of population is conducted in two basic directions: • 1. Description of population on the given time (its quantity, composition, features, etc.) - the so called statistics of population; • 2. Description of processes of quantity change in population - dynamics or motion of population. It consists of the physical motion of population (the changes which take place during of migrations — migratory processes) and so called natural motion of population ( the changes that take place as a result of birth-rate and death-rate and characterize the processes of recreation of population).
The census of population is a large-scale statistical research, the purpose of which is getting exact information about quantity and structure of population of this or that country. In the world practice the censuses of population are taken once in 5-10 years. The first and unique general census in the Tsar Russia was taken in 1897.
During the years of Soviet Union the censuses of population on the territory of Ukraine were taken in 1926, 1939, 1959, 1970, 1979 and 1989. • The census is taken on certain time (for example, 12 p.m. January, 14). On this moment on the special census forms all habitants of country are brought. Thus, if the form is filled a bit later than the fixed date (the process of copying can last a few weeks), the forms are filled in also on those who died after the fixed date.
The purpose of the first all-Ukrainian censuswas to get objective information about the changes which took place during the last decade in social-economic life and under independent Ukraine, creation of database of demographic and social-economic information both for the whole country and for all of its administrative-territorial levels in relation to the quantity of population, its national, linguistic, domestic composition, structure by age, sex, citizenship, level of education, sources of income, professional criteria, employment, migratory activity, etc. Basic features of modern censuses of population are: generality, unity of the program, registration for certain date.
Top 10 countries in the World by quantity of population : • China (1,3 billion); • India (1,049 billion); • United States of America (297 million); • Indonesia (222 million); • Brazil (180 million); • Russia (142 million); • Pakistan (157 million); • Japan (127 million); • Bangladesh (149 million); • Nigeria (127 million).
The quantity of population of Ukraine for January 1, 2008 was 46.192.300. • The correlation of urban and rural population of Ukraine during last years is almost stable: • 31.443.700 – urban • 14.748.600 – rural • So, the urban population prevails in its structure, that is the tendency of urbanization takes place.
By the age the population of Ukraine was distributed so: • 0-14 years – 14,07 %; • 15-49 years – 43,97 %; • 50 yearsand older– 41,96 %.
The process of decrepitude of population pulls out the important problems before the system of organs and establishments of health protection: • • the increasingamong the population of specific gravity of persons senior than 60 years brings it to the decline of indices of birth-rate and growth of general indices of death rate, that it is necessary to take into account at the analysis of demographic processes of population’s recreation; • • the growth of number of appeals of population of senior age groups for medical aid- ambulatory-policlinic and stationary, needs the special attention to the mentioned contingents from the services of primary medical –sanitary aid, also of the family medicine, and also the necessity of decision of such medical-social problems as caring of lonely, hospitalization of patients with the long-lasting chronic diseases, etc..
The age structure of population • At the progressive type of age structure the particle of children (0-14 years) exceeds the particle of population in age of 50 years and senior. • For the regressive type of age structure it is characteristically, that the particle of people of senior age prevails above the particle of persons of 0-14 years. • The type of age structure of population is considered stationary, if the particle of persons in the age of 0-14 years approximately equals to the particle of persons in the age of 50 years and senior.
Migration: By the territorial principle: • a) intergovernmental (within the limits of one continent, between the neighboring states); • b) within the limits of one state. By the duration: • permanent, when the migrants remains on a new place on the permanent residence or long time; • seasonal (move from the short duration of time, often in communication with seasonal works); • "pendulum" (daily departure of villagers on work, on studies in cities and returning in the evening to the permanent place of residence).
Natural motion or recreation of population shows, whether the existent levels of birth-rate and death rate provide the increase of population. • A difference between the indices of birth-rate and death rate got the name natural increasing.
The negative natural increase of population in Ukraine in 90th is the result of the combined action: • low birth-rate; • high death rate; • unfavorable age structure.
The basic demographic indicators • birth-rate, • death rate, • natural increase, • average duration of life • death rate of babies
Born aliveis the complete banishment or extraction of product of conception from the organism of mother regardless of term of pregnancy, which after such separation breathes or exposes other vital sparks, such as: palpitation, pulsation of umbilical cord or proper motions of arbitrary musculature regardless of the cut umbilical cord or not, whether a placenta was removed. Every product of such birth is considered born alive. • Death of featus (stillborn featus) - is the death of product of conception to his complete banishment or exception from the organism of mother regardless of the duration of pregnancy: on it specifies the fact that after such separation a featus does not breathe or does not expose other vital sparks, such as: palpitation, pulsation of umbilical cord or proper motions of arbitrary musculature.
In the item 159 of the Code it is defined, that the acts of the civil state are registered in district centers, districts of cities of Kiev and Sevastopol by the appropriate departments of registration of registry Office of local state administrations, in towns and in the districts of cities of regional submission by the departments of registry Office of executive committees of the proper Rada of national deputies, and in rural area and settlements.
Pursuant to the item 163 of the Code, the registration of birth is conducted after a birth-place of the child or his/ her parents, or one of them, on the written or oral statement of parents or one of them, and in the case of illness, or the death of parents or impossibility for them on other reasons to register the birth - on the statement of relatives or other persons or administration of medical establishment, which a mother during birth of child was in.
TYPES OF DOCUMENTS, WHICH DESIGN AT BIRTH OF CHILD • "Medical birth certificate" (form № 103/r-95) • "Medical certificate about the stay of child under surveillance of medical establishment" (form №103-1/r-96) • Journalize the account of new-born (f. № 152/r) • Birth certificate
Except for the above-mentioned such special indices are used: • the total index of recreation of population - the number of the children born by a woman during the fertile period of her life (15-49 years); • the brutto-coefficient of recreation - the number of the girls born by a woman in age of 15-49 years; • the netto-coefficient, or the cleared index of recreation - the amount of the girls born in the middle by one woman for all reproductiveperiod of her life, that attained age, which a woman at their birth was in.
Factors which influence on a birth-rate • diminishment of number of marriages and increase of number of broad patterns; • active bringing in of women to public life (perceptible role in diminishment of birth-rate in the first years of existence of USSR and less perceptible in the modern terms of growing unemployment); • disproportion in sexual composition of population, regardless of reasons, that stipulate it are the features of development of production relations, migratory processes, consequences of wars; • employment of certain part of women in productions with the dangerous and harmful terms of labour; • unsatisfactory state of reproductive health of women; • economic situation in society.
The statement about the registration must be done not later than three days from the day of death or exposure of dead body, and if it is impossible receipt of certificate of medical establishment or conclusion of the forensic expertise or public prosecutor - not later than five. • The foundation for the registration is given out by the medical establishment "Medical certificate about death" (form № 106/r-95) or "Assistant medical certificate about death" (form № 106-1/r-95), decision of court about the establishment of fact of death or announcement of citizen deceased, and also report from the places of imprisonment.
In cases of death of child in the period of 0-6 days the "Medical birth certificate" of child is filled -form № 103/r-95 and the "Medical certificate about perinatal death" - form № 106-2/r-95. The last document is filled also in cases of birth of dead child. • All treating-prophylactic establishments of MOHC of Ukraine, which fill the "Medical certificate about perinatal death", journalize account of perinatal death rate (f. № 153/r). A record in a magazine is done parallelly with filling of foregoing certificate.
Responsibility for the report in the organs of civil registration about a birth of dead child, about birth and death of child, which died on the first week of life, is laid: • on the main doctor (leader) of establishment of health protection, where a mother during births was, where the new-born died; • on establishment, the doctors of which gave medical help at births at home; • on the leader of forensic expertise- in the case of the establishment of fact of death of child out of hospital establishment ( in the street, at home and other).
The special indices of death rate • a death rate for the article (at men and women) • a death rate after age (in separate age groups) • a death rate after reasons (from separate classes, groups and nosology forms of diseases).
The structure of general death rate among the population of Ukraine • First seat is taken by the illnesses of the system of blood circulation (60,5 %), • On the second place are the malignant formations (13,5 %), • On the third are the accidents, poisonings and traumas (9,7), • On the fourth are the illnesses of organs of breathing (6,9). Together they make from 85 to 95 % of all cases of death.
Structure of death rate of child's population (0-14 years) • The first places are occupied by the states which arose up in perinatal period (40,2 ‰) • On the second place in the structure of general death rate of children are the innate anomalies (30,7 %). • On the second place are accidents, traumas and poisonings (7,6 ‰).Among these reasons greater part is made by the cases of death of children in accidents. • Illnesses of organs of breathing, infectious and vermin diseases, • Illness of the nervous system and sense-organs
A maternal death rate is the statistical concept related to the death of woman during pregnancy or during 42 days after its ending, regardless of duration and localization of pregnancy, from some reason related to pregnancy either by burdened by its conduct, but not from an accident or other casual reasons.
The cases of maternal death rate are divided into 2 groups: • Directly related to the obstetric reasons these are the cases, whichare the result of obstetric complications of the state of pregnancy, and also interferences, oversight, errors in treatment. • Immediately related to the obstetric reasons are the cases, which are the result of some illness which was in women earlier or developed during pregnancy and which was not caused directly by the obstetric reasons, but was complicated by the physiological influence of pregnancy.
The structure of death rate of babies • the first seat is taken by the states which arose up in a perinatal period • on the second are the innate vices of development, • on the third are the illnesses of organs of breathing, • on the fourth are the accidents, poisoning, trauma.
Types of babies death rate • type A - on the first month of life dies 50 % and amore from the common number of the children deceased on the 1st year; • type B – on the 1st month dies from З0 to 49 % of the common number of deceased on the 1st year; • type С - less than 30 % children dies on the first month of life, other - in a pos neonatal period.
Main groups of factors that influence on the formation of death rate the age The character of feeding The parent’s health The quality of health care The state of environment The way of life Abortions anamnesis Obstetric-gynecological Pediatric anamnesis
The middle expected life-span that is the middle number of years, that it is required to live to the generation which was born (to the persons of the same age of certain age) subject to the condition, if during a next life the indices of death rate will be the same, as well as in years, for which it was figured on.
Among the reasons which stipulate worsening of demographic situation in Ukraine in 90th, scientists mark: • economic destabilization; • decline of standard of life of singeing majority of population; • degradation of social sphere; • catastrophic worsening of the state of environment; • sharpening of crimatogenic situation.