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SESSION 5 . Managing behaviour. SESSION PLAN. Managing behaviour. Triggers and patterns. Principles of managing behaviour. Rewarding behaviour. The behaviour toolkit. Troubleshooting. Choices and consequences. MANAGING OUR BEHAVIOUR.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SESSION 5 Managing behaviour

  2. SESSION PLAN • Managing behaviour. • Triggers and patterns. • Principles of managing behaviour. • Rewarding behaviour. • The behaviour toolkit. • Troubleshooting. • Choices and consequences.

  3. MANAGING OUR BEHAVIOUR If we really want our child’s behaviour to change we have to change ours first.

  4. MANAGING BEHAVIOUR Aim to: • Speak in a calm, friendly way • Watch what you say • Treat them kindly • Give them time and attention • Try to understand the goals and needs behind their behaviour Change is possible – but it takes time.

  5. BEHAVIOUR DETECTIVE What did you discover from the detective activity? Did you find any triggers or patterns to your child’s behaviour?

  6. GIVE TIME AND ATTENTION Remember from session 2 that: • Sometimes children act up because they are not getting enough attention. • It is good to have special time when possible.


  8. COMMUNICATE CLEARLY • Make eye contact. • Be aware of your tone of voice. • Give simple commands. • Explain calmly. • Check understanding.

  9. PROMPTS • Visual: show picture of tap. • Physical: put your hand over child’s hand to assist turning tap on. • Modelling: let them watch someone turning tap on and then copy. • Gesture: point to tap. • Verbal: “Turn on the tap.”

  10. REWARDING BEHAVIOUR • Behaviour that is noticed increases. • Behaviour that is ignored decreases.

  11. REWARDS What rewards does your child really appreciate?

  12. PRAISE Children can’t get enough praise. So that your child knows exactly what they have done, praise needs to be: • Specific • Accurate • Concrete “I’m so pleased you gave Gran a nice hug.”

  13. BREAK

  14. THE BEHAVIOUR TOOL KIT • Tokens in a jarTo encourage positive behaviour. • Star chartsTo encourage and help children do routine tasks. • Limited choicesTo encourage cooperation.

  15. TROUBLESHOOTING • Trial and error • Ways to cope • Know when to back off • Don’t go on a guilt trip

  16. TROUBLESHOOTING • Planned Ignoring • Removing • Distraction/humour • Time out • Withdrawing privileges • Choices and consequences


  18. PATIENCE AND PERSISTENCE! • Choose your battles. • Decide what behaviours you can afford to ignore. • Use distraction techniques.

  19. REFLECTION Today we have looked at: • Last week’s focus for the week • Managing behaviour • Triggers and patterns • Principles of managing behaviour • Rewarding behaviour • The behaviour toolkit • Troubleshooting • Choices and consequences

  20. FOCUS FOR THE WEEK • A behaviour you want to deal with. • A specific strategy to try. • To use the rewards you have identified.

  21. NEXT WEEK We will be looking at home and school.

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