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Radiation team. HSE Radiation Team (Non-nuclear)8 Specialist Inspectors based in 6 UK HSE officesProvide support to all HSE divisions (apart from Nuclear)Programme and Policy work. Overview. Basic concepts of radiation Why is exposure hazardous to health?Examples of common applicationsRado
1. Radiation Safety in the Workplace � an overview Gillian Rodaks
HM Specialist Inspector - Radiation Thankyou all for staying to listen to me � I am not sure if this is a reasonably turn out or not and I hope you are not all too dozy after your lunch. I would also like to thank GOSH for asking me to come and talk to you today.
My name is Gillian Rodaks and I am radiation specialist inspector with HSE � many people ask me how I ended up doing this and the answer pure and simple is that I have no idea! Previous to HSE I worked at the NRPB � now the HPA down in Glasgow.
Thankyou all for staying to listen to me � I am not sure if this is a reasonably turn out or not and I hope you are not all too dozy after your lunch. I would also like to thank GOSH for asking me to come and talk to you today.
My name is Gillian Rodaks and I am radiation specialist inspector with HSE � many people ask me how I ended up doing this and the answer pure and simple is that I have no idea! Previous to HSE I worked at the NRPB � now the HPA down in Glasgow.
2. Radiation team HSE Radiation Team (Non-nuclear)
8 Specialist Inspectors based in 6 UK HSE offices
Provide support to all HSE divisions (apart from Nuclear)
Programme and Policy work
3. Overview Basic concepts of radiation
Why is exposure hazardous to health?
Examples of common applications
Radon in the workplace
4. Radiation � the emission and transmission of energy in the form of waves (especially electromagnetic waves) and moving subatomic particles� - OED
Different types of radiation exist
Radiation involves the transport of energy We can classify radiation according to the effects it produced on matter. There are 2 categories � ionising and non-ionising. Ionising includes cosmic radiation, X-rays and the radiation from radioactive materials.
Artificial radiations have led to dramatic advances in medical diagnosis and treatment and are used for a wide range of procedures in industry, agriculture and research. Nevertheless, they can be harmful to human beings and people We can classify radiation according to the effects it produced on matter. There are 2 categories � ionising and non-ionising. Ionising includes cosmic radiation, X-rays and the radiation from radioactive materials.
Artificial radiations have led to dramatic advances in medical diagnosis and treatment and are used for a wide range of procedures in industry, agriculture and research. Nevertheless, they can be harmful to human beings and people
5. Ionising Radiations Alpha particles
Beta particles Radioactivity
Gamma rays
Natural and artificial sources
Potentially harmful
Initiator of cancer
6. Why hazardous to health? Deterministic Radiation exposure causes injury
Threshold (i.e. erythema (burn), depilation (hair loss))
Stochastic Radiation exposure increases the risks
No threshold (i.e. cancer) Cause of cancers poorly understood but exposure to agents such as tobacco, asbestos, ultraviolet and ionising radiations are known to induce them. With radiation, it is thought that radiation induces mutations in the DNA or normal cells in the tissue. These mutations allow a cell to enter a pathway of abnormal growth. Risk of cancers may be small with low doses of radiation, there is no dose - no matter how low - at which we can completely discount risk.Cause of cancers poorly understood but exposure to agents such as tobacco, asbestos, ultraviolet and ionising radiations are known to induce them. With radiation, it is thought that radiation induces mutations in the DNA or normal cells in the tissue. These mutations allow a cell to enter a pathway of abnormal growth. Risk of cancers may be small with low doses of radiation, there is no dose - no matter how low - at which we can completely discount risk.
7. ALARP Concept of ALARP. The fact that someone may not receive a biologically significant exposure or exceed a dose limit does not mean that everything is OK. Still the requirement to keep doses ALARP. Will depend on actual work being undertaken.Concept of ALARP. The fact that someone may not receive a biologically significant exposure or exceed a dose limit does not mean that everything is OK. Still the requirement to keep doses ALARP. Will depend on actual work being undertaken.
8. Legislation specific to radiation: Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999 (IRR99) �occupational (and others) exposure
The Radioactive Substances Act 1993 (SEPA) � protection of environment
The Radioactive Materials (Road Transport) Regulations 2002 (DfT) � safe transport
Ionising Radiations (Medical Exposures) Regulations 2001 (Scottish Executive) � protection of patients
9. Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999 L121 - Work with ionising radiation
In force from 1 January 2000
Enforced by HSE
Exposure of persons from work activities Title. I mentioned coming into force and replacing IRR85 because of our recent experience with many employers not having addressed any of their requirements after almost two years.Title. I mentioned coming into force and replacing IRR85 because of our recent experience with many employers not having addressed any of their requirements after almost two years.
10. IRR99
Inclusive package:
Approved Code of Practice (ACoP)
non-statutory guidance
Requirements not too onerous (inspection findings would say otherwise�)
11. Common sources and applications Surprising the number of applications:
Medical and dental
Industrial practices
Sterilisation Exposure to ionising radiations occurs in many occupations, most obviously the nuclear industry but artificial sources are commonly used in the manufacturing and service industries, in areas of defence and universities. Exposure to ionising radiations occurs in many occupations, most obviously the nuclear industry but artificial sources are commonly used in the manufacturing and service industries, in areas of defence and universities.
12. Radon gas � why all the fuss? Natural radioactive gas
Drawn into buildings from ground due to pressure differences (worse in winter)
Decays and produces nasty radionuclides which we inhale
Health studies show radon is responsible for 3 -5% of all lung cancers in the UK Radon gas is a particularly significant source of exposure to natural radiation. This is because the immediate decay products of radon are radionuclides with short half lives attach themselves to fine particles in the air are inhaled irradiate the tissues in the lung with alpha particles and irradiate the tissues in the lung. Radon enters a building predominantly through the floor in the ground, the concentration builds up. Higher concentrations in winter time where the air flow is lower.
Radon gas is a particularly significant source of exposure to natural radiation. This is because the immediate decay products of radon are radionuclides with short half lives attach themselves to fine particles in the air are inhaled irradiate the tissues in the lung with alpha particles and irradiate the tissues in the lung. Radon enters a building predominantly through the floor in the ground, the concentration builds up. Higher concentrations in winter time where the air flow is lower.
13. Radon- in the workplace NRPB map of affected areas
MHSWR99 Risk assessment
Radon measurement
Does IRR99 apply?
Remediation or IRR99
RPA advice Areas where radon is likely to be a problem are designated radon affected areas. In radon affected area, the MHSWR risk assessment should consider radon. Price of detectors trivial so employer should do measurements. Cannot argue that risk assessment is suitable and sufficient without measurements (NRPB and BRE have list of accredited test houses). If above levels where IRR99 apply, can either remediate to get below levels or apply controls of IRR99. RPA should be consulted if latter option chosen.
Contained in the top 10 of carcinogens in the workplaceAreas where radon is likely to be a problem are designated radon affected areas. In radon affected area, the MHSWR risk assessment should consider radon. Price of detectors trivial so employer should do measurements. Cannot argue that risk assessment is suitable and sufficient without measurements (NRPB and BRE have list of accredited test houses). If above levels where IRR99 apply, can either remediate to get below levels or apply controls of IRR99. RPA should be consulted if latter option chosen.
Contained in the top 10 of carcinogens in the workplace
14. Radon in the workplace Employer awareness??
Largest contributor to exposure to radiation in the workplace
Dose 3 times greater than average dose of a nuclear power worker
Passive radon detectors
15. What to do with results? If radon concentrations exceed 400 Bq m3 then the IRR99 apply
�. which means:
- Consulting and appointing a suitable Radiation Protection Adviser
- Notification to HSE
- Reducing the radon gas concentrations to ALARP
16. HSE Enforcement Summary of 100 HSE trial inspections in 2002
Most employers aware of radon in homes
< 5% considered it in their workplace
99% agree to act immediately
Remediated buildings << action level
HSE intervention programs introduced
17. Non-ionising radiations Ultraviolet
Visible light Optical radiation
Radio waves
Electric and magnetic fields
The effects depend on the type and intensity of the radiation
Non-ionising radiation (NIR) is the term used to describe the part of the electromagnetic spectrum covering two main regions, namely optical radiation (ultraviolet (UV), visible and infrared) and electromagnetic fields (EMFs) (power frequencies, microwaves and radio frequencies). We are all exposed to non-ionising radiation sources daily. These include the sun, not so much of a problem here in Aberdeen today, electromagnetic fields arising from electrical appliances, and mobile phones and TV and radiobroadcast signals. Some common examples of optical radiation in workplaces are welding procedures, use of lasers and UV sources for detection of say circuit boards. Some examples where elevated exposures to electric and magnetic fields and radiowaves can be MRI equipment in hospitals, induction heating used in the manufacture of plastics and defence activities using radar and navigational systems. Non-ionising radiation (NIR) is the term used to describe the part of the electromagnetic spectrum covering two main regions, namely optical radiation (ultraviolet (UV), visible and infrared) and electromagnetic fields (EMFs) (power frequencies, microwaves and radio frequencies). We are all exposed to non-ionising radiation sources daily. These include the sun, not so much of a problem here in Aberdeen today, electromagnetic fields arising from electrical appliances, and mobile phones and TV and radiobroadcast signals. Some common examples of optical radiation in workplaces are welding procedures, use of lasers and UV sources for detection of say circuit boards. Some examples where elevated exposures to electric and magnetic fields and radiowaves can be MRI equipment in hospitals, induction heating used in the manufacture of plastics and defence activities using radar and navigational systems.
18. Non-ionising radiations No specific legislation
HSWA74 and MHSWR99
Future legislation coming soon � optical radiation 2010 and electromagnetic fields 2012
Risk assessment
Control measures Unlike ionising radiation, there is no specific regulations that cover the control of exposure to non-ionising radiations at work. The general provisions of the HSW74 and MHSWR99 apply. There is activity in Europe at the moment with Physical Agents Directives for both Optical Radiation and electromagnetic fields. These are be transposed into UK legislation by 2010 and 2012. Optical will contain exposure limit values and uncertain if these will be included in the EMF directive.
Main requirement for employers is to carry out a risk assessment to assess either the optical radiation hazard or the EM hazard. If a hazard presented, implement adequate control measures.Unlike ionising radiation, there is no specific regulations that cover the control of exposure to non-ionising radiations at work. The general provisions of the HSW74 and MHSWR99 apply. There is activity in Europe at the moment with Physical Agents Directives for both Optical Radiation and electromagnetic fields. These are be transposed into UK legislation by 2010 and 2012. Optical will contain exposure limit values and uncertain if these will be included in the EMF directive.
Main requirement for employers is to carry out a risk assessment to assess either the optical radiation hazard or the EM hazard. If a hazard presented, implement adequate control measures.
19. Further information Gillian Rodaks
HSE Aberdeen (01224 252519) gillian.rodaks@hse.gsi.gov.uk