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Join the Eurolife Education Alliance to benefit from collaborative research, joint training programs, and academic mobility initiatives. Engage in BSc, MSc, and PhD programs while accessing scholarships and grants for advancement in H2020 projects.
Collaborative research Joint postgraduate training and education Exchange of research and master students Building of joint research projects
Eurolife initiatives Education Research BSc / MSc Students PhD Students Junior Researchers SeniorResearchers • Scholarship programme for Early Careers Researchers • Call for Short-term Research Exchanges (Post-docs) • Grants to boost Eurolife members’ participation in H2020 research projects • JPTEM Exchange Programme (Erasmus+) • Scholarship programme for Early Careers Researchers Eurolife Summer School (MSc and PhD students) Eurolife DistinguishedLecture Series
Eurolife - Education Recognising the need for increased collaboration and mobility of students within Europe, Eurolife has established the Eurolife Education Alliance (EEA). The EEA is working towards streamlining of educational policies.
Eurolife universities academic offer Join some of the best students from around the globe at one of the Eurolife universities. • BSc programmes • MSc programmes • PhD programmes
Eurolife - mobility programme In education, Eurolife is committed to developing new pan-European standards of excellence in life science education, culminating in the launch of the Eurolife Agreement of Academic Co-operation between Eurolife Partners: Joint Programme in Translational and Experimental Medicine(JPTEM) in 2008, a research driven programme for undergraduate and master students that promotes scholar mobility. The JPTEM offers undergraduate and master students of the partners institutions the opportunity to carry out the practical part of their studies at one of the Eurolife institutions. The students undertake a period of research of 3-6 months at the Partner Institution, in a project that is discussed in advance between the student, the Mentor at the home university, and the Mentor at the host university, so that it is tailored to a particular research area and requirements, while building a research network.
Eurolife initiatives Education Research BSc / MSc Students PhD Students Junior Researchers SeniorResearchers • Scholarship programme for Early Careers Researchers • Call for Short-term Research Exchanges (Post-docs) • Grants to boost Eurolife members’ participation in H2020 research projects • JPTEM Exchange Programme (Erasmus+) • Scholarship programme for Early Careers Researchers Eurolife Summer School (MSc and PhD students) Eurolife DistinguishedLecture Series
Eurolife - Summer School 2017 Antimicrobial drug resistance – Research and Innovation School of Medicine -University of Barcelona 10-14.July 2017
Eurolife initiatives • 25 Eurolife students • 18 women + 7 men • 14 nationalities • UK, Ghana, Spain, Russia, India, Germany, Hungary, The Netherlands, Ireland, China, Lebanon, Austria, Italy and Sweden
Eurolife initiatives Education Research BSc / MSc Students PhD Students Junior Researchers SeniorResearchers • Scholarship programme for Early Careers Researchers • Call for Short-term Research Exchanges (Post-docs) • Grants to boost Eurolife members’ participation in H2020 research projects • JPTEM Exchange Programme (Erasmus+) • Scholarship programme for Early Careers Researchers Eurolife Summer School (MSc and PhD students) Eurolife DistinguishedLecture Series
Short-term Eurolife Research Exchange During the period 1 May 2017 – 31 December 2017, Eurolife sponsors a maximum of 9 grants to support travel and living expenses for junior scientist that hold a PhD degree to travel to another Eurolife institution and perform research for a period equal or longer than 2 weeks. In this call, 7 Eurolife researchers have been granted. These junior scientist will receive 1,500 €. The expenses need to be directly related to the research exchange. The names of the granted researchers are detail in the document Result Short-term Eurolife Research Exchanges. 2st round.
Kick start grants to boost Eurolife member collaboration and participation in research projects within the Horizon 2020 framework programme The goal of this call is to promote leadership and collaboration of the research staff of Eurolife institutions who intend to apply for H2020 calls. This funding will cover the initial costs of grant preparation to apply for Horizon 2020 funding. Applicants to this call must be Principal Investigators (PI) based at any of the 9 Eurolife institutions, holding a contract of employment which covers the duration of the grant. A PI may submit just one application to this call, with the exception of two-stage proposals, where the same PI may submit an application in support for the stage 1 and another application in support for the stage 2.
Eurolife initiatives Budget 2017 • Grants to boost Eurolife members’ participation in H2020 research projects Total funding available: 40,000€ (From budget 2016. Amount withheld until December 2017) • Call for Short-term Research Exchanges 2st Round 2017 7 grants awarded (1,500€ x 7) = 10,500€ • Eurolife Summer School 2017 25 inscription fees (700€ x 25) = 17,500€ 4 Eurolife speakers – accommodation (600€ x 4) = 2,400€ • Eurolife Mobility Program 2016-2017 4 students (500€ x 4) = 2,000€.
The University of Strasbourg holds the Eurolife Meeting May 18, 2017 On 15 and 16 May 2017, the representatives of EUROLIFE gathered in Strasbourg to further strengthen their ties. During the two-day event in Strasbourg, the network members identified common goals, exchanged best practices and reflected on how the associations could better work together to address common challenges. The EUROLIFE meeting started on Monday 15 at […]
Eurolife initiatives Education Research BSc / MSc Students PhD Students Junior Researchers SeniorResearchers • Scholarship programme for Early Careers Researchers • Call for Short-term Research Exchanges (Post-docs) • Grants to boost Eurolife members’ participation in H2020 research projects • JPTEM Exchange Programme (Erasmus+) • Scholarship programme for Early Careers Researchers • Eurolife Summer School • (MSc and PhD students) Eurolife DistinguishedLecture Series
Eurolife Minisymposium Dr Raphael Carapito: Genetics of graft-versus-host disease. Research Unit UMR1109 : Molecular ImmunoRheumatology. Faculty of Medicine, Inserm - University of Strasbourg. Dr Christopher Mueller: Functional analysis of macrophages and dendritic cells of skin and draining lymph nodes. Research Unit UPR3572: Immunopathologie et Chimie Thérapeutique. IBMC du CNRS, University of Strasbourg. Dr Gonzalez de Aguilar: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and the metabolic hypothesis. Research Unit UMR1118: Central and Peripheral Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration. Faculty of Medicine, Inserm - University of Strasbourg. Dr Pascale Romby: "Staphylococcus aureus as a model bacteria to analyze persistence, virulence, and antibiotic resistance". Research Unit UPR9002: Architecture et réactivité de l'ARN. IBMC du CNRS, University of Strasbourg. Eurolife Distinguished Lecture Prof. Thomas Baumert: Cell circuits of viral infection and therapeutic targets(Institute for Viral and Liver Disease, Inserm-University of Strasbourg)
Central Europe Leuven Strategic Alliance (CELSA) A Leuveni Katolikus Egyetem kezdeményezésére 2016. május 12-én Prágában, a IV. Károly születésének 700. évfordulója tiszteletére rendezett rendezvénysorozat keretében megalakult a Central Europe Leuven Strategic Alliance (CELSA) hálózata, amely a partneregyetemek közös kutatásokban való együttműködését támogatja. Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem Semmelweis Orvostudományi Egyetem Ljubljanai Egyetem Károly Egyetem Leuveni Katolikus egyetem Az elkövetkezendő három évben a CELSA körülbelül harminc kollaborációs projekt elindítását tervezi. A pályázat egyik feltétele, hogy a projektekben minimum két olyan kutatónak kell részt vennie, akik a szervezet más-más partnerintézményeiből érkeznek, de egyikük mindenféleképpen a Leuveni Egyetem munkatársa. A program távolabbi célja továbbá az, hogy a támogatott projektek később más páneurópai kutatási és innovációs alapok – mint például a Horizon 2020 – pályázatain is sikerrel szerepeljenek
First call for proposals of the CELSA Research Fund The CELSA members’ mission is to educate Europe’s youngsters, to perform the best research in many scientific disciplines, and to reach out to society and economy with its talents and its state of the art research results. ACTIVITIES Research support staff and knowledge transfer officers will gather for meetings and workshops on pre-award strategies for participation to Horizon2020 JOINT PROJECTS European collaborative projects in the framework of Horizon2020 or its successor.
CELSA found budget - Charles University will contribute: € 60,000 per call, for three calls - Czech Technical University in Prague: € 60,000 per call, for three calls - Eötvös Loránd University: € 60,000 per call, for three calls - Semmelweis University: € 60,000 per call, for three calls - Budapest University of Technology and Economics: € 60,000 per call, for three calls - University of Ljubljana: € 60,000 per call, for three calls - KU Leuven will contribute with in total € 1 million per call, for three calls The Fund will fund joint research projects with a maximum of € 120,000 for a duration of 2 yearsincase researchers from two CELSA Partners are involved (a KU Leuven researcher and a researcher fromone other CELSA Partner). KU Leuven funds 3/4 of the total project’s budget (€ 90,000), and the otherCELSA Partner contributes 1/4 (€ 30,000.