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Learn about common baitfish species, production techniques for golden shiners, fathead minnows, and goldfish, and baitfish marketing strategies. Discover how golden shiner eggs are deposited on spawning mats, fathead minnows spawn on objects in water, and marketing processes such as grading and transport in controlled trucks.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. BAITFISH AQUACULTURE[objectives] • Identify common species • Explain production techniques for golden shiners, fathead minnows, and goldfish • Discuss baitfish marketing

  2. BAITFISH SPECIES Golden shiner Fathead minnow

  3. PRODUCTION • Golden shiner females deposit their eggs on spawning mats • Mats with eggs are transferred to hatching ponds

  4. PRODUCTION • Fathead minnows spawn on the underside of objects in the water • Males guard the eggs which hatch out in 5 to 6 days

  5. MARKETING BAITFISH • Usually harvested from ponds using small mesh seine nets

  6. MARKETING BAITFISH • Baitfish are graded to ensure uniform size

  7. MARKETING BAITFISH • Baitfish are usually held in vats until sold

  8. MARKETING BAITFISH • Hauling is done in trucks that control temperature and oxygen levels

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