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Community Building & Interpersonal Communication. DOA : Slow Me Down, Lord Ease pounding of my heart by the quieting my mind, Teach me the art of slowing down to look at the flower, to chat to a friend to read a new line of a good book. Remind me each day of the fable
Community Building & Interpersonal Communication
DOA : Slow Me Down, Lord Ease pounding of my heart by the quieting my mind, Teach me the art of slowing down to look at the flower, to chat to a friend to read a new line of a good book. Remind me each day of the fable of the hare and the tortoise that I may know that the race is not always to the swift, that there is more to life than increasing its speed.
Let me look upward into the branches of the towering oak and know That it grew great and strong because it grew slowly and well. Slow me down, Lord, and inspire me to send my roots deep into the soil of life’s enduring works That I may grow toward the star of my greater destiny. Calm me down, Lord, with your presence, open my heart to the smooth flowing of your serene spirit. I am grateful to find this calm moment in your presence, for I have been excited, too busy with many activities.
I want to rest Lord, in the shade of your power and love. Restore my strength as only you know how. Lord, I entered the battle with all my heart, and did not shrink from helping others who needed me. Your kindness now rests on me like the pacifying blessing I have been yearning for. No disquiet stirs in me, because you lead me to the sweet repose of clear and quiet conscience. I try to fulfill my part of in creation and in the harmony of life. Lord, overshadow me with your blessing. Working side by side with my brothers and sisters for a better world, I find meaning of my life. Give me the opportunity to soothe my spirit, I take refuge in you, Lord. Amen.
Community Building Tujuan : ●Mengenal satu sama lain dengan lebih dalam ●Merayakan anugerah dan keistimewaan orang lain ●Merefleksikan pengalaman hidup dalam membangun komunitas di lingkungan kerja kita ●Menghayati pentingnya peran komunikasi dalam membangun komunitas ●Memahami elemen-elemen community building ●Sadar akan 12 tanda komunitas yang sehat.
Pendekatan : ◙ Eksperiensial ◙ Reflektif ◙ Interaktif ◙ Discovery & rediscovery
Two Track Content : The WHAT Process : The HOW
The WHAT ☻Apaartikomunikasi ☻ Apahubunganantarakomunikasidankehidupan ☻ Apaituproseskomunikasi ☻ Apasajakarakteristikkomunikasi ☻ Apaperanpentingkomunikasidalam membangunkomunitas ☻ Apasajaelemencommunication building ☻ 12 tandakomunitas yang sehat.
The HOW ☺Refleksipribadi ☺ Sharing dalamkelompokkecil ☺ Partisipasidalamkelas ☺ Bernyanyi
demi kebersamaan : ☻Hadir dalam semua sessi ☻ Berbicaralah berdasar pengalaman nyata (gunakan statement “saya”) ☻ Tepat waktu ☻ Jangan “stuck”, bergantilah tetangga setiap habis break ☻ Berikan ROSES pada teman.
ROSES R – Respect O – Openness S – Sincerity E – Empathy S – Simply share ( not preach).
Refleksi : • Dilakukansendiri-sendiri, selanjutnya sharing dalamkelompokkecil: • Catatdalamkertas yang disediakan : • 1. Bagaimanakahkenyataanhidup yang sayahadapisaatini ? • 2. Apa yang membuatsayamerasasangatbahagia ? • 3. Apa yang paling sayatakutidalamhidupini ? • 4. Siapasajaorang yang paling berpengaruhdalamhidupsayadanmengapa ? • 5. Hal/situasiapa yang membuatsayasangatmarah ? • 6. Nilai-nilaiapakah yang sayayakinidansayaperjuangkanmati-matiandalamhidup ? • 7. PilihkahsebuahperikopInjil yang paling sayasukai.