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MEC PANEL KEY OBSERVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON THE 2012/13 – 2016/2017 IDPs Revised 2013/2014 By Penny Sibisi and Khulekani Ndlovu 27 September 2013. CONTENT Broad observations on the state of IDPs in KZN: Process plans 2014/15. Key observations and recommendations per KPA.

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  1. MEC PANEL KEY OBSERVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON THE 2012/13 – 2016/2017 IDPs Revised 2013/2014 By Penny Sibisi and KhulekaniNdlovu 27 September 2013

  2. CONTENT • Broad observations on the state of IDPs in KZN: • Process plans 2014/15. • Key observations and recommendations per KPA

  3. INTER-MUNICIPAL COORDINATION & ALIGNMENT • Assessment was based on: • Family of municipalities able to produce and submit Process Plans: • All process plans submitted by 20 September 2013 • Number of Process Plans submitted and commented on: 49 in 2008, 60 in 2009, 61 in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. • All municipalities started the new IDP process in September 2013. • Organised sequence and extent of IDP adoption dates within a • Family of municipalities: • To be dictated by the District Framework Plan. • Family is planning for a common geographical space. • 14 Municipalities adopted beyond 30 June 2013 (10 in 2008, 6 in 2009, 2 in 2010 , 2011 and 5 in 2012).

  4. BASIC SERVICE DELIVERY AND INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT: KEY OBSERVATIONS • Municipalities have expressed the prioritization of providing basic services and infrastructure. • There is insufficient mapping detailing the location of existing and planned infrastructure and services. • There appears to be a lack of co-ordination between Municipalities and Sector Departments in the provision of infrastructure and services.

  5. BASIC SERVICE DELIVERY AND INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT: RECOMMENDATIONS • Correct mapping must be included in the IDP documents which will illustrate planned basic service provision and infrastructure. Mapping should also highlight areas of need and areas where backlogs are evident. • Sector Department projects for a municipal area must be clearly reflected in the IDP. • Municipalities must ensure that there is sufficient capacity to roll-out service delivery and infrastructure provision.

  6. MUNICIPAL TRANSFORMATION AND INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT: • KEY OBSERVATIONS • •The vacancy rate of critical posts remains a challenge. • •Strategies outlined in this KPA are not necessarily in the implementation phase. • •There is a lack of detailed analysis across most Municipalities regarding municipal transformation.

  7. MUNICIPAL TRANSFORMATION AND INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT: • RECOMMENDATIONS • Municipalities need to prioritise the filling of critical posts as this will impact positively on service delivery and the provision of basic services. • Municipalities should use the SWOT analysis technique as detailed by the IDP Format Guideline, provided by COGTA, to do their analysis. A detailed analysis will assist in developing strategies that are implementable.

  8. LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: • KEY OBSERVATIONS • •Municipalities must ensure that they utilize updated census information which will assist in the analysis for this KPA. • •Municipalities should be encouraged to utilize diagrams, maps and graphs to illustrate their information. In enabling the information to be clearly articulated, it will assist the community in the understanding the content thereof. • •District and Local Municipalities need to make a concerted effort to engage on issues of LED in their respective Municipalities and develop strategies that will encourage job creation and attract investment. This will result in overall growth and development in the municipal area.

  9. LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: RECOMMENDATIONS • With Stats SA releasing the most recent statistics as gathered in 2011, Municipalities need to update LED plans and will therefore ultimately be able to address poverty and unemployment. • Municipalities need to stabilise appropriate and efficient municipal administration. • The Municipalities need to develop specific economic sector plans where necessary and it needs to include economic strategies. This will then guide the LED plan and the SDF. It will further assist to allocate resources to a greater degree and also encourage investment.

  10. FINANCIAL VIABILITY AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: • KEY OBSERVATIONS • There is a lack of attention paid to comments of the Auditor General across Municipalities. • The provision of free basic services to indigent households has not been adequately quantified and recorded in the IDP documents. • Municipalities did not include comprehensive financial information in their IDP documents.

  11. FINANCIAL VIABILITY AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: RECOMMENDATIONS •More emphasis should be placed on applying corrective measures to the comments received from the Auditor General in the IDP documents across the Province. •Sufficient financial information and analysis is required to be included in the IDP documents as per the COGTA IDP Format Guidelines. •It is imperative that municipalities are aware of the number of households that are recipients of free basic services and to factor this information into the financial management of the Municipality.

  12. GOOD GOVERNANCE AND PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: • KEY OBSERVATIONS • Municipalities across the province are embracing the concept of public participation and elements of good governance are present in the IDP documents. • The functionality of IGR structures is not clearly presented in the IDP documents. • Municipalities are fully aware of and are implementing the Operation SukumaSakheprogramme.

  13. GOOD GOVERNANCE AND PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: •Municipalities must ensure that the public is involved in all stages of development of the IDP. •IGR structures must be established and be fully functional. •There should be alignment of sector plans between the District and Local Municipalities.

  14. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS • Many IDPs presented only a one year project list instead of a long term strategic plan with a three year MTEF and a five year Capital Investment Framework. • An increasing number of Municipalities have started implementing Operation SukumaSakhe (OSS) and have established War Rooms. However, not all Municipalities made mention of OSS in the IDPs and even fewer Municipalities reported on the War Rooms. All Municipalities are encouraged to include information on the implementation of OSS as well as the functionality of the War Rooms in the IDP. • The Municipal Turn Around Strategy (MTAS) needs to be incorporated into the IDP. The progress with implementation of the action plan needs to be reflected.

  15. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS • Alignment between District Municipalities and their Local Municipalities are improving and needs to be build upon. • Alignment with Sector Departments has shown improvement and the trend should be encouraged through all the Municipal IDP structures. • The development of the 3rd generation IDPs needs to be informed by the National and Provincial policy imperatives in order to ensure an outcomes based approach. These imperatives include the Cabinet Lekgotla Resolutions, District Lekgotla Resolutions, M & E Frameworks, State of the Nation Address, State of the Province Address, Outcomes 1 – 12 and aligning of the District Priorities to the National Development Plan (Vision 2030) and to the Provincial Growth and Development Strategy / Plan (PGDS/P).

  16. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS • The District Municipalities appear to be taking greater responsibility in creating IGR structures. They should ensure that these structures remain functional. • The Service Delivery Plans (SDP) have shown progress with catalytic projects in terms of obtaining funding and implementation of the projects. However, this progress with the implementation of the SDP and catalytic projects needs to be reflected in the IDPs. • The District Growth and Development Plans (DGDP) needs to be aligned within the Family. The DGDP also needs to be aligned to Vision 2030 and the PGDS/P. The District Municipalities need to take the lead and ensure the development and implementation of DGDP. • Municipalities need to follow and comply with SDF legislative requirements and also be guided by the various COGTA SDF and LUS guidelines.

  17. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS • By following the legal requirements and adjusting to the new IDP Format Guidelines and ensure content is aligned with IDP Assessment Criteria will ensure even more credible IDPs. • The newly introduced IDP Format Guidelines appear to have been well received by the Municipalities. However, it would appear that this being the first round of application of such guidelines, there were aspects that were not fully discussed, with most IDPs merely introducing the heading with limited information. Municipalities are encouraged to address issues identified during the next review of the IDP. • The development process of the IDP should be guided by Provincial IDP Management Plan. • Political buy-in and stability, as well as institutional capacity in Municipalities are imperative for the development and adoption of the IDP and ultimately for service delivery

  18. Thank you

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