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AT Device Loans for VR Consumers

AT Device Loans for VR Consumers. 2010 ARRA funded For VR consumers and counselors to:. Provide opportunities for device trials. P rovide device while employer or BRS purchases it. Increase successful employment outcomes. AT Device Loans for VR Consumers.

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AT Device Loans for VR Consumers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. AT Device Loans for VR Consumers • 2010 ARRA funded • For VR consumers and counselors to: Provide opportunities for device trials Provide device while employer or BRS purchases it Increase successful employment outcomes

  2. AT Device Loans for VR Consumers

  3. AT Device Loans for VR Consumers

  4. AT Device Loans for VR Consumers Connecticut Tech Act Project and BRS partnership led to this successful small business

  5. AT Device Loans for VR Consumers • Results: • Consumers were able to make informed decisions about devices. • Cost savings to VR agency and employers • Consumers have early access to AT to show employers they can do the job with the right accommodations

  6. AT Device Loans for VR Consumers

  7. AT Device Loans for VR Consumers • What’s next? • Update inventory based on demand, trends, needs, etc. • Engage employers directly

  8. Outreach to Employers • Use BRS Employment Consultants for marketing and outreach • Focus on current employees who need AT or Accommodations: • Allied Community Resources • Pratt & Whitney • Department of Labor • Connect-ability Distance Learning Initiative • Employer Training Modules

  9. Outreach to Employers

  10. Contact Me Arlene Lugo Program Director 860-424-4881 (V) 860-424-4839 (TTY) arlene.lugo@ct.gov www.CTtechact.com Connect-ability.com/elearning

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