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http://www.sullivancountyhistory.org/school.htm. Education. ‘‘. . . [I]t is believed that the most effectual means of preventing [tyranny] would be, to illuminate, as far as practicable, the minds of the people at large, and more especially to give them knowledge of

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  1. http://www.sullivancountyhistory.org/school.htm Education

  2. ‘‘. . . [I]t is believed that the most effectual means of preventing [tyranny] would be, to illuminate, as far as practicable, the minds of the people at large, and more especially to give them knowledge of those facts, which history exhibiteth, that . . . they may be enabled to know . . .’’ Thomas Jefferson’s ‘‘Bill for the more general diffusion of knowledge’’ (1779).

  3. Socialization • 2nd only to family in importance • Displaced organized religion as main purveyor of formal knowledge • K-12 = 13,000 hours in a class room Sociology: Your Compass for a New World, Brym & Lie

  4. Education in The Past • 300 years ago only small minority could read and write • One century ago most people of the world never attended school • 1950-only 10% of world’s countries had a system of mass education Sociology: Your Compass for a New World, Brym & Lie

  5. Today • Every country in the world has a system of mass education • Sociology: Your Compass for a New World, Brym & Lie • 1995: Average American completed 16 years of school • 9 years in 1950 • 2007-2011: 85.4% of U.S. 25 + high school graduate • 28.2% of U.S. 25 + college graduates http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/00000.html

  6. Reason for Spread of Man Education • I. Protestant Reformation • Catholic church relied on dogma and ritual. • Bible alone should be guide http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761570003/Luther_Martin.html Sociology: Your Compass for a New World, Brym & Lie

  7. Learning for all people II. French & American Revolutions http://www.pbs.org/ktca/liberty/libertytoday/index.html Sociology: Your Compass for a New World, Brym & Lie

  8. Industrialization Formal education not needed to work . Factories & offices called for literate & numerate workers Formal education not needed for many of the jobs/work of the past. Industrialization create need for literate & numerate workers. III. Industrialization Sociology: Your Compass for a New World, Brym & Lie

  9. Credential Inflation • One century ago most professors at universities did not have PhD's. • Credential inflation makes it easy to sort out people. Sociology: Your Compass for a New World, Brym & Lie

  10. Professionalization Occurs when members of an occupation insist that people earn certain credentials in order to enter the occupation. 1. ensures standards are maintained 2. ensures high pay 3. is spreading rapidly Sociology: Your Compass for a New World, Brym & Lie

  11. Nursing • Nursing followed a process of professionalization • schooling • professional association • licensure, • code of ethics • http://home.cwru.edu/~pst/ http://www.ufcw141nurses.org/images.htm

  12. The World Clown Association began in 1983 with the vision of a few clowns for an organization that would focus on education in clown arts and spread the art of clowning around the world. http://www.worldclownassociation.com/history.htm

  13. Educational Crisis in the U.S? http://www.schoolsucks.com/

  14. National Commission on Excellence in Education, 1983 • SAT scores dropped 1960-1980 • SAT average took a one-point dip between 1998 & 1999 • 1997 SAT changes • SAT & Social Economic Status

  15. Back to Basics Movement • NCE Proposal • Longer school days • More homework • Stronger discipline • Get rid of physical ed., music, art, etc.

  16. Problems • Back to basic movement doesn’t work on its own • Need community & parent involvement • Can increase dropout rate • Can create low-self esteem • Studies pointing to links between music & higher math scores • Are we a society of only math, reading & science? • Americans are becoming increasingly obese

  17. Singapore 604 Korea, Republic of 587 Chinese Taipei 585 Hong Kong SAR 582 Japan 579 BelgiumFlemish 558 Netherlands 540 Slovak Republic 534 Hungary 532 Canada 531 Slovenia 530 Russian Federation 526 Australia 525 Finland 520 Czech Republic 520 Malaysia 519 Bulgaria 511 Latvia-LSS505 United States 502 Mathematics Nation AverageTIMSS 1999 (8th grade) http://nces.ed.gov/timss/results.asp#mathscience1999

  18. U.S. TIMSS Results 1999 • Lower for 8th graders in 1999 than it was for 4th graders in 1995. • Same cohort. http://nces.ed.gov/timss/results.asp#comparison1995to1999

  19. TIMSS Problems • Guidelines • Final year • Dropout rate • Trade school programs • US tries to make sure as many kids as possible graduate • Discipline vs. ample opportunity? • http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/97oct/fail.htm

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