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Web 2.0: Redefining Your Library

Web 2.0: Redefining Your Library. Beaver Regional Group April 19, 2007. Presented by Beth Shenefiel. Why Web 2.0. “…libraries evolve as our users' information culture evolves…” * We’re the information experts! Collaboration Advocacy/Marketing (Branding).

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Web 2.0: Redefining Your Library

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  1. Web 2.0: Redefining Your Library Beaver Regional Group April 19, 2007 Presented by Beth Shenefiel

  2. Why Web 2.0 • “…libraries evolve as our users' information culture evolves…”* • We’re the information experts! • Collaboration • Advocacy/Marketing (Branding) * April 12, 2007 blog posting by Laura Cohen, from her blog, Library 2.0, an Academic’s perspective. [http://liblogs.albany.edu/library20/] M. E. Shenefiel

  3. Where We’ve Been • OPACs and Databases • Library Webpages • Library Automation • E-mail/Chat • Search Engines M. E. Shenefiel

  4. What is Web 2.0 • Phrase coined by O’Reilly Media in 2004 • “refers to a perceived second generation of web-based services—such as social networking sites, wikis, communication tools, and folksonomies—that emphasize online collaboration and sharing among users” * • AKA the “read/write web” * "Web 2.0." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 18 Mar 2007, 09:03 UTC. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 18 Mar 2007 <http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Web_2.0&oldid=115980154>. M. E. Shenefiel

  5. What is Web 2.0 Web 2.0 is Us/ing Us Web 2.0 technologies are transforming the way people use the Internet. Our patrons are no longer just reading the Web, they are creating, contributing, and collaborating. M. E. Shenefiel

  6. RSS Feeds Blogs Podcasts Wikis Flickr YouTube Gaming del.icio.us Folksonomy Tags Creative Commons Social Networking Web 2.0: Talk the Talk M. E. Shenefiel

  7. Getting Started • Most Web 2.0 technologies are free, but require registration • E-mail • Username/ Password M. E. Shenefiel

  8. Blogs • Short for weblog • An online journal with entries posted in reverse chronological order (newer entries first) • Readers can post comments to respond to the blogger’s entry • A new blog is created every second!* * “Tech Tools for learning,” Access Learning. Jan. 2006. www.ciconline.org/accesslearning (April 8, 2007.) M. E. Shenefiel

  9. Blogs: Talk the Talk • Vlog • a video blog • Blurker • a person who reads a blog regularly, but does not post comments. • Blogosphere • a term that encompasses all blogs as a community or social network.1 1. "Blogosphere." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 14 Apr 2007, 21:06 UTC. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 15 Apr 2007 <http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Blogosphere&oldid=122834054>. M. E. Shenefiel

  10. Library Blogs • AASL Weblog • ALA Tech Source • Hey Jude • The Shifted Librarian • Library Grants • Library Weblogs- Includes links to library blogs around the world M. E. Shenefiel

  11. Podcasting • A podcast is a similar to a radio or television broadcast. • Available through the internet • Sound or video • Portable • Subscribe or Stream • Podcasting involves creating content, producing the podcast, and then making the podcast available to an audience.  M. E. Shenefiel

  12. Podcasting in the Library • Dowling College Library Podcasts • Fairfield University • Sunnyvale Public Library • Isenglass Award- Hopkinton HS • VBB Booktalks-to-Go M. E. Shenefiel

  13. Wikis • From the Hawaiian word “wiki” which means “quick.” • Build/edit a website with no programming or HTML. • Anyone can edit the content and edits are instantly visible. Many authors determine the structure and content. • Can include internal and external hyperlinks, sound, movies and graphics. • Asynchronous communication and community collaboration. • Must be monitored M. E. Shenefiel

  14. Wikis: Article M. E. Shenefiel

  15. Wikis: Discussion M. E. Shenefiel

  16. Wikis: Edit (really…you’re allowed…) M. E. Shenefiel

  17. Editing Wikis • Review policy and conventions • Start editing • Type your changes • Summarize your changes • Preview before saving • Save changes From “Help:Editing,” Wikimedia Meta Wiki. 2007. [http://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Help:Editing&action=history] M. E. Shenefiel

  18. Wikis: History M. E. Shenefiel

  19. Library Wikis • Wikipedia • AASL Learning Standards wiki • Library Success Wiki • Beaver Regional Group Wiki M. E. Shenefiel

  20. Aggregators • “An aggregator or news aggregator or feed reader is a client software that uses web feed to retrieve syndicated web content such as blogs, podcasts, vlogs, and mainstream mass media websites...”1 1 "Aggregator." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 14 Apr 2007, 18:45 UTC. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 15 Apr 2007 <http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Aggregator&oldid=122803179>. M. E. Shenefiel

  21. Aggregators • Bloglines- “Online service for searching, subscribing, creating and sharing news feeds, blogs and rich web content.” • Google Reader- Free to use with a Gmail account. M. E. Shenefiel

  22. RSS Feeds • RSS stands for Rich Site Summary or Real Simple Syndication • Readers "subscribe" to the content using RSS so they don’t have to visit the site itself to get the information they want. • To view the information you use an “aggregator.” The aggregator checks the sites you subscribe to, and it sends the new content to a folder so that you can read it when you want. M. E. Shenefiel

  23. Click on the RSS button Subscribing to an RSS Feed:1. Choose the feed M. E. Shenefiel

  24. Copy this URL Ignore all this! Subscribing to an RSS Feed:2. Copy the URL M. E. Shenefiel

  25. Click “Add” Subscribing to a Feed:3. Open your Aggregator M. E. Shenefiel

  26. Subscribing to an RSS Feed4. Paste URL Paste the URL and Click “Subscribe” M. E. Shenefiel

  27. Subscribing to an RSS Feed:5. Choose options and subscribe Click “Subscribe” M. E. Shenefiel

  28. Folksonomy and Tags • Folksonomy- • a user generated taxonomy used to categorize and retrieve Web pages, photographs, Web links and other web content using open ended labels called tags. • Tags- • a (relevant) keyword or term associated with or assigned to a piece of information (like picture, article, or video clip), thus describing the item and enabling keyword-based classification of information it is applied to. M. E. Shenefiel

  29. Tagging • Users to create subject headings • Users can follow both standardized and user-tagged subjects; whichever makes most sense to them. M. E. Shenefiel

  30. Tags M. E. Shenefiel

  31. Tags M. E. Shenefiel

  32. del.icio.us • Social Bookmarking • Store your bookmarks online • Use tags to organize your bookmarks • View the book marks of others • A collection of favorite sites • Accessible from any computer with internet access • No folders M. E. Shenefiel

  33. Social Networking • Websites created for the purpose of interacting with others • MySpace • Facebook • Professional networking? • LibraryThing.com • Revish.com M. E. Shenefiel

  34. MySpace and Libraries • AnnArbor District Library • Hennepin County Library • Denver Public Library • YALSA M. E. Shenefiel

  35. MySpace and Authors • Rachel Cohn • Julie Anne Peters • Meg Cabot • K. L. Going M. E. Shenefiel

  36. Creative Commons Want to Share? M. E. Shenefiel

  37. Creative Commons Licenses • Attribution • Non commercial • No Derivative works • Share Alike M. E. Shenefiel

  38. Web 2.0: Safety and Privacy • Does What Happens In Facebook Stay in Facebook • Cyberbullying M. E. Shenefiel

  39. Redefining the Library or Library 2.0 • It is user-centered. • It provides a multi-media experience. • It is socially rich . • It is communally innovative. M. E. Shenefiel

  40. Ann Arbor District Library “Incorporating such tools as blogs and RSS feeds, AADL's Web portal also recently garnered accolades from the Library Administration and Management Association (LAMA) in its 2006 Best of Show competition.” M. E. Shenefiel

  41. Email reference/Q&A pages Text-based tutorials Email mailing lists, webmasters Controlled classification schemes OPAC Catalog of largely reliable print and electronic holdings Chat reference Streaming media tutorials with interactive databases Blogs, wikis, RSS feeds Tagging coupled with controlled schemes Personalized social network interface Catalog of reliable and suspect holdings, web-pages, blogs, wikis, etc. Moving toward Library 2.0 M. E. Shenefiel

  42. 23 Things • This activity was created by the Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County • Learning 2.0 Blog includes 23 things that you can do on the web to explore and expand your knowledge of the Internet and Web 2.0. • Library staff were encouraged to complete all 23 items in order to receive a free USB/MP3 player. M. E. Shenefiel

  43. Next Steps • Are you sold? • Are you curious? • Challenge: • Join Wikispaces and contribute to the Beaver Regional Group wiki • Subscribe to a blog • Complete the 23 things • Go to: http://www.bookbird.wikispaces.com …revisit these topics and learn something new! M. E. Shenefiel

  44. Questions/Final Thoughts Remember…. Web 2.0 is about: • Convenience • Communication • Collaboration M. E. Shenefiel

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