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SA8000 Capabilities

SA8000 Capabilities. Presentation. a. SA8000 – An overview b. The need for SA8000 c. IQNet - Global SA8000 capability d. Introduction to IQNet Ltd. 2. a. SA8000 – An overview. 3. a. SA8000 – An overview. What is SA8000. - Standard for the improvement of working conditions

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SA8000 Capabilities

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SA8000 Capabilities

  2. Presentation a. SA8000 – An overview b. The need for SA8000 c. IQNet - Global SA8000 capability d. Introduction to IQNet Ltd 2

  3. a. SA8000 – An overview 3

  4. a. SA8000 – An overview What is SA8000 - Standard for the improvement of working conditions - Promotes ethical and fair treatment of workers - Incorporates international human rights conventions - Developed by Social Accountability International (SAI), now known as Social Accountability Accreditation Services (SAAS) 4

  5. a. SA8000 – An overview Why have a Standard • to ensure that labour standards for workers are respected • to be transparent and use an independent verification of company practices • to avoid practices that violate human rights and avoid turning a ‘blind eye’ to suppliers which violate human rights 5

  6. a. SA8000 – An overview Development of SA8000 World Conventions: • Freedom of association & collective bargaining • Freedom from forced labor • Abolition of child labor • Freedom from discrimination Also covers Fairness: • Provisions for a basic living wage • Definition of long working hours • Health and safety in the workplace 6

  7. a. SA8000 – An overview What does SA8000 cover 1. Child Labor 2. Forced Labor 3. Health & Safety 4. Freedom of Association & Right to Collective Bargaining 5. Discrimination 6. Disciplinary Practices 7. Working Hours 8. Remuneration 9. Management Systems 7

  8. Supply Chain a. SA8000 – An overview What does SA8000 cover Company Supplier Supplier Supplier 1st Tier Supplier Supplier Supplier Sub-supplier Sub-supplier Sub-supplier 2nd Tier 8


  10. b. The need for SA8000 10

  11. b. The need for SA8000 Why now Need to standardise suitable working conditions: • around the world due to ‘globalisation’ • because of varying codes of conduct in different industries • to have a standardised certification process (assess conformity) • to establish a baseline for consistency and comparison 11

  12. b. The need for SA8000 Impacts of globalisation: • Greater expansion of markets • Job shifts from developed to developing countries • Competition between countries to be low-cost producers and attract investors 12

  13. b. The need for SA8000 Effects of globalisation: Benefits: - More business opportunities - Economic growth potential Disadvantages: - Declining workplace conditions - Wages that do not support a family - Less job security - More restrictions on trade unions 13

  14. b. The need for SA8000 Triple Bottom Line ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY 14

  15. b. The need for SA8000 Managing business risks: Excessive overtime hours Injury Bully supervisors Death Neglect of safety equipment Less Productivity Discrimination Higher Reject Rate Wages not enough to live on Buyer Boycott Suppliers not truthful Brand Value Children hired in secret Illegal 15

  16. b. The need for SA8000 Example - Child Labour Regional Estimates: Courtesy of • Asia Pacific region 127.3 million child workers (aged 5-14 years old) • Sub-Saharan Africa 29% of children (under 15) are sent to work • Latin America 17.4 million child workers • Industrialised & transition economies 2.5 million children are working 16

  17. b. The need for SA8000 Example - Child Labour Courtesy of UNICEF Courtesy of ILO 17

  18. b. The need for SA8000 Business Impact OUTCOMES: - Damaged reputation - Brand devaluation - Consumer boycott Sialkot Pakistan NIKE was accused of using child labour in the production of its footballs in Pakistan. 18

  19. c. IQNet - Global SA8000 capability 19

  20. c. IQNet - Global SA8000 capability IQNet Capabilities Global Certification: - About 20 IQNet Partners SA8000 capable - More than 60 auditors qualified - Potential coverage exceeding 50 countries Local Service Delivery: - Auditing resources locally deployed - Knowledge of local labour laws / codes - Local language capabilities (essential for worker interviews) 20

  21. c. IQNet - Global SA8000 capability IQNet Capabilities Credibility and Consistency: - IQNet Partners : Leaders in their region - Key stakeholder involvement (eg UNICEF) - Auditing resources “calibrated” (global training initiative) 21

  22. c. IQNet - Global SA8000 capability IQNet Certification Path Application Pre-Visit Certification Audit Surveillance Audit Re-certification Audit IQNet SA8000 Assessment Process 22

  23. d. Introduction to IQNet Ltd 23

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  26. Accreditation Granted 1st May 2007

  27. Tony Di Palma Managing Director Contact Details Bollwerk 31 P.O. Box CH-3001 Bern Switzerland Phone  +41 31 310 24 40 Fax      +41 31 310 24 49 Mobile  +41 79 830 43 21 tony.dipalma@iqnet.ch www.iqnet-ltd.com

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