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Mrs. Flaherty's First Grade. San Onofre School 2011-2012. About the Teacher.
Mrs. Flaherty's First Grade San Onofre School 2011-2012
About the Teacher *This is my 28th class at San Onofre School. *My daughter went to this school K-8 grades, so I am also an experienced San O parent. *I grew up in the USMC family, as my dad was a Marine. *I am passionate about teaching. I, especially, love working with first graders. They are amazing!
Classroom Management During the first weeks of school, we learn PAWS Laws for all the school areas: classroom, playground, hallways, cafeteria, restrooms and the media center. Then, as a class, we will create our class rules that support PAWS Laws. These rules will be sent home.
Morning Arrival 8:00-8:15 Please plan for your child to arrive no sooner than 8:00, unless they are eating breakfast in the cafeteria. This is when we begin supervising the first graders. Before school, students are to walk around the building, not through it, to get to the cafeteria. Students who arrive early, need to sit at the tables outside of the cafeteria. Due to congestion and for safety reasons, we are asking that parents say goodbye to their children at the gate.
8:15-8:30 Opening We start our day off with our flag helper leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance and with a patriotic song. Then, our attendance helper says good morning to everyone. Next our lunch helper records the number of buyers. Lastly, we go over our plan for the day.
Math Calendar 8:30-8:45 During calendar we review many important math concepts: counting, patterning, months, days of the week, place value, money, graphing and time.
Math 8:45-9:50 Our district’s math program is Saxon Math. It is a program that spirals, it constantly reviews previously taught concepts. I supplement the math program with math centers that reteach, reinforce, and enrich.
Recess 9:50-10:05 First and second grade may eat snacks at the picnic tables. They play on the upper playground. All teachers expect them to follow PAWS Laws.
Reading 10:05-11:35 In order to best meet the varied needs of our first graders, our grade level will begin teaming for reading in about 2 weeks. All students will be doing the same Open Court stories and skills, but activities will be differentiated to reteach, reinforce and to enrich.
Lunch 11:35-12:15 Students may bring lunch from home or purchase lunch from our cafeteria. The application for free/reduced lunches is available on our school website or in the office. Students may play on the upper playground after 20 minutes. Again, PAWS Laws are enforced during lunch.
Writing 12:15-12:50 Our school district uses a marvelous writing program, Nancy Fetzer Writing Connections. It uses a lot of visuals, body movements, and modeling to build a solid foundation for writing. We do story notes, movie scripts, guided writing, and independent writing. During writing, we also work on spelling.
Science 12:50-1:30 On Tuesdays and Thursdays we do Science or Social Studies. Our science topics this year are: living/non-living, the 5 senses, animals, plants, habitats, weather, matter, and seasons.
Social Studies 12:50-1:30 Our Social Studies topics for the year are: citizenship, people and places, our country, changes over time, celebrating cultures, and “goods and services.”
Mondays and Fridays Art, P.E., and Science Movies 12:50-1:30 On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, we do P.E. We work on throwing, catching, cardio endurance, balance, kicking, and games. On Mondays, we also do art. On Fridays, we usually watch a science movie related to our current topic.
1:30-2:00 Computer Lab and Good Afternoon Centers On Mondays, we visit the computer lab. We work on reading, writing, and math programs and activities. (We also go to the lab during math and reading.) On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, we do “Good Afternoon Centers.” This is the time that students are allowed to choose from 4 content related centers. This is also the time that students get individual help from me or finish work.
Afternoon Dismissal 2:00-2:20 Once our classroom has been clean up and is ready for a new day, the students get their backpacks and meet on the rug. Our mail person delivers today’s papers. Students line up outside, ready to go home. Our CDC and bus students are excused to the cafeteria. Everyone else is walked to the front of the school.
Homework The goal of my homework is for students to review skills from the previous week and to give parents an opportunity to see how well their children are doing. I plan my homework to take 10-15 minutes per night. If it takes more than 30 minutes, please stop and jot me a note. Either the assignment is not appropriate for your child or other things are interfering with their concentration. Detailed instructions for homework can be found of the cover of the homework folder and on the homework cover sheet.
Donors Choose Donors Choose is a organization that provides opportunities for funding of classroom projects. This year, Donors Choose has already funded “Weekly Readers” with special science editions for our class. Part of the program is showing off our classroom and thanking sponsors. If I can use photos of your child for our projects on their website and for thank you’s, please sign the permission slip. Donors Choose requires that specific classrooms information and names not be included anywhere in the pictures.
Communication Keep up-to-date with our classroom happenings by visiting our class website. Go to our school website: www.fuesd.k12.ca.us/sos Then select me from the teacher tab. You can contact me through notes, email, and by phone.
Volunteer in our Classroom! Volunteers Parents are always welcome in our classroom! The best times for volunteering are: T, TH, and F 1:30-2:00 (Good Afternoon Centers) M, W, TH, and F 8:45-9:50 (Math) Please email me or send a note if you are able to help.
Thank You... for taking the time to attend Back to School Night! I look forward to working with you and your child this year. It is going to be a wonderful year filled with exciting learning activities!