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National & Regional Cluster Policies (Cases) Centre for Research & Technology Hellas-CERTH Katerina Papadopoulou, Maria Goulaptsi & Nikos Katsiadakis. Contents. National Planning for Clusters 2005: Creation of Corallia, the biggest Greek Cluster initiative with several sub-clusters
National & Regional Cluster Policies (Cases) Centre for Research & Technology Hellas-CERTH Katerina Papadopoulou, Maria Goulaptsi & Nikos Katsiadakis
Contents • National Planning for Clusters • 2005:Creation of Corallia, the biggest Greek Clusterinitiative with several sub-clusters • 2013:Creation of Chorus Clean Energy Cluster in the Region of Central Macedonia (nationally funded) • Regional Planning for Clusters (Policy tool) • 2017: Creation of Technopolis ICT Cluster in the Region of Central Macedonia
National Planning for Clusters(policy tool) • History:Support of Greek Clusters in the field of microelectronics (Corallia, 2005 & 2008) • Programme “Business clusters” (GSI, 2011) • Programme “Collaboration” (GSRT, 2009 & 2011) • Programme “Creation of Innovative Business Clusters” (GSRT, 2011) • Stakeholders GSRT, GSI, Corallia
National Planning for Clusters(policy tool) • Mission: development of innovative clusters in specific knowledge intensive, technological fields, with clear exporting orientation, and with important potential to lead to commercially exploitable results of internationalquality • Philosophy: emphasis on innovation, on synergies between business and academic communities, bottom–up approach followed by actions targeting mature networks and collaborations that could evolve into viable clusters, formulation of the strategic framework for the creation and further development of clusters
National Planning for Clusters(policy tool) • Main achievements: The creation of Corallia, 5 regional innovation poles, 7 incubators, Chorus Cluster, BionianCluster • Current status/phase: 2nd national call for clusters is pending (to be launched by GSRT within 2017)
Corallia • 2005:Creation of the “Hellenic Technology Clusters Initiative (HTCI)”, mi-Cluster 13 companies, first funding through 3rd CSF, Ministry of Development: 9,5 M€ • Stakeholders (facilitator, members):Research and Innovation Centre ATHINA • Mission & Philosophy: to underpin and accelerate the development of cohesive and productive innovation ecosystems, within which actors operate in a coordinated manner, in specific sectors and regions of the country, and where a competitive advantage and export orientation exists
Corallia • Main achievements: 2 more funding cycles through NSRF 2007-2013: 2009 - 800.000 € (further development of mi-cluster) 2013: 2.400.000 €(expansion phase creation of si-cluster, gi-Cluster) • Creation of 2 innohubs in Athens and 1 innohub in Patrasestablished as the innovation and cutting-edge technology «nodes» • Mentioned among the four most effective smart specialization applications in Europe through the three clusters it coordinates • Double digit growth rates in turnover, employment, exports and patent applications
Corallia • Current status/phase: Undertakes initiatives to stimulate Youth Entrepreneurship (EGG, the Educational Trip, the Ε-bootcamp as well as the Internships Days, the Networking Days) • Demonstrates strong engagement in European cluster policy bodies establishing key-strategic International Collaborations with all innovation stakeholders • Acts as an Intermediate Management Body of structural funds
CHORUS-Clean Energy Cluster • 2013:First funding through NSRF 4M€ (although the idea of CHORUS Cluster was conceived in 2011, early in 2012 a 5-years business plan was elaborated in order to access public funding) • Stakeholders (facilitator, members):CERTH acting as facilitator, 9 companies (initially) • Mission & Philosophy: activate a critical number of companies, located in the broader area of Central Macedonia, create synergies among them for establishing an arsenal of renewable/‘zero or low carbon footprint’ technologies, transformable into specific commercial products that will define the identity of the Region in the future.
CHORUS-Clean Energy Cluster • Main achievements: 9 innovative projects / prototypes in the field of clean energy/technologies • Set the basis to take advantage of economies of scale and shared resources (initial design of Cluster Common Testing Facility – CCTF, to provide advanced prototyping and testing services in the cluster’s thematic area) • Cultivation of companies enthusiasmand maturity for “co-opetition”
CHORUS-Clean Energy Cluster • Current status/phase: established as a legal entity (12 companies 1 research centre) • Focus on new collaborative projects that give value to the cluster • Focus to attract new members fulfilling gaps in the value chain of the clean energy/clean technologies, emphasis on cross sectoral networking and the integration of KETs • Focus on improving organizational and operational performance of the cluster
Regional Planning for Clusters in RCM(policy tool) The Region of CentralMacedonia, is associated partner to the clusterfyproject, supportedby CERTH.(Centre for Research & TechnologyHellas)
Region of CentralMacedonia Regional Planning for Clusters in RCM(policy tool) The Regionwasestablished in the 1987 administrativereform. In 2010, itspowers and authoritywereredefined and extended. Nowadays the Governor of the Region and the Regional Council areelectedby the people. The Regionisbased in the city of Thessaloniki and isdividedintosevenregionalunits. The Region of CentralMacedoniaisstaffedby a total of approx. 2,000 employees. ItsDirectoratescoverallaspects of regionalplanning and development (environment, infrastructure, ruraldevelopment, publichealth, etc.)
Region of CentralMacedonia: Regional Planning for Clusters in RCM(policy tool) Whoarewe? • Central Macedonia is the second largest region in Greece where 17.2% of the country's population is concentrated (2013). • In 2011, the region accounted for 13.5% of the national GDP, while in terms of GDP per capita was positioned 9th among the 13 Greek regions and below the EU27 average (57%). • In 2011, the tertiary sector accounted for 77.4% of the regional GVA, the secondary sector for 17.4% and the primary sector for 5.2%. • The most important service sectors in the region are financial services, transport and communications, recreation activities, tourism and transport services. • The manufacturing sector is dominated by sectors, such as the food industry, textiles & clothing, non-metallic mineral products and furniture where the majority of firms are SMEs. Larger companies are found in industries such as metal production, chemicals and plastics. The main exporting sectors are those of textiles, food and drink, chemicals and plastics. There is a number of new knowledge-intensive sectors like bio-agriculture, bio-medicine, and ICT that seem promising, but still attract relatively limited investment. • The current economic crisis led the unemployment rate to increase to almost 30%, nearly four times higher compared to 2008. This was mainly the outcome of steep reductions in consumption and secondarily due to negative trends in the tourism, services and manufacturing sectors.
Ourspecialcompetences Regional Planning for Clusters in RCM(policy tool) Region of CentralMacedonia: • The regionhasanimportantgeopoliticalmetropolitanroleas a gate and servicehub for Eastern European countries. • RCM is a dynamic organisation withmultilevelresponsibilities, dealingwithdifferentactivities in central and localgovernment. • Approximately 2000 employeesareworkingtoimplementgovernmentpolicyatinterprovinciallevel and toadopt and implementinitiatives and practices in ordertoimprove the livingstandards of the nearlytwomillionresidents of the region. • RCM is the Managing Authority of the RegionalOperational Programme 2014-2020 and responsible for the RegionalInnovationStrategy (RIS3). • RCM is the owner of the policyinstrumentaddressed . • RCM has the capacitytomobilizekeyorganisations in the field (publicsector, SMEs, chambersetc) includingallpartiesinvolved in the RegionalStakeholderGroup.
Regional Planning for Clusters in RCM(policy tool) Smart Specialisation Strategy (RIS3) Network of Experts on Smart Specialisation Strategy (RIS3) was developed in April 2013 by RCM, following the European Commission's invitation to national and regional authorities to develop research and innovation strategies for smart specialization. This was in order to use structural funds more efficiently, to increase synergies between policies at different levels, as well as in public and private investment. The network includes representatives of the Region, the productive sectors,academia and innovators.
Smart Specialisation Strategy (RIS3) Regional Planning for Clusters in RCM(policy tool) The Region of Central Macedonia, Attica, Western Greece and Crete are among the most developed in terms of Research and Technology skills, in accordance with the project "The Strategy of Intelligent Specialisation (RIS3) in Central Macedonia Region "(March 2014) and Swot analysis. Infrastructure in Research and Innovation in Central Macedonia is varied. The following in the Region have been established: • CERTH research center • The research structures of ELGO-Dimitra • Public and university research laboratories • Research centers of excellence viodiagnosis areas
Regional Planning for Clusters in RCM(policy tool) Operational Program of Central Macedonia 2014-2020 • Aims: The Programme aims to boost economic development and create job opportunities in Central Macedonia. • It contributes to achieving the Europe 2020 targets for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, also in line with the smart specialization strategy • It should create jobs and help SMEs to become more competitive and innovation-driven • EU funding will also contribute to meeting the requirements of the Union's acquis, especially as regards greenhouse gas reduction and increase energy efficiency
Regional Planning for Clusters(policy tool) • Operational Program of Central Macedonia 2014-2020 • Investment priority 1: “Strengthening research, technological development and innovation” • Priority 1b2: Creation of permanent cluster mechanisms between research and business and among businesses to promote applied research for the knowledge and technology transfer. • Aims:Investment priority 1b2 aims at improving the ability of designing, foreseeing and managing technology, implementing innovation strategy of the region. Priority 1b2 aims also at reinforcing the connections among triple helix actors for the promotion of technology and the exchange of knowledge.
Regional Planning for Clusters in RCM(policy tool) Actions foreseen: • 1. creation of a cluster mechanism (design of a collaboration framework for industries to define research / technology and innovation priorities in line with RIS3); • 2. creation of one stop shop liaison office among academic and research organizations for facilitating the identification of research teams, R&D results, infrastructure etc. To increase the competence of these clusters to innovate, more focus is needed on using a cross-sectoralapproach, KETs, and interregional collaboration • Current status/phase:First calls of the Operational Program are expected for publicationsummer of 2017
Technopolis-ICT Cluster Historical Context analysis: • In Thessaloniki the Association of Information Technology Companies of Northern Greece (SEPVE) operates since 1994 (more than 250 members) • Technopolis Thessaloniki ICT Business Park is an initiative of the Association of SEPVE and was founded in 2001 with the participation of ICT and high technology companies from all over Greece, as well as public bodies. Technopolis first aim was the establishment of the first high technology Business Park in Greece and to resolve some of the problems of companies in the industry, such as housing needs. • 2012: The first mission of Technopolis (major infrastructure and facilities creation for the business park)has been fulfilled, however only 4 companies have build their premises due to depth crisis since 2009.
Technopolis-ICT Cluster Historical Context analysis: • 2012:Technopolis Thessaloniki ICT Business Park prepared a proposal for cluster creation under the national respective Clusters call. The thematic focus of the ICT cluster proposal was incloud computing. However, the proposal was disapproved. • 2015:ICT sector was nominated as one of the priority sectors during the Smart Specialization Strategy consultation (ICT sectorwas promoted in the regional political agenda for innovation) • Current status/phase: A partnership agreement has been prepared and signed by almost 30 cluster members. Several other steps for maturing the cluster idea have been undertaken (networking events, seminars, workshops, etc). Two consultancy firms will undertake the new proposal (main aim for funding is the Operational Program for RCM (2017)