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Teaching phonetics in primary school

Teaching phonetics in primary school. Olga Shutka School № 2 of Shpola. Teachers who avoid pronunciation activities look as if they do not know their subject — or are lazy. the acqusition of new sounds, stress, tone-pattern. drill in recognition and reproduction new material

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Teaching phonetics in primary school

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  1. Teachingphoneticsinprimaryschool Olga Shutka School №2 of Shpola

  2. Teachers who avoid pronunciation activities look as if they do not know their subject — or are lazy.

  3. the acqusition of new sounds, stress, tone-pattern drill in recognition and reproduction new material to acquire pronunciation habits making use of the pronunciation habits In language skills (hearing, speaking, reading and writing) StudentsassimilateEnglishpronunciationthrough the acqusition of new sounds, stress, tone-pattern drill in recognition and reproduction new material to acquire pronunciation habits making use of the pronunciation habits In language skills (hearing, speaking, reading and writing)

  4. To teach students how to pronounce a new language correctly in a conscious way means to ensure that the student learns to put his organs of speech into definite positions, required for the production of the speech sounds of his language

  5. to determine the cases where conscious manipulation of the speech organs is required, and the cases where simple imitation can or must be used to decide on types of exercises and techniques of using them Practicalproblemstheteacherfacesinteachingpronunciation to determine the cases where conscious manipulation of the speech organs is required, and the cases where simple imitation can or must be used to decide on types of exercises and techniques of using them

  6. sounds words wordcombinations phrases sentences intheEnglishlanguage Theteacherinstructsthestudentstopronounce

  7. it-eat sport-spot wide- white cut- cart full-fool boat-bought Contrastisbroughtoutthrough:

  8. By showing actions He is reading. He is writing. By using sound symbols [ᴂ] - [e] [ð] - [θ] Theexperienceofthesoundcontrastisreinforcedaudio-visually: • By showing the objects which the contrasting words represent. Ship - sheep

  9. Imitationisagreatuseinlearningpronunciation

  10. teaching students to speak Teachingaforeignlanguageinschools teaching students to hear the sentence

  11. Theteachershoulddetermine which sounds the students will find hard to pronunciate which sounds they can assimilate through imitation which sounds they require explanations of the organs of speech while producing them

  12. Theprocedureinteachingpronuntiation 1) students hear a sentence, 2) then they hear a word or words in which a new sound or new sounds occur, 3) they hear the sound and the teacher`s explanation of how to produce it. E.g. My name is... name /n/

  13. 1) Students are invited to find the correct position of the tip of the tongue for pronouncing /n/ 2)After they have found the position of the tongue for /n/ they pronounce it as a single unit or as an isolated element. 3) Then they pronounce the sound in the word name and in the sentence My name is...

  14. The sequence in the teacher`s work with the sound and in that of students' differs: Teacher: a sentence My name is... The book is thick a word name thick a sound /n/ /θ/ Students: a sound /n/ /θ/ a word name thick a sentence My name is... The book is thick

  15. Studentspronounce:inunison-individually-inunison

  16. Asking individuals to pronounce a sound, a word and a sentence: bright average slow students

  17. Thesecretofsuccessisneitherintheory (explanation) norinpracticealone, butinpracticeinformedbytheory.

  18. Material used for pronunciation drill should be connected with the lesson students study sounds, words, word combinations, phrases, sentences, rhymes, poems, songs, dialogues.

  19. Thematerialforaparticularlessondependson: 1) the stage of teaching; 2) students' progress in the language; 3)their age; 4) the objectives of the lesson; 5) other factors

  20. Pronunciationisaskillthatshouldbedevelopedandperfectedthroughthewholecourseoflearningthelanguage, thatiswhytheteachershouldusepronunciationdrillduringthelesson, irrespectiveofthestageofinstrustions

  21. Mistakes In pronunciation of sounds, stress and tones in the target language. Who should correct mistakes? How should they be corrected?

  22. Teacher corrects students' mistakes in pronunciation, they need good examples to follow which can be given by the teacher or by the speaker. Teacher explains the mistakes to the students, shows what would be done to avoid it.

  23. Theabilitytohearthedifferenceinpronunciationofpeopleshouldbedevelopedfromtheveryfirststeps.

  24. Correctingmistakes 1) the teacher explains the student his mistake and asks him to pronounce the sound, the word, the sentence again, paying attention to the proper position of the organs of speech for producing the sound, for example /θ/. (He should bite the tongue between the teeth and blow air out at the same time)

  25. 2) the teacher pronounces the sound,the word,the phrase,the sentence in which the mistake has been made, and the students imitate the teacher's pronunciation.

  26. a student through comparison finds themistake and corrects it 3) teacher asks the students to listen to the tape-recording and pronounce the word or the sentence in the way the speaker does it

  27. Pronunciation can be tought only by a long, patient and persistent effort throughout the whole course of study.

  28. Phonetic drills, poems, songs, exercises. Diphtongs [ei] 1. Take place in the train to Wales. 2. “Play, play”- ducks say, all through the day. [ai] 1. White kite, white kite, up the sky. What can you see there, flying so high?

  29. [au] 1. Out of sight, out of mind. 2. The clown came down to our town. [ɪə] 1. Dear, my dear, come here , my dear. 2. The theatre and the museum are near here. [ ɛə] 1. I have a hare, I have a bare, my toys are there!

  30. [w] 1. Why do you cry , Willy? Why do you cry? Why, Willy? Why, Willy? Why? 2. What is done wisely is done well. 3. No sweet without some sweat. [w-v] .William always wears a very warm woolen vest in winter. .Victor, however , will never wear woolen underwear, even in the Wild West.

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