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7 th Workshop on QCD and RHIC Physics. Hefei, July 9-13, 2008. Hard Probes at RHIC: a Theoretical Overview. Xin-Nian Wang Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. 7 th National Workshop on QCD and Relativistic Heavy-ion Collision Physics. Workshop on QCD and RHIC Physics, Wuhan, 2002.
7th Workshop on QCD and RHIC Physics Hefei, July 9-13, 2008 Hard Probes at RHIC: a Theoretical Overview Xin-Nian Wang Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
7th National Workshop on QCD and Relativistic Heavy-ion Collision Physics Workshop on QCD and RHIC Physics, Wuhan, 2002 First meeting in 2001, CCAST, Beijing
What has happened since then Chinese STAR Collaboration: MPRC project for TOF Chinese ALICE Collaboration Major NSFC Project on RHIC Theory and Phenomenology
Empirical Evidence of sQGP at RHIC Pedestal&flow subtracted Hydro-dynamics calc.
A “Perfect Liquid” or sQGP? Liquid, fluid and (strongly coupled) plasma Characteristic of liquid or gas: pair correlation Thoma’ 2006 Yu, Xu, Liu & Liu, 2008
Room for some range of h/s C Geiner & Z. Xu’08 Huovinen’08
q-hat and Shear Viscosity h Majumder, Muller and XNW’07 Shear viscosity Jet quenching
Jet transport in medium q q y 0 Ap Ap Classical correspondence: Liang, XNW & Zhou’08 … Jet Transport Operator
Medium Broadening Jet transport parameter Solution of diffusion eq. Liang, XNW & Zhou’08 Majumder & Muller’07 Kovner & Wiedemann’01
Jet transport parameter & Saturation DGLAP Gluon saturation Casalderrey-Salana, & XNW’07 Kochegov & Mueller’98 McLerran & Venugapolan’95 Multi-gluon correlation:
Measuring qhat q q xp xp x1p+kT Ap Ap Measuring parton energy loss or modified fragmentation function GW:Gyulassy & XNW’04 BDMPS’96 LCPI:Zakharov’96 GLV: Gyulassy, Levai & Vitev’01 ASW: Wiedemann’00 HT: Guo & XNW’00 AMY: Arnold, Moore & Yaffe’03 Direct measurement:
Hadron suppression & medium properties OWWZ: Owen, Wang, XNW & Zhang’08 Majumder, Wang & XNW’07 Cold nuclear matter in DIS Wang & XNW’01 Bass et al’08
Gamma-jet: toward a true tomography Volume emission for small zT Surface emission for large zT>1 Huang, Sarcevic & XNW’96 Isolated photons as tags: HSW’96, OWWZ’08
Jet Quenching phenomenology -fit to single hadron Raa in Au+Au at all centralities at RHIC energy OWWZ’08 Phenix’08, see Nagle’s talk TECHQM
Theoretical improvements Recoil in radiative process: q q Quark-annihilation Flavor changing process Ap Ap NLO corrections to LO collinear factorized contribution Mass correction for heavy quarks Qin, et al ‘’08 Elastic vs radiative: for finite E & L
Heavy Quarks Langevin Eq. for v<<1 Moore & Teaney’05 pQCD Rcb Ratio Strong coupling SYM Casalderrey-Solana & Teaney’06 Gubser’06, Herzog et al’06 Horowitz & Gyulassy’08 Wicks et al’06,Djordjevic et al’06 DEelfor heavy quark is larger than light quarks
Inclusion of multiple gluon emission q Armesto, et al’08 Renk’08 Ap Ap q Modified DGLAP Evolution Eq. Guo & XNW’00
Effects of hydrodynamics Gyulassy, et al’02 1D vs. 2+1D Faster decrease in r but increased duration Liu, Rajagopal & Wiedemann’06 Effect of flow Baier, Mueller &Schiff’06 Gyulassy, et al’02 Some decrease in anisotropy of DE in 1+2D without effect of flow Viscous hydro, 3-D haydro: effects are expected to be small
Azimuthal anisotropy OWWZ’ 2008 Bass et al’08 1+1D Bjorken 1+2D hydro 20-30%
Medium response to jets Mach cone angle: h/s=1/4p Sound attenuation with of the cone structure: SYM pQCD Chesler & Yaffe;07 Fries et al’07 Neufeld, Muller & Ruppert’08 Sonic mach cones induced by propagating jets Stocker’05, Casaderrey-Solana, Shuryak & Teaney’05
Cone & ridge in parton cascade Double peak structure was seen in AMPT simulation Ma, et al ‘06 Soft hadrons associated with a jet Minimum distance required punch-through jets Ridge along tangential jets Longitudinal flow (Armesto et al’05) Longitudinal field (Majumder et al’07) Recombination (Hwa’05, Wong’ 07) pT=0~1GeV/c tangential jets
Summary • sQGP still needs to be quantified • Jet transverse momentum broadening provides a lot of information about the medium: gluon density, gluon correlations, etc, all characterized by jet transport parameter qhat • Jet quenching provided an indirect measurement of qhat • Jet quenching phenomenology has advanced to more quantitative analysis • More exclusive studies such as gamma-jet and medium excitation are necessary