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Status update on ATN and RTT checks for muon-related tests, issues and bugs encountered, memory leaks and crashes, trigger counts monitoring, and deliverables including EDM changes.
Muon Trigger Validation • M. Biglietti, S. Giagu, • A. Policicchio, A. Ventura December 11, 2014
1) ATN and RTT checks • Checked: devval, dev and 19.3.X-VAL in recent nightlies • ATN: dev, devval and 19.3.X.Y P1 latest nightly in good shape for muon related tests (MuonSliceAthenaTrigRDO and MuonSliceAthenaTrigRDO_MC in particular) • ATN: devval&dev TriggerTest contains error in MuonSliceAthenaTrigRDO_MC(see ATR-9578) • ATN: devval&dev TrigP1Test generally failing • RTT: dev, devval and 19.3.X.Y-VAL-P1HLT RTT tests this week are still with errors due to segmentation faults in (see ATR-9608, ATR-9343): • Current trigger chain: HLT_mu4_cosmicEF_ds2_L1MU4 • Current algorithm: TrigAmbiguitySolver_CosmicsN_EFID • rel_1 and rel_2 generally “unrecoverable”; rel_3 was generally failing, n/a 2
2) Status of Issues/Bugs • 9 Bugs openand many bugs closed (ATR-9622, ATR-9613, ATR-9590, ATR-9589, ATR-9588, ATR-9585, ATR-9529, ATR-9352, ATR-9277) • ATR-9608, Segmentation fault in TrigMuSuperEF(comingfromTrkExTools), 20.X.0-VAL, new and assignedtoSavanna, Alan lookingintoit. • ATR-9578, Chain noalg_L1MU20 ignored - eitherbecause the trigger signature ("slice") hasbeenturned off or because the correspondingchaindictionarycannotberead, 20.X.0-VAL, causedfrom a muon offline changes, assignedto Massimiliano • ATR-9525, Failed to convert persistent object to transient: Failed to add collection to ID Container, assigned to Masaki, related to ATLASRECTS-1308, Ignacio and Masaki looking into it. • ATR-9523, 19.3.X.Y, P1HLT, TrigMuSuperEF_FSSA WARNING No RoI found in inputTE="" outputTE="EF_SA_FS_SAFSHypo0GeV_0GeV_MultiComb_4GeV_4GeV", assigned to Mark. Waiting for feedback. • ATR-9389, Input not allowed for online running; CaloMuonLikelihood_PDF_C1 DATAFILE, now assigned to Savanna. • ATR-9344, proxy error COMBINED_PATTERNS, also Operations, assigned to Niels that has no time at the moment, no estimated time to look into it. • ATR-9220, StoreGateSvc WARNING setupProxy:: error setting up proxy for key CosmicPhiPatterns and clid 1141515, feedback provided by Savanna, fix in TrigMuonEF-00-04-28. • ATR-9178, Removal of MDTcablingSvc, assigned to Massimo Corradi, requested removal of TrigMuFast from 20.X.0-VAL. • ATR-9039, Invalid memory access in MuonMDT_CablingMap/MdtIdHelper, still occurring for some of the RTT tests, assigned to Kevin, Stewart has requested the removal of TrigMuFast from devval. 3
3) Status of memory leaks/crashes • In Frank’s page ( http://atlas-project-trigger-release-validation.web.cern.ch /atlas-project-trigger-release-validation/www/perfmonrtt/ ) a constant memory usage is observed, but “huge” (many MBs!) with respect to the usual one (50kb to 70kb) • This must be due to unreliability of tools for low statistics samples (10 events instead of 1000). • - No new memory leaks found in LeakCheck.txt for DC14: • https://atlas-rtt.cern.ch/prod/rtt/rel_3/19.1.X.Y-VAL/build/x86_64-slc6-gcc47-opt/p1hlt/TriggerTest/LeakCheck_DC14/LeakCheck.txt 4
4) Trigger Counts • RTT counts from http://atlas-project-trigger-release-validation.web.cern.ch/atlas-project-trigger-release-validation/references/RTT/TriggerTest/Muon/ * Muon_top-2wks_history.txt • dev: again available since December 7 but on a 10-event sample • devval: again available since December 7 but on a 10-event sample • 19.3.X.Y-VAL: counts stable • Checked also counts for muon chains in Physics_pp_v5 and MC_pp_v5 RTT counts: • All available counts for Physics_pp_v5 and MC_pp_v5 RTT are stable 5
5) Deliverables & EDM changes L2: EDM finalized for rel 20 for L2MuonSA, new tag TrigmuComb-00-01-04 in devval for a bugfix. A new container (xAOD::L2IsoMuonContantainer) for muIsoalgo has been developed in dev but wil be used in rel 20.1EF: xAOD migration already done for DC14. Need to add an interface to Mugirl that will fill the existing EDM as well. A new algorithm (MuGirlStau) is going to be added together with a new container (xAOD:SlowMuon, e-linked to xAOD::Muon). • The update of the twiki page https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/Atlas/TriggerLS1Deliverables#Delivereable_listhas been recently verified, together with the other two links. 6