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Living Labs

Discover the limitations of usability testing and how users can contribute creatively in the innovation process. Learn about user-led innovation, social construction of technology, and participatory design in Living Labs. Dive into the concept of Living Labs and the co-creative user approach, leveraging user input for groundbreaking innovations.

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Living Labs

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  1. Living Labs University of Oslo Institute ofinformatics, INF 2260 Asbjørn Følstad, SINTEF

  2. Agenda • Limitationsofusability testing • Users as sourcesofcreativity • Living Labs and theco-creativeuser Asbjørn Følstad, SINTEF | asf@sintef.no

  3. Limitationsofusability testing Asbjørn Følstad, SINTEF | asf@sintef.no

  4. http://www.infodesign.com.au Are therelimitations to theusefulnessofthisapproach? Asbjørn Følstad, SINTEF | asf@sintef.no

  5. Usability testing The design right vs. The right design pp. 381-391 Asbjørn Følstad, SINTEF | asf@sintef.no

  6. Usability testing harmful? Early stage design Radicalinnovations Cultural changes Mute creativeideas Identify problems due to immaturetechnologyratherthantheunderlyingconcept Dismissconcept due to lackofaccept in currentculture Asbjørn Følstad, SINTEF | asf@sintef.no

  7. Creative input appreciated in system development, butusability testing typicallygive problem lists Usability problems oftenknown (?) … buthelpsprioritizing Redesignsuggestions … spark creativity … and providenewideas to solve known problems. Asbjørn Følstad, SINTEF | asf@sintef.no

  8. Know thelimitationsofusability testing and employ it accordingly. How to overcomethelimitationsofusability testing? Considerotherapproaches to getcreative input -> Maybeuserscanprovidecreative input? Asbjørn Følstad, SINTEF | asf@sintef.no

  9. Users as sourcesofcreativity Asbjørn Følstad, SINTEF | asf@sintef.no

  10. Userscreative? Really? Foto: michelhrv (Flickr, creative commons) Asbjørn Følstad, SINTEF | asf@sintef.no

  11. Userscreative? Really? Usersdidn’tcreatethis … or this … or this Asbjørn Følstad, SINTEF | asf@sintef.no

  12. In whichwayscanuserscontibutecreatively? Asbjørn Følstad, SINTEF | asf@sintef.no

  13. Users as sourcesofcreativity (1): Participatory design Participation as a democratic right Userscontributeuniqueinsight and knowledge in design due to domainexperience Userinvolved in creativeprocesseswith designers and stakeholders Assumption: Tightcooperationbetween designers, users and stakeholders willimproveprocess and outcome. Asbjørn Følstad, SINTEF | asf@sintef.no

  14. Users as sourcesofcreativity (2): Social constructionoftech. Technologyoutside a socialcontext is ambiguous, in particularbefore it has reachedwidespreaduse. Innovationhappenswhensocialgroupsgivesmeaning to technologicalartifacts Evolvingmeanings given to artifactscan be used to drive innovationprocesses Assumption: Observationofsocialgroupsusingnewtechnologywillgiveinsight in ways to developthetechnology. Pinch, T.J. and Bijker, W.E. (1987) The socialconstructionof facts and artifacts. Asbjørn Følstad, SINTEF | asf@sintef.no

  15. Users as sourcesofcreativity (3): Userinnovation • Von Hippel: Usersinnovate; in particularleadingusers • excellent in theirfield • not satisfiedwithavailabletechnology • Examples from a range offields • Opensource software • Printedcircutboards • Surgerytools • Extreme sports • Assumption: Incorporatinguserinnovation in theinnovationprocesswill lead to more radicalinnovations Von Hippel, E. (2005) Democratizinginnovation, MIT Press Asbjørn Følstad, SINTEF | asf@sintef.no

  16. Users as sourceofcreativity Users and designers in co-creativeprocesses Participatory design Social constructionoftechnology Userinnovation Novelmeanings and usesemerge in socialgroups over time Usersadapt designs and developnewwhencurrentsolutionsdoes not fill theirneeds Asbjørn Følstad, SINTEF | asf@sintef.no

  17. Living Labs and theco-creativeuser Asbjørn Følstad, SINTEF | asf@sintef.no

  18. Living Labs – theidea ant-farms.com Asbjørn Følstad, SINTEF | asf@sintef.no

  19. Living Labs – theidea Amazon.com: Fascinations AntWorks Illuminated Blue Asbjørn Følstad, SINTEF | asf@sintef.no

  20. Living Labs – theidea • Whatifwe do the same with humans? • Identifyusers in theireverydaycontext • Addnewtechnology / futuretechnology • Wecould … • Observewhathappens(Social construction) • Identifythosewhoadaptthetechnology to bettersuittheirneeds(Userinnovation) • Inviteusers in co-creativeprocesses to devlopthetechnologyfurther(Participatory design) Asbjørn Følstad, SINTEF | asf@sintef.no

  21. Living Labs – thebasics <- Social construction and userinnovation <-Grounded in participatory design Commerciallyavailableproduct Environments for innovation and development • … whereusersareexposet to newsolutions • … in familiarcontexts • … as part of medium – or long term studies New term withinthefieldof ICT • Emergingconcept • Limited literature Innovation support Contextresearch Discovery Co-creation Evaluation Technical testing Asbjørn Følstad, SINTEF | asf@sintef.no

  22. The origins: Ubiquitouscomputing Living Labs Classroom 2000: an ICT augmentedclassroom Vision: Utilizelecture & teacher/studentnotetakingoutsideclassroom Purposes: - Discovery - Evaluation Abowd, G.D. (1999) Classroom 2000: An experiment with the instrumentation of a living educational environment. IBM Systems Journal, 38(4), pp. 508-530. Asbjørn Følstad, SINTEF | asf@sintef.no

  23. The detour: Living Labs as testbeds eStadium: Stadium instrumehtedwithadvancedwirelessinfrastructure Aim: Research advancednetworking and services Purposes: - Evaluation - Technical testing Zhong, X., Coyle, E.J. (2006) eStadium: a Wireless "Living Lab" for Safety and Infotainment Applications. First International Conference on Communications and Networking in China, 2006. ChinaCom '06, pp. 1-6, IEEE. Asbjørn Følstad, SINTEF | asf@sintef.no

  24. The current: Living Labs as innovationplatforms • The European waveof Living Labs • Public-private partnerships • Government • Industry • Academia • User and stakeholders seen as co-creators; that is, creativeresources to be utilized in theinnovationprocess • Aim for directcontributionsofusers and stakeholders throughouttheinnovationprocess http://www.openlivinglabs.eu/ Asbjørn Følstad, SINTEF | asf@sintef.no

  25. The current: Living Labs as innovationplatforms • Copenhagen Living Lab: IABIS • Aim: Create ICT solutions to improve living for elderly and employed at nursinghomes • Involved users: • Employees at two nursing homes • (Family of residents at the same nursing homes) • Also: Observation of residents and employees • Users/stakeholdersinvolved in: • - Context research • - Discovery • - Co-creation • Evaluation http://www.iabis.dk/ Asbjørn Følstad, SINTEF | asf@sintef.no

  26. The current: Living Labs as innovationplatforms • Botnia Living Lab: Apollon • Aim: Gainexperiencewithin-homeuseofenergysaving ICT. • Involved users: • 30-40 households installing prototype energy saving ICT and use it for several months. • Users/stakeholdersinvolved in: • - Discovery • - Co-creation • Evaluation http://saberproject.kyab.se// Asbjørn Følstad, SINTEF | asf@sintef.no

  27. Summary Limitationsofusability testing • Does not helpyougetthe right design Creativeusers? • Participatory design • Social constructionoftechnology • Userinnovation Living Labs • European Living Labs aiming for co-creation; users and stakeholders to be involved as creativeresources • Evolvingapproach – still in itsearlyyears Asbjørn Følstad, SINTEF | asf@sintef.no

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