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Ethnography. The art of deep hanging out. Sarah Tynen GEOG 5161- Research Design Dr. Ken Foote Geomethodology Presentation March 4, 2013. Techniques: Mapping. Mapping. Techniques: Interviews. Strengths.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ethnography The art of deep hanging out Sarah Tynen GEOG 5161- Research Design Dr. Ken Foote Geomethodology Presentation March 4, 2013

  2. Techniques: Mapping

  3. Mapping

  4. Techniques: Interviews

  5. Strengths • Embraces the subjectivity of the researcher as an important source of contextualizing knowledge • Studies the human experience on a firsthand basis • Reveals the nuances of everyday practices • Situates the researcher and research subjects as an integral part of guiding and experiencing the research process • Allows the research design to evolve according to what is important to the research subject

  6. Weaknesses • Can be limiting without critical reflexivity • Can perpetuate unequal power relations • Focusing on observation and conversation can lead us to forget to analyze what is unseen and left unsaid • Can lead to overgeneralization • Ethical considerations

  7. Sources Cloke, Paul, Ian Cook, Philip Crang, Mark Goodwin, Joe Painter, and Chris Philo. 2004. Practisinghuman geography. London: Sage Publications. Dowling, Robyn. 2005. Power, subjectivity, and ethics in qualitative Research. In Qualitative research methods in human geography, ed. Iain Hay, 19-29.Oxford: Oxford University Press. Dunn, Kevin. 2005. Interviewing. In Qualitative research methods in human geography, ed. Iain Hay, 79-105. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Elwood, Sarah and Deborah Martin. 2000. Placing interviews: Location and scales of power in qualitative research. The Professional Geographer52 (no. 4): 649-657. Hennink, Monica. 2008. Language and communication in cross-cultural qualitative research. Doing Cross-Cultural Research 34 (no. 1): 21-33. Kitchin, Rob, and Nicholas Tate. 2000. Conducting research in human geography: Theory, methodology and practice. London: Prentice Hall. Megoran, Nick. 2006. For ethnography in political geography: Experiencing and re-imaging FerghanaValley boundary closures. Political Geography 25: 622-640. Murchison, Julian. 2010. Ethnography essentials: Designing, conducting, and presenting your research. San Francisco: John Wiley and Sons.

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