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Introduction to Alberta’s Agri-Food Industry 阿尔伯 达 食品工业简介 China Training Program July 14, 2005. Outline. The Alberta Advantage 阿尔伯它的优势 Current Economic Highlights 经济亮点 Agriculture and Food Sector 农业及食品 Alberta Exports 阿尔伯它的出口 Trade Relationship with China 与中国的贸易往来
Introduction to Alberta’s Agri-Food Industry阿尔伯达食品工业简介China Training ProgramJuly 14, 2005
Outline • The Alberta Advantage 阿尔伯它的优势 • Current Economic Highlights 经济亮点 • Agriculture and Food Sector 农业及食品 • Alberta Exports 阿尔伯它的出口 • Trade Relationship with China 与中国的贸易往来 • Alberta China and Hong Kong Office 阿尔伯它驻中国办公室 • Introduction-Alberta Economic Development Agriculture & Food Branch and Our Current Projects 阿尔伯它经济发展署简介
The Alberta Advantage Strategic Location Alberta is located in proximity to more than 59 million people in the western US. 阿尔伯它与美国西部59百万人相邻 Alberta’s international airports in Edmonton and Calgary provide excellent air service to both Canadian and international destinations. 阿尔伯它具有现代化国际机场 Santiago Buenos Aries Rio de Janeiro
The Alberta AdvantageLand Base About 30 per cent of Alberta’s total land area is used in crop and livestock production. 阿尔伯它30%土地用于农牧生产 The 51 million acres used for agricultural production consist of approx. 27 million acres under crops and summer fallow, 21 million acres of pasture and 3 million acres used for other agricultural production. 51百万英亩农业土地中27百万用于作物,21百万用于草场,3百万用于其他目的
Abundance of Natural Resources - Forestry • Industry shipments reached $5.5 billion in 2004, and exports were about $3.4 billion.* 2004年产值55亿加元,其中出口有34亿 • Of the forested area, about 60% or 22.5 million hectares are considered suitable for harvest. 林地的60%(22.5百万公顷)适用于农业 • Annually, Alberta allows 23.9 million cubic metres to be harvested. 阿尔伯它政府每年允许采伐23.9百万立方米
Comparison of Corporate Income Tax Rates 39.1%* 33.6% 30.1% *6.5% represents the average effective top general state corporate income tax rate Rates known as of January 2005 Source: Alberta Economic Development & CCH State Tax Handbook
Comparison of Provincial and Federal Taxes by Province Two Income Family of Four - $60,000* *As of March 21, 2005 Source: Alberta Finance
Canada ranks first overall Overall Cost Advantage 12 industry Average Baseline Source: KPMG, February 2004
The Alberta Advantage Overall Cost Competitiveness Food Processing Industry Selected Locations (Average of US Locations Equals 100) * As of February, 2004 Source: KPMG
Provincial Net Assets/Debt as a percent of GDP, March 31, 2005 *Other Governments as of March 21,2005. Excludes Pension Liabilities. Source: Alberta Finance
The Alberta Advantage 1. Strong and diversified economy 阿尔伯它经济实力强大且多样 2. Globally competitive business climate 良好的经济环境 3. One of the most globally competitive business tax environments 优惠的税率 4. Efficient and Modern Infrastructure 现代化有效的基础设施 5. Strategic access to North American free trade market 靠近北美自由贸易市场
The Alberta Advantage 6. Young, skilled and productive workforce 年轻有效的劳动力供给 7. Lowest personal taxes in Canada 加拿大最低劳工税 8. Fiscally responsible government 稳定的政府财政 9. Collaborative partnerships between private and public sectors 公私企业合作良好 10.Culturally diverse; high quality of life 高质量多样化的生活
CurrentHighlights • Alberta experienced the fastest population growth in Canada for seven of the past eight years, and also led the nation in 2004. 阿尔伯它过去八年中有七年全国人口增加最快且在2004年全国第一 • Population has risen by 8.4% since 1999 to just over 3.2 million (July 2004), compared with the national increase of 5.1%. 1999年起增加了8.4% (3百20万)而全国平均只有5.1% • Average annual net migration of 32,000 since 1996. 自1996年起年均移民3万2千人 Sources: Statistics Canada
Economic Highlights Sources: Statistics Canada and Alberta Economic Development
Increasing Economic Diversity ( % Distribution of GDP 1985 vs 2003) 1985 Total GDP: $66.5 Billion 2003 Total GDP: $172.0 Billion Source: Alberta Finance
Value of Alberta Manufacturing Shipments – 2004 Total: $52.7 Billion $ Billions *Includes wood and pulp & paper industries **Includes telecom equipment Source: Statistics Canada
Alberta’s Energy Revenues - 2004 Total: $63.8 Billion Note: Other includes liquefied petroleum gases, sulphur, and coal. Source: Alberta Energy and Utilities Board
Alberta Ag-food Industry • Alberta is the second largest agricultural producer in Canada. 阿尔伯它是加拿大第二大农产品制造者 • In 2004, employment in Alberta’s agri-food industries rose to 91,800. 2004年的农业劳动力有9万1千8百人 • In 2004, Alberta farm cash receipts (the sum of crop and livestock market receipts and direct program payments) increased 16.0 per cent to $8.1 billion. 2004年农场收入(全部项目加总)增加16%达到81亿 • The value of shipments of manufactured food and beverage products totaled $10.0 billion in 2004, a 13.3 per cent increase over 2003. Beverage processing accounted for $877 million. 2004年农产品和饮料产值增加了13.3%到100亿,其中饮料占8.77亿
Agriculture and Food SectorAgri-food Processing Sector Profile In 2004: 自2004年 • Food and beverage manufacturing shipments - $10 billion 食品饮料产值100亿元 • Value-added agri-food exports - $3.1 billion, 63% of total agri-food exports of 4.9 billion 产品增加值出口31亿占农产品49亿出口的63% • Over 500 companies 有500多家企业 • Employed about 26,000 people, or 16% of Alberta’s manufacturing work force 雇佣2万六千多人,是全省总劳动力的16%
Economic Highlights Sources: Statistics Canada and Alberta Economic Development
Increasing Economic Diversity ( % Distribution of GDP 1985 vs 2003) 1985 Total GDP: $66.5 Billion 2003 Total GDP: $172.0 Billion Source: Alberta Finance
Animal Food Manufacturing Beverage Grain & Oilseed 6% 9% Milling ($0.6 billion) ($0.9 billion) Other (Includes 9% Snacks, Fruits & ($0.9 billion) Vegetables, sugar & Confectionery, Seafood Products) 10% Dairy Products ($1.0 billion) 13% ($1.3 billion) Bakery & Tortilla 3% ($0.3 billion) Meat Products 50% ($5.0 billion) Alberta’s Food and Beverage Industry
Agri-Food Industry Players 农业食品公司 Archer Daniels Midland Canada Safeway/Lucerne Cargill Inc. Coca-Cola Bottling Ltd. ConAgra Ltd. Fleischmann’s Yeast General Mills Tyson Foods Interbrew (Labatt) Maple Leaf Foods McCain Foods Molson Companies Nestle SA Old Dutch Foods Olymel Parmalat SPA PepsiCo Inc. Rahr Malting Saputo Inc. Schenley Distilleries
Food Processing Development Centre 食品加工开放中心 • Modern, fully equipped pilot plant and product development laboratory facility 现代化设备和实验用设施 • Experienced scientists, engineers & technologists 经验丰富的科学家和技工 • $5.5 million expansion in 2002 在2002年有5百5十万的扩展 • New incubator facility 新孵化器功能
Alberta’s Beef Industry Alberta Beef Industry Selected Statistics 阿尔伯它牛肉业相关数据 • Alberta continues to report the largest cattle population in Canada, number of cattle and calves (as of Jan. 1, 2004) is 5.7 million head, 38.7% of the national total 加拿大最多数量的牛,5百7十万头占全国38.7% • About 67% of Canadian cattle slaughtering activity takes place in Alberta 占全国屠宰量的67% • Alberta’s 5 year average (1998-2002) annual exports of beef accounted for 75% of Canada’s C$1.89 billion 五年平均出口额占全国总量18.9亿的75% • Number of census farms with cattle (as of May 15, 2001) – 31,774 2001年养牛农场有31774家 • Number of F.P.I.S. cattle slaughtered (2002) – 2.4 million head 2002年FPIS屠宰牛达到2百万十万头
Alberta’s Beef Industry Alberta Beef Industry Selected Statistics 阿尔伯它牛肉业相关数据 • Alberta continues to report the largest cattle population in Canada, number of cattle and calves (as of Jan. 1, 2004) is 5.7 million head, 38.7% of the national total 加拿大最多数量的牛,5百7十万头占全国38.7% • About 67% of Canadian cattle slaughtering activity takes place in Alberta 占全国屠宰量的67% • Alberta’s 5 year average (1998-2002) annual exports of beef accounted for 75% of Canada’s C$1.89 billion 五年平均出口额占全国总量18.9亿的75% • Number of census farms with cattle (as of May 15, 2001) – 31,774 2001年养牛农场有31774家 • Number of F.P.I.S. cattle slaughtered (2002) – 2.4 million head 2002年FPIS屠宰牛达到2百万十万头
Alberta’s Beef Industry • 2003 vs 2002: 2003年与2002年相比 • The number of cattle and calves slaughtered in 2003 is 2 million heads, decreased 11.8% from 2002 2003年屠宰2百万头减少11.8% • Value of international exports for beef and veal in 2003 is 1 billion, decreased 34% from 2002 年出口额十亿减少34% • Live cattle exports to the US declined by 69% to $196 million 活牛出口美国减少69%至1亿9千6百万元 • On October 14, 2004, Canada and China Signed two protocols to restore trade in bovine genetics 2004年10月14日与美国签订两份开放边境协约 • On November 30, 2004, Hong Kong opened access to Canadian beef under 30 months old with Specified Risk Materials removed 2004年11月30日香港对30月以下牛肉开放进口
Alberta Swine Industry • Alberta pork producers raise about 3.5 million pigs per year, 15 percent of Canadian production. In 2004, Alberta hog receipts - $612 million 阿尔伯它养猪3百5十万头,占全国15%,2004年收入6.12亿 • Pork is the fourth most valuable commodity in the Alberta economy, behind beef, wheat and canola 牛肉,小麦,油菜,猪肉是阿尔伯它四大产业 • Alberta has more than 1,500 active pork producers 阿尔伯它有1500家农场生产猪肉 • Alberta 2004 exports of pork products – 358 million, ranked no. 3 after beef and wheat. Pork exports to China was 2.3 million 2004年出口3。58亿,对中国出口2百3十万
Alberta’s Major Exports - 2004 $ Billions • Preliminary estimates • Sources: Statistics Canada and AED Total Exports $ 73.0 Billion
Alberta Exports Alberta’s Agri-Food Exports Alberta’s Top Exports 2004 ($ Million) . Value-added exports account for 64.4% of Alberta’s total agri-food exports. Ten years ago commodities represented three-quarters of Alberta’s agri-food exports
Alberta Exports Alberta’s Agri-Food Exports Total Alberta Ag-Food Exports: 4.9 billion Exports to US : 2.3 billion Japan: 713 million Mexico: 484 million China: 320 million Italy: 70 million Taiwan: 64 million Korea: 57 million Philippines: 54 million
Alberta Exports Alberta Beef Exports to Asia Total beef Exports to Asia in 2002: $136 million Source: Statistics Canada, World Trade Atlas Canadian Edition
Ag-Food Trade Relationship with China • China is Alberta’s 3rd largest trading partner, and 4th Ag-food export market, after US, Japan and Mexico 中国是阿尔伯它第三大贸易夥伴,第四大出口市场 • Alberta’s total Ag-food exports to China in 2004 were valued at $ 320 million 阿尔伯它2004年对中国出口3。2亿元 • Alberta’s total Ag-food exports to Hong Kong and Taiwan in 2004 were 106 million 出口香港台湾达到1。06亿
In 2004: Total Alberta Ag-food Exports: $320 million $195 million average (2000-2004) Primary agriculture: $251 million (78%) $151 million average(2000-2004) Value added ag-food products: $69 million (22%) $45 million average (2000-2004) Ag-Food Trade Relationship with China Alberta’s 3rd largest market and 4th largest in Ag-food exports
Ag-Food Trade Relationship with ChinaAlberta’s Agri-Food Exports to China 2004 Total Agri-Food Exports: $320 million Source: Alberta Agriculture Food and Rural Development
Alberta Exports Alberta’s Agri-Food Exports Total Alberta Ag-Food Exports: 4.9 billion Exports to US : 2.3 billion Japan: 713 million Mexico: 484 million China: 320 million Italy: 70 million Taiwan: 64 million Korea: 57 million Philippines: 54 million
Alberta Exports Alberta Beef Exports to Asia Total beef Exports to Asia in 2002: $136 million Source: Statistics Canada, World Trade Atlas Canadian Edition
Alberta China Office (ACO) Ms. Jenny Luo Commercial Officer - Ag Tel: (8610) 6532-3536 Ext. 3613 Fax: (8610) 6532-1304 Email: Yajie.Luo@international.gc.ca Contact: Mr. David Wong Managing Director Tel: (8610) 6532-3536 Ext. 3610 Fax: (8610) 6532-1304 Email: David.Wong@international.gc.ca Address: Canadian Embassy 19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100600 Website: http:// www.albertachina.com
Alberta Hong Kong Office (AHKO) Contact: Mr. Joe So Managing Director Room 1004, Tower Two, Admiralty Centre 18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2528-4729 Fax: (852) 2529-8115 Email: Joe.so@alberta.org.hk Website: http://www.alberta.org.hk
Alberta Economic Development Agriculture & Food Branch Assisting Alberta’s agriculture and agri-food industry in capturing global market opportunities • Services: • Market intelligence and consultation on a specific country or product • Assistance with export questions, issues or problems (e.g. referral, advice or facilitation) • Contacts for a particular market or service • Networking Alberta industry with international contacts The Ag & Food Branch is a primary point of contact for Alberta’s agri-industry when ready and capable of pursuing export markets The Ag & Food Branch has experienced staff in working with international markets and works collaboratively with Alberta’s International Offices to identify market opportunities and develop trade
Agriculture & Food Branch Responsibilities: AFRD AED • Build industry capacity • Domestic market • development • Increase export market • share • International market • development
Priority Markets US Mexico Japan China Secondary Markets EU Russian Far East Middle East Agriculture & Food Branch The Markets:
Alberta Ag-Food Projects in China Previous projects: 2004 – Present 阿尔伯它2004年在中国的农业项目 • Canola Oil Seminar in Beijing and Shanghai, February 2004 • Forage/Dairy Feed market Development August 2004 • Market Study – Southern China Value-Added Food Market Study • HK Natural Products Expo Asia, Dec. 1-3, 2004 • Canola Oil Seminar in Beijing and Guangzhou, March 2005 • CCTV-7 TV Series on Alberta Agriculture and Food Sector, June 2005
Alberta Ag-Food Projects in ChinaFuture projects: 2005阿尔伯它2005年及将来在中国的农业项目 • Alberta Swine Genetics Seminar, November 2005 • The 13th International Exhibition of Food and Drink, Shanghai, November 2005 • In store Promotion at Shanghai City Supermarket, Nov. 11-17, 2005 • MOA Mission July 17-20, 2005 • Heilongjiang Government Livestock Mission July 17-18, 2005 • Shaanxi Province Forage Mission August 2005 • Seminars on how to do business with China for companies in the agri0food industry (partner with AAFC) • China canola oil media promotion, January 2006
Alberta Value-added Products for Exports to China: • Pet food and pet care products • Dried wild mushrooms • Spices (organic and non-organic0 • Barbecue sauce • Flax oil (organic) • Health supplement / nutraceuticals • Food ingredient – organic and non-organic fruit/grass/veg. powder • Animal feed • Agricultural equipment – feed mixer (processor) • Canola Oil • Beef • Pork • Bovine and Swine genetics • Bakery – frozen bagels, frozen cakes • Processed potato products • Forage products • Barley malt • Confections – high end chocolate • Juice – frozen concentrated juice and aseptic juice
Alberta Economic Development (AED) Ms. Nancy Wu Trade Director - China Tel: 780 422 7102 Fax: 780 422 9746 Email: Nancy.Wu@gov.ab.ca Contact: Mr. John Larson Senior Trade Director – Asia Team Lead Tel: 780 422 7090 Fax: 780 422 9746 Email: John.Larson@gov.ab.ca Address: 301, 7000-113 Street Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6H 5T6 Website: http://www.alberta-canada.com